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Results: 690 Article(s) Found.
Apr 24, 2014 07:39 PM
AMTA and the National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute, Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NIH/NCI/OCCAM) Convene Historic Meeting.
Apr 24, 2014 06:36 PM
The LIVESTRONG Foundation solicited and offered thirteen $15,600 grants to fund music therapy programs with a Board Certified Music Therapist at sites nationwide.
Apr 24, 2014 03:56 PM
Music therapy program offered at Walter Reed, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts in collaboration with the American Music Therapy Association. The program has a board-certified therapist with training in the use of music, instruments, songwriting, interpretation and rhythmic motor movement to help patients heal.
Apr 24, 2014 03:53 PM
Published in Cindy Atoji Keene's "On the Job" column in the "Boston Globe," describing the fascinating career of music therapy.
Apr 09, 2014 05:18 PM
Music Therapy Matters, Volume 17, No 1 is now available for current AMTA members at
Apr 09, 2014 01:47 PM
AMTA is pleased to announce that a presentation/seminar will be held April 23, 2014, on the topic of music therapy and oncology. This meeting was requested by Dr. Avi Rasooly, Program Director, National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Cancer Institute (NCI), Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine (OCCAM). Dr. Rasooly requested a seminar and presentation on current research in music therapy and oncology for the benefit of the staff and interested program officers of the NIH.​
Apr 07, 2014 01:41 PM
AMTA invites applicants for four Associate Editor positions. Two Associate Editors will be appointed to the Journal of Music Therapy and two to Music Therapy Perspectives. Associate Editors will work collaboratively with the Editor-In-Chief to manage the review process and advance the mission of the journals. Deadlines have been extended to May 2, 2014.
Apr 03, 2014 06:35 PM
AMTA and CBMT are excited to announce that on Tuesday, April 1, 2014, Governor Gary Herbert of Utah signed into law HB 277. This legislation creates a state certification designation for board certified music therapists granted by Utah’s Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing.
Theodore Michael Meyer (August 9, 1982 - January 17, 2013) was a music lover and a student of guitar. Theo's family hopes that this scholarship will go to a student interested in helping individuals with mental health and/or addiction issues find a path to wellness and inspiration through the joy of music. Award: One cash scholarship of $1000 will be available each year.
Mar 27, 2014 03:04 PM
Join us in Louisville, Kentucky for “Pursue Your Passion for Music Therapy” and the eagerly anticipated Networking Extravaganza – the 2014 Conference of the American Music Therapy Association. Conference registration will open in May. See a sneak preview of conference registration fees and hotel information by clicking on the link below.
Mar 21, 2014 01:52 PM
Future music therapists are discovering music therapy as a college major and career path, through Several articles address considerations such as educational requirements; differentiating degrees in psychology or music vs. music therapy; figuring out whether music therapy as a profession is a "good fit;" challenges faced by music therapists; and employment in the profession.
Mar 12, 2014 02:03 PM
The American Music Therapy Association invites applicants for four Associate Editor positions. Two Associate Editors will be appointed to the Journal of Music Therapy and two to Music Therapy Perspectives.
Mar 10, 2014 12:22 AM
Want to learn more about clinical practices & training needs of music therapy practitioners serving those with Autism Spectrum Disorder? Members may view the “AMTA Strategic Priority on ASD - Autism Spectrum Disorder Survey Report” to the AMTA Board of Directors in the Member Toolkit. This succinct, easy-to-understand report summarizes results of the national survey study by Petra Kern, Nicole Rivera, Alie Chandler, and Marcia Humpal, published in the 2013 Journal of Music Therapy 50(4).
Mar 05, 2014 12:08 AM
News of AMTA’s whitepaper “Music Therapy and Military Populations: A Status Report and Recommendations on Music Therapy Treatment, Programs, Research, and Practice Policy” is featured by one of the largest online outlets, “The Huffington Post.” For coverage of this important policy and research report, please see this article and forward it to colleagues.
Mar 03, 2014 12:25 PM
AMTA announces the publication of "Music Therapy and Military Populations: A Status Report and Recommendations on Music Therapy Treatment, Programs, Research, and Practice Policy." This landmark report discusses the profession of music therapy with a focus on both active duty service members and veterans.​
Results: 690 Article(s) Found.