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Music Therapy at the Kennedy Center

September 5, 2018 12:21 PM

KennedyCenterscreenshot9_4_18Learning and Bonding to the Beat: Optimizing Your Child’s Development with Dr. Laurel Trainor and Special Guests (part of Sound Health: Music and the Mind)

Saturday, September 8, 2018 4:30 PM

Go to the Kennedy Center Website for More Information

In this discussion-demonstration, Dr. Trainor details how music and rhythms affect learning, and reveals the importance of rhythmic movements for optimal social development. She’s joined by Dr. Joanne Loewy, board certified music therapist, and others to be announced to use music, movement, and music therapy interventions with at-risk infants and children with disabilities. The session will feature a special performance by musicians of the DC Youth Orchestra. 

AMTA will be represented by Elizabeth Schwartz, early childhood music therapy expert and staff members, Judy Simpson, Jane Creagan, and Rebecca Preddie. Dr. Joanne Loewy of The Louis Armstrong Center for Music and Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital will be presenting with Dr. Laurel Trainor and Dr. Ed Roth from Western Michigan University will be presenting with Dr. Charles Limb.  Dr. Nina Kraus's presentation will feature information about music therapy. In addition, AMTA has collaborated with our spokesperson, Reneé Fleming in preparation for the panel discussion on music education.  

