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Fast Facts 

  • The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall management of the Association. The Board transacts general business, determines long range goals and objectives, prepares the annual budget, and oversees the expenditure of funds. (Please see Article VI. Board of Directors. Section 1 of the AMTA Bylaws.)
  • The Presiding Officer of the Board of Directors is the AMTA President.
  • The Board of Directors consists of ten members: President, President Elect, Immediate Past President, Vice President, Vice President Elect, DEI Representative, and four (4) delegates elected by and from the Assembly of Delegates.  The Treasurer, Council Coordinators, Historian, Regional President Representative, and Executive Director are ex officio members without the right to vote.  Meet the Board of Directors members here.  (AMTA Bylaws, Article IV. Officers.)
  • Business is conducted via face-to-face meetings, conference calls, emails and in-person meetings when feasible.
  • Board of Directors meetings (other than when in executive session), are open to any/all members of the AMTA with a reservation request. Please know that you are always welcome to attend.

Current Business


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8455 Colesville Road, Suite 1000 | Silver Spring MD 20910 | Phone: 301.589.3300 | Fax: 301.589.5175