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Results: 342 Article(s) Found.
Apr 05, 2019 04:01 PM
Karen Miller presents A Quick Reference Guide to Lyric Analysis for music therapy clinicians. The clinical tool, built on a solid foundation of theory, research, & practice, is an easily accessible system for clinical decision-making. It is also intended to assist therapists & clients in moving from the identification & expression of therapeutic material to positive action, thereby facilitating practical steps toward problem solving. The Quick Reference Guide is included in the text section.
Apr 04, 2019 01:41 PM
Last week, the AMTA Government Relations staff and CBMT Regulatory Affairs staff supported task forces in 3 states who facilitated Hill Day events.
Mar 18, 2019 02:03 PM
Dr. Laura Brown and Dr. Ellary Draper share insights and experiences in several different aspects of their professional careers. Laura and Ellary give examples of ways collaboration and partnerships helped them in graduate education, in research projects, in work as professors, and in two innovative clinical projects. The podcast speakers take time to discuss the benefits of collaborative partnerships as well as some of the challenges they have encountered over the years.
Mar 11, 2019 07:51 PM
Every life deserves world class care. Dr. Becky Wellman is part of that mission at the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health in Nevada where she has developed innovative services providing music therapy for individuals with dementia while at the same time allowing respite time for their family members. In this AMTA-Pro podcast, Becky talks about aspects of designing and implementing the MT Respite Program, including assessments, session format, adaptations, safety issues, and more.
Mar 07, 2019 07:17 PM
In this AMTA-Pro podcast, regional representatives on AMTA's Continuing Education Committee share numerous practical tips for developing and submitting strong proposals. The podcast speakers discuss considerations when selecting a topic and when writing the title, abstract, learning objectives, and description of a conference session.
Feb 19, 2019 10:29 PM
In this riveting AMTA-Pro podcast, Dr. Ted Ficken, MT-BC tells of 3 professional musicians who led prestigious careers for decades in Europe before moving the United Sates under life-threatening circumstances in WWII. Learn about their multi-faceted careers and how they pioneered music therapy practice with a variety of client populations, as well as the impact of their work on the lives of many in the early 20th century.
Feb 19, 2019 09:18 PM
AMTA's newly revised Code of Ethics is now available online. Listen to an introduction from the 2019 Ethics Board.
Feb 19, 2019 05:12 PM
I wish to thank those who directly reached out to me to discuss my position on the relationship of vaccines and autism.
Music Therapy Matters Masthead
AMTA’s monthly newsletter is filled with important information about the work AMTA does to further the profession and how membership in AMTA benefits YOU. Music Therapy Matters is available as a benefit of membership in AMTA but we are making this January issue available to all online. Please remember to renew your membership in AMTA so you can receive future issues!
Dec 13, 2018 02:59 PM
Highlights from the AMTA Board of Directors 2018 annual meeting, November 13-18.
Valuable information about the music therapy profession can be found in AMTA's annually published "AMTA Member Survey and Workforce Analysis, A Descriptive Statistical Profile of the AMTA Membership and Music Therapy Community." The 2018 edition of this document is available free of charge for current AMTA members in Member Resources>Job Center>Resources and Links section. Also available for purchase by non-members (free to current members) in the AMTA online bookstore.
Nov 09, 2018 04:55 PM
The Board of Directors of the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) is pleased to announce that Lee Grossman has been selected to serve as Executive Director effective January 1, 2019.

Oct 30, 2018 04:00 PM
AMTA is pleased to announce two appointments to the position of Associate Editor with Music Therapy Perspectives (MTP). Ronna Kaplan and Melody Schwantes join the editorial team of MTP to support the peer review process.
Oct 26, 2018 06:45 PM
AMTA is thrilled to be celebrating Dr. Farbman’s 30 years of dedicated service to the American Music Therapy Association. She is retiring from her position as AMTA Executive Director as of December 31, 2018.
Oct 18, 2018 05:04 PM
Get your first look at them in the Exhibit Hall at the AMTA Annual Conference next month!
Results: 342 Article(s) Found.