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Survey Invitation

October 17, 2012 04:31 PM

Dear Music Therapist:

You are invited to participate in a survey study entitled, "Evaluating Current Music Therapy Practices and Trends in Working with Individuals Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders."  The study is being conducted by Dr. Petra Kern, Music Therapy Consulting; Dr. Nicole Rivera, North Central College; Alie Chandler, Ossia Music Therapy Services; and in collaboration with Marcia Humpal, cochair of the AMTA Strategic Priority on Music Therapy and ASD Workgroup.
The purpose of this study is to explore 1) the current status of music therapy practices serving clients with ASD, 2) the extent to which music therapists incorporate the National Autism Center (2009) identified evidence-based practices and apply the National Research Council’s (2001) principles of interventions in their music therapy practice, 3) music therapists’ awareness of the most recent developments in ASD, and 4) the need for additional training.
Completion of the survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes. Survey items include selected response items and open-ended questions about demographics; professional practices; assessment, clinical goals, approaches and techniques; evidence-based practices; and general information about ASD. Your responses will remain confidential.
To participate in the survey, either click on or copy and paste the following link into your web browser: You will be directed to the consent page for additional information about the study. Your submission of the survey responses will indicate your consent to participate in the study.
We greatly appreciate your consideration. As a thank you to potential participants, we have made arrangements with Jessica Kingsley Publishers to secure the donation of five copies of the book, "Early Childhood Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorders: Developing Potential in Young Children and Their Families."  If you would like to be entered into a drawing for one of the books, please enter your email address at the end of the questionnaire. Please note: Your email address will be immediately separated from the survey data to keep your responses anonymous. Winning entries will be contacted after November 14, 2012.
National Autism Center (2009). National Standard Project: Findings and conclusions addressing the need for evidence-base practice guidelines for autism spectrum disorders. Retrieved from
