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Results: 694 Article(s) Found.
Apr 24, 2012 07:30 PM
Music therapy now a licensed profession in 3 states.
Apr 24, 2012 06:42 PM
"Music therapy can improve focus, help keep a meltdown at bay, ease everyday tasks like bathing or give expression to a child who’d never spoken before."
Apr 24, 2012 04:45 PM
“Most people are just awed by the power of music to awaken a person with Alzheimer's disease,” says music therapist Al Bumanis, a spokesman for the American Music Therapy Association in Silver Spring, Maryland. “The reawakening of the connection between patient and caregiver when they’re singing together can be very moving,”
Apr 20, 2012 10:15 PM
The music therapy literature has documented the power of this amazing medium for over a half-century. Alicia Clair offers some insights into our profession's long history using music to enhance quality of life for elders and their families.
Apr 10, 2012 12:55 PM
NBC recently produced a piece about music therapy for their program, NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. Though the piece did not air during the regularly scheduled showtime, it was published on the MSNBC website.
Apr 09, 2012 09:27 PM
The producers of the scheduled music therapy segment for the Monday night edition (4/9) of NBC Nightly News have contacted AMTA and apologized for postponing the broadcast. “It looks like we will not be airing this story after all. Another story came up, and they don't plan to run it in the immediate future as of now." AMTA will keep you informed as to when the story is rescheduled. As you know, this commonly happens with media productions.
Apr 05, 2012 09:17 PM
NBC Nightly News is scheduled to air a segment on Music Therapy on Monday, April 9th. The story features the work of AMTA member Jodi Levine with the elderly at the Avery Heights Health Care Center in Hartford, CT. NBC worked with many other therapists including Kat Fulton, Cathy Knoll and Ronna Kaplan and is interested in doing more. Please look for promos on NBC over the weekend and check your local NBC affiliate for broadcast time. As always,the broadcast schedule is subject to change.
Apr 04, 2012 08:24 PM
The first issue of AMTA's newsletter Music Therapy Matters is now available online for current AMTA members. Click "continue reading" to go to the Music Therapy Matters page, then log in with your email address and password to read your copy today. Learn more about the upcoming conference, how artist Ben Folds is helping to advocate for music therapy, an address from AMTA's new president and more.​
Apr 02, 2012 07:31 PM
A peek into a regular music therapy session with all the little "magic moments" that happen along the way.
Mar 30, 2012 07:39 PM
The second in a 2-part series of AMTA-Pro podcasts about music therapy in neonatal ICU. Experienced professionals discuss aspects of current practice, the breadth of issues encountered in NICU, the broadening scope of services, the growing research agenda, and the eminent explosion in demand for music therapy services in NICU settings around the country.
Mar 29, 2012 05:20 PM
This AMTA-Pro podcast, the first of a 2-part series, features a lively conversation between three experienced professionals talking about their work as music therapists in neonatal intensive care units (NICU).
Mar 22, 2012 01:26 AM
Music therapists talk about state-of-the-art of music therapy in this growing field. Lauren DiMaio, Russell Hilliard, and Natalie Wlodarczyk discuss exciting possibilities for expansion of music therapy in hospice and complex ethical dilemmas that arise in care for people of all ages dealing with a wide variety of end-of-life issues along with heartwarming stories about music as therapy, touching patients, families, and staff in meaningful ways as individuals approach the end of life.
Mar 15, 2012 01:55 PM
AMTA's Immediate Past President, Ronna Kaplan, continues her column covering all things music therapy in the popular online journal "The Huffington Post." Click to go to the website and read her latest entry, "Music Therapy Intervention in Medical Settings."
Mar 15, 2012 01:34 PM
Music therapists Donna Polen, Julie Andring, & Laurie Farnan share compelling stories & insights based on decades of experience in music therapy for adults with intellectual & developmental disabilities. These experienced professionals discuss different models of service delivery as well as challenges that arise as services, funding, & living arrangements evolve for this population. They vividly illustrate the importance of music therapy of many with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Mar 09, 2012 05:24 PM
Ben Folds continues to advocate for music therapy, will perform in Washington, D.C. April 16 as part of Americans for the Arts - Arts Advocacy Day 2012
Results: 694 Article(s) Found.