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Please Submit Your 2013 Conference Evaluations

December 3, 2013 11:07 AM
In order to improve the quality of our programs each year, we love to hear feedback about your conference experience. Please answer a few questions about conference events. Your responses help us to plan and improve future conferences. Click fill out the survey below about your conference experiences. Required questions are indicated by the *. Please scroll all the way down to answer all questions click the "Done" button at the end of the survey to submit your answers.
New in 2013: As a courtesy, AMTA has made session handouts from presenters publicly available for a limited time via a Dropbox link. If you would like to download handouts from presenters who chose to submit their handouts, please go to and click on the "2013 Conference Handouts" folder. Click your desired handout. Once it loads, click the Download button and choose your option, either "Direct Download" or "Add to My Dropbox" (if you are already a Dropbox user).
Thank you for your time. We hope to see you at next year's conference in Louisville, Kentucky. Remember, the dates for the 2014 conference are November 5-9, 2014.
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.
