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Results: 694 Article(s) Found.
Jun 12, 2020 12:12 AM
The COVID-19 pandemic rapidly shifted access to and delivery of clinical music therapy services. Due to this, the government relations teams from AMTA and CBMT created a survey to better understand music therapists’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The information provided will be utilized to help inform advocacy efforts related to professional practice and state recognition. All MT-BCs received an email invitation to participate. Please consider adding your voice to this survey.
COVID-19 has upended so much, and presented so many challenges, but AMTA remains committed to continuing to provide scholarship opportunities for our members. Don't miss the chance to apply for one of the 5 scholarships still available this year! Scholarship awards range from free national conference attendance, to cash for CMTEs and institutes, to full payment for special trainings. All remaining scholarship application deadlines are either July 20th or July 27th--you have time to apply!
The AMTA Board of Directors’ 2020 Mid-Year Meeting will be held on June 12-14, 2020 in a virtual format.
May 04, 2020 08:00 PM
The Executive Director search committee, currently comprised of three board members, has four additional seats to be filled. These individuals will be selected from a diverse slate of AMTA members representing as many minoritized sectors, different regions, education levels, career stages, and practice areas as possible – i.e. clinicians, faculty and business owners. Strong preference will be given to those who can demonstrate evidence of a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).
AMTA 2020 Conference
Call for Research Poster Session Submissions for the AMTA National (Virtual) Conference, November 2020. Individuals are encouraged to submit works in progress and/or completed works for a Research Poster Session. Diverse methodologies are encouraged. Submission deadline is June 10, 2020 by 5 pm CST.​
AMTA 2020 Conference
Apr 28, 2020 11:24 AM
Reminder: Proposals to present at the 2020 Annual AMTA Conference are now being accepted online! Deadline for all submissions has been extended to April 28, 2020.
Mar 31, 2020 12:04 PM
For the past several years, AMTA has offered the option to pay Professional membership in installments for those who prefer to space out payments. Normally, this is only available online from January 1–March 31, but in light of recent events related to Coronavirus and COVID-19, we have extended this deadline to April 30 for the 2020 calendar year.
Mar 27, 2020 05:47 PM
AMTA is interested in obtaining feedback related to the topics of safe spaces, DEI, transparent communication, and the Executive Director search. We encourage all members -- as well as non-members -- who are interested in providing feedback to complete the surveys and participate.
Mar 27, 2020 11:56 AM
COVID-19 has presented challenges for us all as we work together to remain as productive as possible. AMTA will continue to monitor services and adjust where possible. Deadlines for scholarship applications and the Arthur Flagler Fultz Research Award have been extended.
Mar 24, 2020 05:21 PM
In light of the recent mandate from Maryland Governor Larry Hogan that non-essential business be closed to minimize spread of COVID-19, the AMTA National Office staff will be teleworking as much as possible and orders to the national office will be paused. Read on for more information and updates regarding contacting the national office.
Mar 16, 2020 12:25 PM
AMTA continues to follow the development of COVID-19 regarding its spread across the nation as well as updated authoritative information and research pertaining to the virus. As music therapists consider whether to see clients at this time, it is imperative to act responsibly and in accordance with our obligation to ensure the safety of clients/patients and you. First and foremost, consult your facility’s infection control specialists and adhere to ALL facility protocols.
Mar 13, 2020 09:18 PM
In light of the recent mandate from Maryland Governor Larry Hogan that all Maryland schools are to be closed for the next two weeks to minimize spread of COVID-19, the AMTA National Office staff will be teleworking as much as possible. Read on for more information and updates regarding contacting the national office.
The 2020 Fultz Application and Guidelines are now posted in the Research section of the AMTA website. The purpose of the Arthur Flagler Fultz Research Fund is to encourage, promote, and fund music therapy research and/or to conduct research on new and innovative music therapy treatments. ​​
Feb 26, 2020 08:20 PM
The AMTA Board of Directors has retained the services of association executive search firm, Purposeful Hire, Inc. to conduct the search for AMTA’s next Executive Director.
AMTA 2020 Conference
Feb 11, 2020 05:13 PM
Proposals to present a concurrent session, an add-on intensive course for additional CMTE credits, or an MTex presentation at the 2020 Annual AMTA Conference are now being accepted online! Firm deadline for all submissions: April 17, 2020.
Results: 694 Article(s) Found.