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Spring Student Scholarship Deadline Approaching

February 3, 2014 02:37 PM

Just a friendly reminder that the deadline for faculty nominations for the Spring 2014 student scholarships is quickly approaching – February 7, 2013

Many thanks to the faculty who have already submitted nominations!!!!

The three awards that require nomination are listed below:
  1. Edwina Eustis Dick Scholarship for Music Therapy Interns: Two cash scholarships of $500 will be available for interns each year.
  2. Brian and Cathy Smith Memorial Fund: One cash scholarship of $500 will be available to students each year.
  3. Christine K. Stevens Development Scholarship: Two full tuition scholarships for HealthRHYTHMS training (valued at $599 each) will be awarded annually.


This application process has two steps:

Step 1: Faculty Nomination
  • Each applicant must receive a nomination from AMTA Approved Program Faculty. (Nominator Form can be found online
  • Students may request nominations from faculty OR faculty can choose to nominate those they feel should apply.
  • The deadline for receipt of nominations is FEBRUARY 7, 2014 without exception.
  • Students are notified by AMTA of their nomination within one calendar week of your submission. They are also given instructions on how to complete the application process.
Step 2: Student Application
  • Upon notification of nomination(s), students are required to complete the Student Application Form and any additional scholarship requirements by the deadline.
  • Complete applications must be submitted electronically – including all requirements.
  • The deadline for receipt of complete application is MARCH 7, 2014 without exception.
Please submit nominations to:

For more infomraiton see:

