Music Therapy Journals and Publications

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The Journal of Music Therapy


Journal of Music Therapy webpage at Oxford University Press

Journal of Music Therapy AMTA Member Access Portal

A forum for authoritative articles of current music therapy research and theory, including book reviews and guest editorials. An index appears in issue four of each volume. ISSN #0022-2917

Subscriptions to the Journal of Music Therapy are now available for the current and upcoming year.  For subscription rate information and to subscribe to the Journal of Music Therapy, please contact AMTA's partner in publishing, Oxford Universtiy Press,
Mission Statement

The Journal of Music Therapy (JMT) is a forum for authoritative articles of current music therapy research and theory, including book reviews and guest editorials. Its mission is as follows:

The Journal of Music Therapy seeks to advance research, theory, and practice in music therapy through the dissemination of scholarly work. Its mission is to promote scholarly activity in music therapy and to foster the development and understanding of music therapy and music-based interventions. To this end, the journal publishes all types of research, including quantitative, qualitative, historical, philosophical, theoretical, and musical, and may include discipline, profession, and foundational research topics. The journal strives to present a variety of research approaches and topics, to promote critical inquiry, and to serve as a resource and forum for researchers, educators, and clinicians in music therapy and related professions.

Journal Content

The Journal of Music Therapy publishes only the very best of what is submitted and includes articles concerning the psychology of music, applied music therapy techniques, perception of music, and effects of music on human behavior. All papers for publication are selected on the basis of their quality and contribution to existing knowledge. About 30% of submitted manuscripts are accepted for publication and include but are not limited to qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methodologies; historical, descriptive, philosophical, or experimental designs; and integrative reviews, meta-analysis or meta-synthesis. Individual case studies or studies with very small numbers of subjects are rarely published; however, an extremely innovative case study may be accepted due to its unique contribution to knowledge. Conversely, articles of any type which do not advance the science and practice of music therapy are not accepted.

Journal of Music Therapy Online Member Access

AMTA's journals are available to subscribers and current AMTA members who may access and search the online journals.  At times, articles may be published online as open access for a limited number of weeks.  For member access to articles that are not open access, go to and log in in the upper right with your current member personal email address and password. Once logged into your personal member account, then go to Research>Music Therapy Journals and Publications and select the "Member Access Portal" link for your desired journal.  This is the member portal to AMTA's music therapy journals at Oxford University Press.  Just one more click on the link in the access portal and you will be directed to the journal page.   Once you are there, you may begin browsing the journals. You will see the unlocked padlocked icon next to articles that you are able to access and the AMTA Members account in the upper right.  This means you are logged into your online subscription and are able to browse the journal and its archives. Alternatively (for fewer steps), you can use the Quick Links for each journal on the AMTA home page after you initially log in.

Contributions to the Journal of Music Therapy

Please submit manuscripts and submission letters electronically using AMTA's online submission program at the URL/link below.  AMTA's online submission system is ScholarOne located at: Please review all Instructions for Authors before submitting. Should you have any difficulties with your online submission, please contact via email:

Blythe LaGasse, PhD, MT-BC
Editor, Journal of Music Therapy
Colorado State University College of Liberal Arts,
UCA 145D
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1701

AMTA Journals Complaint Resolution Process
  1. The complaint or concern is raised, preferably in an email to the editorial office, including specific and detailed evidence to support the claim.
  2. The editor will notify the complainant that they will investigate and communicate the outcome but may not be in regular contact before the conclusion of the investigation. 
  3. The editor will notify the AMTA’s journal business manager and/or CEO, and journal publisher, and work with them to seek out all applicable industry guidelines concerning matters of research integrity and publication ethics (including those of the Committee on Publication Ethics), case examples, and AMTA Bylaws. 
  4. In consultation with the AMTA CEO and the publisher, the editor will review the issue in accordance with industry standards and best practices.
  5. During the investigation, the editor may consult with relevant experts and/or may form a committee for recommendation. All consultants are expected to maintain the confidentiality of the process and declare any conflicts of interest and, if appropriate, recuse themselves immediately. The editor will make the final decision.
  6. The editor will provide written explanation of the decision to the complainant. Journal of Music Therapy Email:


Music Therapy Perspectives

Music Therapy Perspectives CoverMusic Therapy Perspectives webpage at Oxford University Press

Music Therapy Perspectives - AMTA Member Access Portal

Advertising in Music Therapy Perspectives

Designed to appeal to a wide readership, both inside and outside the profession of music therapy. Articles focus on music therapy practice, as well as academics and administration. ISSN #0734-6875

Subscriptions to Music Therapy Perspectives are now available for the current and upcoming year!  For subscription rate information and to subscribe to Music Therapy Perspectives, please contact AMTA's partner in publishing, Oxford University Press,
Mission Statement

Music Therapy Perspectives seeks to promote the development of music therapy clinical practice through the dissemination of scholarly work. It publishes all forms of reports that have implications for music therapy practice including clinically-focused research reports, innovative developments, case studies, educational research, and theoretical articles. With a focus on clinical benefits of music therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives strives to serve as a resource and forum for music therapists, music therapy students and educators, and those in related professions.


Music Therapy Perspectives seeks to:

  • Speak to the direct clinical and professional experiences of practicing music therapists, and in so doing advance the profession.
  • Include information useful to music therapists, music therapy students, and professionals interested in the therapeutic uses of music.
  • Address issues related to the supervision of music therapy students and the supervision of music therapists in both professional and advanced practice.
  • Include articles addressing the education and training of music therapists.
  • Address ethical concepts and issues as they pertain to music therapy education, training, research and professional practice.
Journal Content

Music Therapy Perspectives focuses on scholarly articles in the following areas:

  • Music therapy models, methods and practices that reflect broad theoretical perspectives reflective of the AMTA Standards of Clinical Practice (professional and advanced).
  • Information useful to clinical training directors, educators and administrators
  • Discussions, commentaries and analyses of professional issues related to music therapy practice, such as ethics and licensure.
  • Qualitative research consistent with the mission and objectives of the journal.
  • Quantitative research, consistent with the mission and objectives of the journal, with small sample sizes that may serve as a foundation for larger research studies suitable for the Journal of Music Therapy and other relevant music therapy journals.
  • Pilot projects that reflect new areas of clinical practice.
  • Case Studies.
  • Analyses of literature that expand clinical practice knowledge.
  • Book Reviews.
Music Therapy Perspectives Online Member Access

AMTA's journals are available to subscribers and current AMTA members who may access and search the online journals.  At times, articles may be published online as open access for a limited number of weeks.  For member access to articles that are not open access, go to and log in in the upper right with your current member personal email address and password. Once logged into your personal member account, then go to Research>Music Therapy Journals and Publications and select the "Member Access Portal" link for your desired journal.  This is the member portal to AMTA's music therapy journals at Oxford University Press.  Just one more click on the link in the access portal and you will be directed to the journal page.   Once you are there, you may begin browsing the journals. You will see the unlocked padlocked icon next to articles that you are able to access and the AMTA Members account in the upper right.  This means you are logged into your online subscription and are able to browse the journal and its archives. Alternatively (for fewer steps), you can use the Quick Links for each journal on the AMTA home page after you initially log in.

Contributions to Music Therapy Perspectives

Please submit manuscripts and submission letters electronically using AMTA's online submission program at the URL/link below.  AMTA's online submission system is ScholarOne located at: Please review all Instructions for Authors before submitting. Should you have any difficulties with your online submission, please contact via email:

Laura Beer, PhD, MT-BC (she, her)

Editor, Music Therapy Perspectives

Associate Professor, Music Therapy

Colorado State University

Campus Delivery 1778

Fort Collins, CO 80523-1778

AMTA Journals Complaint Resolution Process
  1. The complaint or concern is raised, preferably in an email to the editorial office, including specific and detailed evidence to support the claim.
  2. The editor will notify the complainant that they will investigate and communicate the outcome but may not be in regular contact before the conclusion of the investigation. 
  3. The editor will notify the AMTA’s journal business manager and/or CEO, and journal publisher, and work with them to seek out all applicable industry guidelines concerning matters of research integrity and publication ethics (including those of the Committee on Publication Ethics), case examples, and AMTA Bylaws. 
  4. In consultation with the AMTA CEO and the publisher, the editor will review the issue in accordance with industry standards and best practices.
  5. During the investigation, the editor may consult with relevant experts and/or may form a committee for recommendation. All consultants are expected to maintain the confidentiality of the process and declare any conflicts of interest and, if appropriate, recuse themselves immediately. The editor will make the final decision.
  6. The editor will provide written explanation of the decision to the complainant. Music Therapy Perspectives Email:

Music Therapy

Music Therapy was the official publication of the American Association for Music Therapy (AAMT) and was published annually from 1981 to 1996. The goal of the journal Music Therapy was to reflect a wide diversity of clinical, research and educational issues concerning the profession of music therapy during the years it was published. Now provided here for archival purposes, contributors to Music Therapy were practicing clinicians, music therapy educators, and professionals deeply involved in their organizations and dedicated to the enhancement of the music therapy profession.

In 1998, the American Association for Music Therapy (founded in 1971) merged with its sister organization, the National Association for Music Therapy (founded in 1950) to form the American Music Therapy Association or AMTA and publication of Music Therapy ceased. However, research in music therapy continues to this day and current research can be found in the AMTA journals Journal of Music Therapy and Music Therapy Perspectives. AMTA is committed to the advancement of the public's awareness of the benefits of music therapy and to increasing access to quality music therapy services. AMTA also provides education, training, professional standards, credentials, and research in support of the music therapy profession.

Music Therapy Matters Monthly

MTMmastheadAn in-house newsletter focusing on AMTA business and activities, current happenings in the allied health field, employment trends and opportunities, and topical items of general interest about music therapy. Special features of the newsletter may include public education and government relations updates.

This e-newsletter is provided to all current AMTA members as a benefit of membership in AMTA and published on the AMTA website under "Latest News."  An abridged version is sent directly to the primary email address of record for each individual member.  For information on membership or subscribing, please contact the AMTA National Office at (301) 589-3300 or

Archives of past issues can be found in the AMTA Member Toolkit on the AMTA website.  AMTA members joining after a specific issue was e-mailed out may check the Member Toolkit for access to all previous issues. 

Music Therapy Matters Monthly Submission Guidelines

Music Therapy Matters is a monthly e-publication that welcomes article submissions from AMTA members.

Article submissions will be reviewed by the Editor and AMTA Executive Director and considered for inclusion based on available space and relevance to the music therapy profession and circulation of Music Therapy Matters Monthly.

Please note that while every effort will be made to include submissions received, they will be published on a space-available basis.  Submissions may be edited for content, grammar and length.  Publication dates are subject to change, but generally happen around the 15th of each month. To contact the Music Therapy Matters Monthly Editor, please email or call 301-589-3300. Currently, Music Therapy Matters Monthly does not accept advertising.


Other Publications

In addition to research journals and newsletters, AMTA publishes a variety of other publications including texts and monographs such as the monograph series Effective Clinical Practice in Music Therapy, Music in Special Education, and Music Therapy and Premature Infants or Music Therapy in Pediatric Healthcare. AMTA also produces videos such as Music Therapy & Medicine: Partnerships in Care. Back issues of music therapy journals are available as well as products and informational brochures about the music therapy profession.

AMTA's complete publications catalog can be found in the AMTA online store.  Simply hover over the "Bookstore" menu item above and select "Visit the Bookstore."  Then, under "Shop for," choose "Merchandise" and "Select Category," choose "Publications" and click "Go."  You'll find a list of all books and publications AMTA offers or click this link to go directly there.

Book Proposals

AMTA welcomes book and publication proposals on music therapy. Music therapy professionals and academics are encouraged to consider donating manuscripts for publication consideration with AMTA. See the menu item Bookstore>Publish with AMTA for more information.


Imagine, early childhood newsletter 2010, 2011 & 2012

imagine2013Imagine (formerly the AMTA Early Childhood Newsletter) is the first annual online magazine dedicated to early childhood music therapy, sponsored by the American Music Therapy Association in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Offered as a part of AMTA’s Early Childhood Network to bring reports, reviews, ideas, commentaries, news, and announcements on current developments and issues related to early childhood music therapy to music therapists working with young children and colleagues from related fields.

Click here to explore and read archived issues.

Browse the imagine archive using an innovative viewing mode. Learn about our AMTA early childhood network opportunities, international perspectives on early childhood music therapy, and the "imagine" editorial team. Be part of future issues by reading the guidelines for authors and submitting your paper.


Back Issues of AMTA Journals

Back issues of any of the Journal of Music Therapy and Music Therapy Perspectives can be found on the respective journal's website and may be downloaded for a fee. Please see link for each journal above and click on "Browse the Archives."