Steps to Access Your Online Member Subscription to the AMTA Research Journals
AMTA's journals are available to subscribers and current AMTA members who may access and search the online journals. At times, articles may be published online as open access for a limited number of weeks or even indefinitely. Other articles and archival issues require a subscription to the journal in order to access online. Schools and universities may subscribe directly to the journals with our publishing partner, Oxford University Press; others may have online subscriptions through consortia packages. Check with your facility to find out if they offer an online subscription to the journals through their library or if they shelve a hard copy subscription to the journals.
An online subscription to both the Journal of Music Therapy and Music Therapy Perspectives (both current and archival issues) is a benefit of membership and included in the cost of current membership in AMTA.
For member access to the journals, go to and log in in the upper right with your current member personal email address and password.

Once logged into your personal member account, then go to Research>Music Therapy Journals and Publications

and select the "Member Access Portal" link for your desired journal.

This is the member portal to AMTA's music therapy journals at Oxford University Press.

Just one more click on the link in the access portal and you will be directed to the journal page.

Once you are there, you may begin browsing the journals. You will see the unlocked padlocked icon next to articles that you are able to access and the AMTA Members account in the upper right. This means you are logged into your online subscription and are able to browse the journal and its archives.

Alternatively (for fewer steps), you can use the Quick Links for each journal on the AMTA home page after you initially log in.

As an AMTA member, you must enter the journal site through AMTA's website first to gain full access.
See this video for a walk through of the process.