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Upcoming Music Therapy Documentary

November 20, 2014 12:44 PM


AMTA members Jody Wilfong, Kat Fulton, Sarah Thompson, Blythe LaGasse, Andrew Knight, Tim Ringgold, Amy Wilson, Erica Lyles, Erica Flores, Soozie Cotter-Schaeufele and many other well-known names in the Music Therapy community are working on a documentary with filmmaker Kris Warren about the many populations who benefit from clinical Music Therapy.

There is currently an ongoing Kickstarter campaign to help raise funds to finish the full length documentary titled, “Music Is My Therapy” and a web series. Supporting this amazing film will help raise awareness about the importance of music therapy!  Please Note: AMTA is not directly involved in this project from a financial or editorial perspective.

About the documentary:

The primary goal of the documentary is to raise awareness about Music Therapy.  Whether it is a brain injury, depression, addiction, anxiety, behavioral issues, or anything else a person is dealing with, they should be informed about all the treatment options that exist, including Music Therapy.

Kickstarter Campaign and Video:


