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Stakeholder Committee Thanks You

May 30, 2018 09:59 AM

Stakeholder Committee Thanks You

On behalf of the Stakeholder Committee, thank you to everyone who participated in the "AMTA Survey to Support Executive Director Transition."  We were glad to hear from you! A mixture of professional members, nonmembers and students completed the survey for a total of 1,687 respondents.  Raffa is now in the process of aggregating the information. A summary and the complete report will be posted once the compilation is completed.  Thank you again for your participation. 


Amy Furman (Chair), Wendy Woolsey (Vice President Elect), Natalie Generally (Council Coordinator) Piper Laird (Assembly Delegate), Meganne Masko (Great Lakes Region), Joke Bradt (Mid-Atlantic Region), Blythe LaGasse (Midwestern Region), Jean Nemeth (New England Region), Cathy McKinney (Southeastern Region), Robin Edwards (Southwestern Region), Sara Cannon (Western Region), Annette Whitehead-Pleaux (AMTA member representing diversity/multiculturalism), Rachel Quirbach (Undergraduate Student), Garrett Weeks (Graduate Student), and Penny Brill (Community representative/musician)


