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Music Therapy Perspectives First Full Social Justice Issue

January 5, 2023 08:58 AM

We are delighted to share that the first full social justice issue in Music Therapy Perspective’s 40 year history has just been published open access for 3 monthsCongratulations to the co-editors, Adenike Webb and Sangeeta Swamy, and the other authors who write from their own lived experience as minoritized music therapists, educators, supervisors, researchers and students.


In their editorial, Drs. Webb and Swamy write, "We consider this an opportunity to center voices and knowledge generators who are often overlooked and dismissed, as well as to expand our field’s knowledge base. This is just one step in the journey in reframing how we think, engage, and practice from an anti-oppressive stance. It is our hope that this issue acts as a continuation of the loud calls for justice in all aspects of our field that many music therapists have been making."


Music Therapy Perspectives 40(2)

