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National Arts in Education Week: September 8-14

September 8, 2019 09:57 AM

Join AMTA as We Celebrate National Arts in Education Week: September 8-14!

Enacted by Congress in 2010, House Resolution 275 designates September 8th-14th as National Arts in Education Week.  During this week, members of the arts community from across the country are encouraged to participate in activities that raise awareness about the importance of arts education with elected officials. 

Nationwide, hundreds or credentialed music therapists are currently employed by, or contract with, local school districts and private educational centers.  Music therapists are recognized as Specialized Instructional Support Personnel within current educational law (Every Student Succeeds Act - ESSA).  Music Therapy can be an integral component in helping the student receiving special education services to reach his or her IEP goals.  In many school districts, music therapists also offer support for music educators in the form of direct service, consultation, or in-service training.  There are several ways to participate:

  1. Celebrate - Have an event in your community where you discuss the importance of arts education.  The event can be large or small, pre-planned or spontaneous!
  2. Advocate - Contact your elected officials at the local, state, and federal levels about the values of arts education.
  3. Participate - Share your story using #BecauseofArtsEd or #musictherapy on your social media or digital platform of your choice.  Be sure to share the impact of arts education on your life. 
