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Results: 694 Article(s) Found.
Sep 04, 2012 04:05 PM
For the first time, the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the National Academy of Sciences will co-host a public workshop that will explore the benefit of the arts to the health and well-being of older adults. The workshop is expected to help inform the NEA and the NIH of potential opportunities for research in this area.
Aug 31, 2012 04:00 AM
The 2012 Conference Addendum is available now and contains complete descriptions, goals and objectives for additional courses and CMTE credits you can earn at the 2012 AMTA Conference. You can still add CMTE courses, Institutes, and Pre-Conference Trainings, but space is limited, so sign up today!
SILVER SPRING, MD – August 30, 2012 – The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) and the Editors of AMTA’s peer-reviewed journals, the Journal of Music Therapy (JMT) and Music Therapy Perspectives (MTP), are pleased to announce a publication enhancement with the launch of PeerTrack™. The customized software supports online article submission and peer review.
Aug 22, 2012 06:48 PM
"One of the moments that taught me the most about the power of the inner music happened when I was working with a young child in a healing center for the wounds of war."
Aug 22, 2012 06:47 PM
"Music can be a form of therapy for many people who are dealing with physical, emotional and intellectual challenges. The Music Therapy Wellness Clinic at Cal State Northridge is considered a great option for many people."
Dr. Bradt
SILVER SPRING, MD – August 6, 2012 A recent small grant research award from the NIH, National Institute of Nursing Research funded a pilot study examining the effects of vocal music therapy on core outcomes in chronic pain management. The Principal Investigator of the study is Joke Bradt, PhD, MT-BC, Associate Professor, Department of Creative Arts Therapies, Drexel University. Dr. Bradt is a music therapist and Professional Member of the American Music Therapy Association.
Aug 06, 2012 07:28 PM
Music therapy took an unexpected turn in San Diego, CA when Dr. Barbara Reuer moved into town. Innovative programs, the expansion of music therapy services in the community, the “business” of music therapy, the thrill of training new therapists, as well as heartfelt stories about ways in which music and therapy have touched her life abound in this AMTA-pro podcast which is a benefit of membership in AMTA. Click to read more.
Jul 24, 2012 06:06 AM
Help us draw an accurate picture of the music therapy profession. Respond today.
We express our condolences to the people of Colorado. Know that music therapists throughout the world support of the people of Colorado. Professional members of the American Music Therapy Association are active in response and recovery following disaster events such as the Aurora, Colorado shooting. We extend our support to the music therapists of Colorado, and especially those in the greater Denver area as they and their community deal with this horrible event.
Jul 20, 2012 04:39 PM
The newest edition of AMTA's member newsletter is now available. Log in with your current member email address and password, then go to Member Resources>Member Toolkit to read your copy today!
Jul 20, 2012 03:30 PM
The 2011 Annual Report is now available. Read on to review highlights, successes and progress made last year as the music therapy profession became stronger than ever!
Jul 13, 2012 03:47 PM
New AMTA-pro podcast, "Debbie Dacus: Music Therapy from Different Angles." Debbie has 25 years of clinical experience, has published several books and coauthored several music therapy resources, and is currently preparing to teach at the university level. In this podcast, Debbie shares compelling stories from her daily work and talks with about lessons learned from her experiences in music and in music therapy over the years.
Music therapy and music interventions were added to the NIH/NCI PDQ on Supportive and Palliative Care. The online entry includes a short description on the use of music therapy for pain. The final copy is online in a physician and patient version.
Jul 07, 2012 10:32 AM
July 11 is the last day to register for the AMTA 2012 Conference and save! Click the Attend a Conference button to learn more and to register online before registration rates increase.
Jun 29, 2012 07:07 PM
Want to know what Affordable Care Act implementation will look like in your state?
Results: 694 Article(s) Found.