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American Music Therapy Association Bylaws

Article I.   Name and Composition

Section 1.   The name of the organization is the American Music Therapy Association, Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as the Association.

Section 2.   The Association may authorize regional, state, and local organizations, as well as a national student organization, within its structure. 

Article II.   Mission and Purposes

Section 1.   The mission of the Association is to advance music therapy and to increase access to quality music therapy services in a rapidly changing world.  The Association strives to improve and advance the use of music, in both its breadth and quality, in clinical, educational, and community settings for the betterment of the public health and welfare.

a.   The Association strives to improve and advance the use of music, in both its breadth and quality, in clinical, educational, and community settings for the betterment of the public health and welfare.

b.   The Association serves as the primary organizational agency for the advancement of education, clinical practice, research, and ethical standards in the music therapy profession.

Section 2.   The purposes for which the corporation is formed are:

a.  To promote quality clinical treatment and ethical practices regarding the use of music to restore, maintain, and improve the mental, physical, social, or spiritual health of all persons. 

b.  To establish and maintain education and clinical training standards for persons seeking to be credentialed music therapists.

c.  To educate the public about music therapy.

d.  To engage in music therapy research.

Section 3.  The Association will conduct all of its programs and activities in a nondiscriminatory manner with equal opportunity being given to all, regardless of race, religion, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, veteran status, ethnicity, national origin, or socioeconomic status.

Article III.   Membership

Section 1.   Membership in the Association is of eight classes: Professional, Associate, Student (Undergraduate, Graduate), Retired Professional, Inactive Music Therapist, Patron, Affiliate Organization, and Honorary Life.

Section 2.   Professional membership is open to music therapists and other professionals interested in music therapy. Such membership provides the privilege of participation in the activities of the Association, on both national and regional levels, including but not limited to the right to vote, to hold office, and to receive the Journal of Music TherapyMusic Therapy Perspectives, and other selected national and regional publications of the Association.

Section 3.   Associate membership is open to others, not including music therapists, who support the Association. Such membership provides the privilege of participation in the activities of the Association, on both national and regional levels, and the right to receive the Journal of Music TherapyMusic Therapy Perspectives, and other selected national and regional publications of the Association. Such membership does not include the right to vote or to hold office on the national or regional level.

Section 4.   Student membership is open to declared music therapy majors enrolled in AMTA-approved schools or other interested students. Such membership provides the privilege of participation in the activities of the Association, on both national and regional levels including as a student representative on national committees, and the right to receive the Journal of Music Therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives, and other selected national and regional publications of the Association. Student membership does not include the right to vote, to serve as the regional representative or at large member on a national committee or Board, or to hold office at the national level. Student rights at the regional level are specified by the regional bylaws.

Section 5.   Retired professional membership is open to professional members who have reached the age of 65. Such membership provides the privilege of participation in the activities of the Association, on both a national and regional level, including but not limited to the right to vote, to hold office, to receive the Journal of Music TherapyMusic Therapy Perspectives, and other selected national and regional publications of the Association. Eligible members must submit a request in writing for transfer to retired status.

Section 6.   Inactive music therapist membership is open to professional music therapists who are not currently practicing music therapy. Music therapists seeking inactive membership must complete an application available from the National Office. Inactive membership will provide the privileges of participation in the activities of the Association and the right to receive selected publications of the Association.  Such membership does not include the right to vote or to hold office on the national and regional levels.

Section 7.   Patron membership is open to individuals, organizations, institutions, business firms, or foundations contributing substantial sums to the Association. If the amount of these sums is sufficient, they may be used by the Association for scholarships, endowments, research, or special projects as designated by the donor with the approval of the Board of Directors. Patron membership may be assigned to a person designated by the organization, institution, firm, or foundation from which the funds are received. For each contributing year, the Association will confer upon that person the rights and privileges of associate membership.

Section 8.   Affiliate organization membership is open to any organization interested in supporting the aims, objectives, and purposes of the Association. Rights and privileges for the designate of an organization are the same as those for associate membership.

Section 9.   Honorary life membership may be conferred upon any person in recognition of distinguished service in the field of music therapy. Such election will be made by the Board of Directors. Honorary life members qualify for professional membership and will have all the rights and privileges of such membership without the payment of annual dues. Honorary life membership is conferred upon a maximum of two persons in any single fiscal year.

Section 10.   Dues for all membership categories are reviewed annually by the Board of Directors and are established with the approval of the Assembly of Delegates.

Section 11.   The membership year coincides with the calendar year, beginning January 1 and ending December 31.

Section 12.    Members who pay membership dues after October 31 will be considered members for the following calendar year unless they request otherwise.

Section 13.   Membership privileges may be revoked by a two-thirds majority vote of the Assembly of Delegates. However, before such action can be taken, all charges and any defense to be offered must be brought before the Ethics Board in the form of an appeal. If the Ethics Board rules that revocation should be considered, the case is forwarded to the Assembly of Delegates for action. Bases for revocation will be evidence that membership privileges have been abused or that the general good of the Association has been significantly harmed.

Section 14.   Rights and privileges of membership are restricted to those who are in good financial standing with the Association.  

Article IV.   Officers

Section 1.   The officers of the Association will be elective and appointive. 

Section 2.   The elective officers of the Association are: President, President Elect, Immediate Past President, Vice President, and Vice President Elect.  The President Elect is elected to serve 2 years as President Elect, 2 years as President, and 2 years as Immediate Past President.  The Vice President Elect is elected to serve 2 years as Vice President Elect and 2 years as Vice President.  The elective officers of the Association are elected by ballot according to the election procedure presented in these Bylaws.  The regular term of office for all officers commences January 1 of an even-numbered year.  During the interim between their election to office and their assumption of that office, the newly elected officers are expected to contact the outgoing officers and to become fully apprised of the events and information associated with the office.  Retiring officers will surrender all records related to their offices to their successors by the first day of the new officers’ term of office.

Section 3.   The appointive officers of the Association are: Secretary/Treasurer, DEIAJ Representatives, Council Coordinators, Regional President Representative, Historian, and Archivist.  The appointive officers of the Association are appointed through an application process as outlined in the document titled Handbook for Councils and Standing Committees following the biannual national elections. The President forwards the recommended appointees to the Board of Directors for approval. These officers will not assume office before January 1 when the incoming, or appointing, President assumes office. The newly appointed officers are expected to contact the outgoing officers and to become fully apprised of the events and information associated with the office. Retiring appointive officers will surrender all records relating to their offices to their successors within 30 days of the new officers’ appointments

Section 4.   Appointive officers serve for a term of 2 years, or until the next election, at the pleasure of the President and the Board of Directors. These officers may be held over from the tenure of one President to the next but must be reappointed by the incoming President. This appointment will be reapproved by the incoming Board of Directors.

Section 5.   No elective officer will succeed himself or herself in office but may be reelected to that office after an intervening period of no fewer than 4 years.

Section 6.   The President presides at the meetings of the Association. The President calls and presides at meetings of the Board of Directors and appoints, with approval of the Board of Directors, all appointive officers, the Council Coordinators, the chairpersons of the standing committees, and all special committees and advisors.  The President holds ex officio membership on all councils and committees and performs other duties implied by the title.  A vacancy in the office of the President is filled by the President Elect. In the event that the office of President Elect is also vacant, the vacancy in the Presidency will be filled by the Immediate Past President.

Section 7.   The duties of the President Elect are to assist the President as requested, to study the duties of the President in anticipation of assuming the responsibilities of the Presidency, and to assume all duties of the President in case of resignation, disability, or absence of the President. In addition, the President Elect studies the Bylaws and related literature for the purpose of proposing revisions to these documents where such revisions are necessary to keep the documents current and responsive to the aims, objectives, and purposes of the Association. The President Elect also serves as communication liaison from the Board of Directors to the Education and Training Advisory Board, the Ethics Board, the Judicial Review Board, the Student Affairs Advisory Board, and other special committees as assigned. A vacancy in the office of President Elect that occurs prior to or at the time of the first annual conference in the term is filled by a specially called election of the membership through the election process described in the Bylaws. Should the vacancy occur after the first annual conference of the term, the office remains vacant until the next regular election at which time the membership elects both a President (except in the case when the vacancy is created by the succession to the Presidency) and a President  Elect..

Section 8.   The Immediate Past President assists the President as requested and provides continuity in the administration of the Association. This officer presides in the absence of the President and President Elect and succeeds to the Presidency in the case of disability or resignation of the President and President Elect. A vacancy in this office will be filled by presidential appointment with approval of the Board of Directors. Priority consideration will be given to former Presidents.

Section 9.   The Vice President serves as the program chairperson for annual conferences during his or her term in office. This officer presides in the absence of the President, President Elect, and Immediate Past President and succeeds to the Presidency in the case of disability or resignation of the President, President Elect, and Immediate Past President.  A vacancy in the office of Vice President is filled by the Vice President Elect.

Section 10.   The duties of the Vice President Elect are to assist the Vice President as requested, to study the duties of the Vice President in anticipation of assuming the responsibilities of the Vice Presidency, and to assume all duties of the Vice President in case of resignation, disability, or absence of the Vice President.  A vacancy in the office of the Vice President Elect that occurs prior to or at the time of the first annual conference in the term is filled by a special election of the membership through the election process described in the Bylaws. A vacancy in the office of Vice President Elect after the first annual conference of the term is filled by presidential appointment with approval of the Board of Directors.  The Executive Committee plus the three additional Assembly Representatives will serve as an advisory committee to assist the President in making the appointment.

Section 11.   The Secretary/Treasurer is entrusted with the custody and supervision of the financial affairs of the Association, as directed by the Board of Directors, and is the chairperson of the Financial Advisory Committee.  The Secretary/Treasurer also oversees the preparation, interpretation, and presentation of financial information and the annual budget from the Financial Advisory Committee to the Board of Directors, Assembly of Delegates, and general membership.

Section 12.   The Council Coordinators facilitate the functioning of the standing committees of their respective councils as defined in the document titled "Standing Councils and Committees," available in the 'Member Section' of the AMTA website, in the list of 'AMTA Documents.'

Section 13.  The Regional President Representative serves as a conduit to the regions and other regional presidents particularly in communications regarding issues related to the regions, connecting leadership with those affected by disasters, and providing feedback from the Board of Directors to the regions and from the regions to the Board of Directors.

Section 14.   The Historian works with the Association’s Archivist to preserve materials of a historical nature and serves as a resource to the Board of Directors and the Association on matters for which an historical perspective is deemed appropriate.

Section 15.   The Archivist is entrusted with the collection and preservation of the historical materials of the present Association, as well as those of the former American Association for Music Therapy (AAMT) and the former National Association for Music Therapy (NAMT).  The location of the archives will be determined by the Board of Directors based on recommendations from the Archivist and the Historian.

Section 16.   The President, President Elect, Immediate Past President, Vice President, and Vice President Elect may not serve concurrently on the Assembly of Delegates.

Section 17.   The elective and appointive officers of the Association are professional members in good financial standing with the Association. 

Article V.   Meetings

Section 1.   A general membership business meeting is held at the annual national conference at a location and time determined by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors makes every effort to designate the location and time of the annual national conference at least 3 years in advance of the meeting. The Board of Directors may cancel an annual conference and general membership business meeting because of extenuating circumstances, but not more than once in 3 years.

Section 2.   Any one or more members may participate in a Board or committee meeting via applicable technology allowing all persons participating in the meeting to hear each other at the same time.  Participation in a meeting pursuant to this bylaw will constitute being present at such meeting.

Section 3.   Special meetings of the Board of Directors, Assembly of Delegates, or any council or committee may be called at any time by their respective chairpersons.

Section 4.   The National Office provides written notice of the time, place, and purposes of the general membership business meeting of the members. Such notice is given not less than 10 nor more than 60 days before the date of the meeting, either personally or via website, social media, email, or other applicable technology, to each member of record entitled to vote at the meeting.  The attendance of a person at a meeting either in person or by proxy constitutes a waiver of notice, except when that person appears to object, at the beginning of the meeting, that the meeting was not lawfully called or convened.

Section 5.   Two or more voting directors may call a meeting of the Board of Directors.

Section 6.   The Board of Directors may take action without a meeting provided such action is taken by way of signed written consent by a majority of voting members of the Board. Such action may be taken only after a written statement in which the action is described has been sent to all members of the Board.

Article VI.   Board of Directors

Section 1.   The Board of Directors is responsible for the overall management of the Association and all final management decisions of the Association. The Board of Directors also determines the long-range goals and objectives of the Association, transacts its general business, prepares an annual budget, is responsible for the control and expenditure of its funds, and is empowered to appoint assistants to any officer of the Association.

Section 2.   The Board of Directors consists of eleven voting members: President, President Elect, Immediate Past President, Vice President, Vice President Elect, two DEIAJ Representatives, and four Representatives elected by and from the Assembly of Delegates. The Secretary/Treasurer, Council Coordinators, Regional President Representative, Historian, and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) will be ex officio members without the right to vote.

Section 3.   The Board of Directors meets at least twice in each membership year.

Section 4.   The agenda for Board of Directors meetings is prepared by the President and submitted to the Board of Directors at least 4 weeks prior to the meeting date.

Section 5.   The Board of Directors receives, reviews, and passes on to the Assembly of Delegates in the form of the Speaker’s agenda all work accomplished by the councils and forwarded to the Board by the Council Coordinators. 

Section 6.   An Executive Committee of the Board of Directors consisting of the President, President Elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary/Treasurer, Speaker of the Assembly, and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) (ex officio) is charged with transacting time-sensitive business in the name of the Board of Directors and reporting such transactions to the Board of Directors.

Article VII.   Assembly of Delegates

Section 1.   An Assembly of Delegates, hereinafter referred to as the Assembly, is the legislative and policy-making body of the Association. The Assembly receives and acts upon legislation from the general membership, the Council Coordinators, the Board of Directors, and its own members.

Section 2.   The Assembly is composed of professional members elected by and from the regional organizations within the Association. The number of delegates in the Assembly is in proportion to the number of national professional members in the respective regions. Each region has a minimum of two delegates. The exact number of delegates from each region is established by the Board of Directors for each election year prior to the regional meetings. The size of the Assembly is established by the Board of Directors within a numerical range of 60 to 70 delegates.

Section 3.   The regional organizations elect their delegates prior to the national meeting in odd-numbered years.

Section 4.   For each delegate position authorized, the region elects a primary and an alternate delegate, the alternate to function in the event of the unavailability of the primary delegate.

Section 5.   The delegates’ term of office is 2 years to coincide with the terms of the national officers. The limits of consecutive terms may be set at each region’s discretion.

Section 6.   The Assembly, at the national conference held in an odd-numbered year, elects four delegates to serve as Representatives on the Board of Directors and then elects one of these four to serve as Speaker of the Assembly and one of these four to serve as the Assistant Speaker of the Assembly. The term on the Board coincides with the 2-year term of the national officers. The Assembly also elects four alternate delegates to serve as alternate Representatives in the event of the unavailability of a primary Representative. Assembly Representatives and alternate Representatives may not serve concurrently in any other office on the Board of Directors. In the event of the resignation of a primary Representative from the Board, the alternate with the highest number of votes will succeed to the position, and the person with the next highest number of votes will succeed to the alternate Representative position.

Section 7.   The Speaker of the Assembly is the presiding officer of the Assembly of Delegates and, with the President and the Assistant Speaker, prepares the agenda for the Assembly meetings, with approval of the Board of Directors. The Assistant Speaker presides at its meetings in the absence of the Speaker. A vacancy in the Speaker’s position is filled by the Assistant Speaker.  A vacancy in the Assistant Speaker’s position is filled by the Assembly at its next meeting.  

Article VIII.  Councils and Committees

Section 1.   The Association has three standing councils: The Council on Association Services, the Council on Education and Clinical Training, and the Council on Professional Practices.  The Coordinators of the Councils are appointed by the President with approval by the Board of Directors. Each council has standing committees within it..

Section 2.  Standing committees for the standing councils are specified as follows:

a.   Council on Association Services: Committees on Clinical Practice Networking, International Relations, Interprofessional Collaborative Resources, Membership, Professional Advocacy, and Workforce Development and Retention.

b.   Council on Education and Clinical Training: Committees on Academic Program Approval, Association Internship Approval, and Continuing Education. The chairpersons of the Standing Committees are members of the Education and Training Advisory Board..

c.   Council on Professional Practices: Committees on Government Relations, Reimbursement, Research, Standards of Clinical Practice, and Technology.

Section 3.   Each regional organization may place one professional member on each of the standing committees. The manner in which these committee members are selected will be left to the discretion of each regional organization. Additionally, the AMTA President appoints up to six at-large members to the Academic Program Approval Committee and up to seven at-large members to the DEIAJ Committee. The President of the American Music Therapy Association Students (AMTAS) will appoint a nonvoting student member to each of the standing committees.

Section 4.   Special committees and their chairpersons may be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, to perform only such duties as may be authorized.

Section 5.   A Financial Advisory Committee is appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. The Secretary/Treasurer serves as its Chairperson.

Section 6.   The function of the Council Coordinators and the standing councils and committees is stated in the document titled "Standing Councils and Committees," available on request from the National Office.

Article IX.   Additional Boards

Section 1.   Ethics Board

a.   The Ethics Board is responsible for investigating alleged violations of the AMTA Code of Ethics.

b.   The Ethics Board is responsible for developing appropriate procedures for investigation and review of ethics complaints and for recommending possible sanctions as specified in the Code of Ethics.

c.   The Assembly elects ten members to the Ethics Board who will serve staggered terms of 4 years.  Ethics Board members will be elected yearly, three in even years and two in odd years. The Board Chairperson will be elected annually by the all current Board members.

d.   If a vacancy occurs on the Ethics Board prior to the annual meeting, the Speaker of the Assembly, with the majority approval of the four Assembly Representatives of the Board of Directors, appoints a person to fill the vacancy.

e.   The Board of Directors communication liaison is the President Elect.

Section 2.   Judicial Review Board

a.   The Judicial Review Board is empowered to study and render decisions on all appeals. No decision of the Board of Directors or of the Executive Committee shall be the subject of an appeal under this section. The President and Judicial Review Board are responsible to ensure that the appeal procedures, processes, and mediation provisions are appropriately supported, and enforced.

b.   The Association’s policy is to assure the speedy and fair resolution of conflicts, to provide for review processes that guarantee the fair and reasonable application of Association policies to persons involved with the Association, and to encourage mediation of potential conflicts at the earliest possible moment.  

c.   Any official action taken by an elective or appointive officer or any official group within the Association may be appealed except as stated in Section 2b.  Any person who wishes to appeal the official action taken by any appointive or elective officer or any official group within the Association may appeal in writing to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) within 90 days of notification of said action.  An appeal concerning the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) should be made in like manner to the President of the Association.

d.   Appeals are conducted in accordance with the document titled "Appeals Procedures" available through the National Office.

e.   The decision of the Judicial Review Board on a particular appeal is the Association’s final resolution of that appeal and is binding on the Association’s actions (i.e., the Judicial Review Board is empowered to sustain or overturn any official action by a person or group of persons acting in an official Association capacity except as stated in Section 2b, including those matters involving interpretation of the AMTA Bylaws, policies, and procedures).

f.   The "Judicial Review Procedures" outline the policies of the Judicial Review Board and is available from the National Office upon request. 

g.   The full Judicial Review Board is composed of 14 professional members, 7 of whom will be appointed by the President and confirmed by a two-thirds vote of the Assembly, and 7 of whom will be appointed by the regions (1 per region).  Presidential appointments are made for terms of 4 years, with the terms staggered so that one or two terms expire each year.

h.    Selection of 7 Judicial Review Board members to consider a particular case will be made from the full 14-member Board, each meeting qualifications specified in the document titled "Appeals Procedures."

i.   The full Board elects its own Chairperson for a term of 2 years.  The Chairperson may serve in this capacity for a maximum of three consecutive terms.

j.   The President Elect is the communication liaison to the Board of Directors.

Section 3.   Education and Training Advisory Board

a.    The Education and Training Advisory Board advises and makes timely recommendations to AMTA for policy and action on issues related to music therapy education and clinical training.

b.    The Education and Training Advisory Board consists of ten members, including the Chairperson and the AMTA Director of Professional Programs, who is ex-officio without the right to vote.

c.    The chairpersons of the three standing committees under the Council on Education and Clinical Training are members of the Education and Training Advisory Board.

d.    Recommendations for at-large membership on the Education and Training Advisory Board are solicited from the general membership and regions, or may be self-nominated.  A ranking of top candidates will be determined by consensus of the members of the Education and Training Advisory Board.  Top candidates are contacted by the Chair of the Advisory Board to determine willingness to serve.  The names of the recommended and willing candidates are then presented to the President for appointment, with approval by the Board of Directors.

e.    Members of the Education and Training Advisory Board serve staggered terms of 4 years. One Board member will be appointed in each even-numbered year, and two Board members will be appointed in each odd-numbered year. The six at-large Education and Training Advisory Board members may serve two consecutive terms (a maximum of 8 years) with eligibility to serve again after being off the Board for at least 2 years.

f.     The Chairperson of the Education and Training Advisory Board is elected by its nine voting members from among the six at-large members of the Board.  The Chairperson serves a 2-year term that coincides with the terms of the national officers. The Chairperson may continue from the tenure of one set of officers to the next but must be reelected by the Advisory Board members at the beginning of each new term of national officers.

g.    Chairpersons of the three standing committees of the Council for Education and Clinical Training are not eligible to serve as Chairperson of the Education and Training Advisory Board.

h.     The President Elect is the communication liaison to the Board of Directors.

Section 4.   Student Affairs Advisory Board

a.     The Student Affairs Advisory Board, hereinafter referred to as SAAB, consists of the Chairperson, the AMTA Board liaison, and 16 voting members:  President of AMTAS, Past President of AMTAS, a student representative from each region (7), and a professional member from each region (7).  A liaison from the AMTA Board of Directors is an ex officio member without the right to vote.     

b.   The SAAB considers any concerns brought to its attention by students or concerning students.

c.   Professional members of the SAAB are elected/appointed according to the constitution and/or bylaws of each region of the Association. Regional student representatives are elected/chosen by the students of each region in accordance with its respective constitution and/or bylaws.

d.   A SAAB member is responsible for having a qualified alternate present at all scheduled board meetings if they are unable to attend. The method of choosing the alternate will be as specified in the constitution and/or bylaws of the respective regional organization.

e.   The Chairperson of the SAAB will be appointed by the AMTA President with the approval of the Board of Directors for a 4-year term and may be reappointed. The Chairperson will function as the administrator of the SAAB and as advisor to the AMTAS officers, working closely with the Board of Directors and the National Office staff to coordinate the SAAB’s work and to keep informed of the Association’s ongoing work. The Chairperson will submit a report to the Board of Directors prior to the mid-year and annual meetings. The Chairperson will not be a regional professional member representative to the SAAB and will not have voting privileges.

f.   The SAAB will meet at least once in each membership year.

g.   The SAAB will coordinate the E. Thayer Gaston Writing Award for music therapy students in cooperation with the AMTAS.

h.   The President Elect is the communication liaison to the Board of Directors.

Article X.   Quorum

Section 1.   Six voting members of the Board of Directors, three of whom must be officers, constitutes a quorum for a Board of Directors meeting.

Section 2.   Two thirds of the Assembly constitutes a quorum for a meeting of that body.

Section 3.   A quorum of the Board of Directors and of the Assembly plus at least 50 other professional members of the Association constitutes a quorum for the general membership business meeting at the annual national conference.

Article XI.   Nominations and Elections

Section 1.   In a regular or special election, a nominating committee appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors presents the Board of Directors with a slate of two names for each seat on the Board of Directors becoming vacant in any election year or at the time of any special election. These names must be submitted by the first meeting of the Board of Directors at the annual meeting in the even-numbered year of the 2-year election cycle. Nominations may be made from the floor during a business meeting at the annual meeting in the even-numbered year of the 2-year election cycle. 

Section 2.   Ballots are mailed or sent electronically to the professional members of the Association, to be returned by the date indicated on the ballot, which will be 10 days from the date the ballot is sent. Ballots contain space for write-in candidates for each elected office.

Article XII.    Recall of Officers and Delegates

Section 1.   Any voting member of the Board of Directors and any elective officer may be recalled by vote of the body (general membership or Assembly of Delegates) which elected they/them.  Directors who are "elective officers" under "Article IV Officers" of the Bylaws may be recalled only by a vote of the voting members of the Association.   Such a recall vote will act to remove the individual as a member of the AMTA Board of Directors and as an officer of the association. Directors elected by the Assembly of Delegates may be removed only by the Assembly of Delegates.

Section 2.   A recall election is held when a quorum of members of the appropriate body petitions in writing to the President of the Board, through the National Office, for such a recall.

Article XIII. Publications

Section 1. Journal of Music Therapy

a. The Lead Editor/Co-Editors (“Lead Editor”) is appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors and has autonomy over editorial policy and content.

b. The Lead Editor serves a 4-year term and may be reappointed. Terms for Co-Editors shall be established as staggered terms.

c. An Editorial Board is appointed by the Lead Editor with endorsement by the President and President-Elect.

d. The procedure for selection is determined by the Lead Editor with input from the Board of Directors.

e. The Lead Editor works with the appropriate staff personnel in the National Office to manage all business matters related to the publication of the Journal of Music Therapy.

f. The Lead Editor appoints assistants (Assistant Editor, Associate Editors), with endorsement by the Board of Directors, to aid in the production of the Journal of Music Therapy. The terms of such assistants shall coincide with that of the Lead Editor with the option to establish staggered terms and/or renewed appointments.

Section 2. Music Therapy Perspectives

a. The Lead Editor/Co-Editors (“Lead Editor”) is appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors and has autonomy over editorial policy and content.

b. The Lead Editor serves a 4-year term and may be reappointed. Terms for Co-Editors shall be established as staggered terms.

c. An Editorial Board is appointed by the Lead Editor with endorsement by the President and President-Elect.

d. The procedure for selection is determined by the Lead Editor with input from the Board of Directors.

e. The Lead Editor works with the appropriate staff personnel in the National Office to manage all business matters related to the publication of Music Therapy Perspectives.

f. The Lead Editor appoints assistants (Assistant Editor, Associate Editors), with endorsement by the Board of Directors, to aid in the production of the Music Therapy Perspectives. The terms of such assistants shall coincide with that of the Lead Editor with the option to establish staggered terms and/or renewed appointments.

Article XIV.   Auxiliary Organizations

Section 1.   The establishment of auxiliary organizations, including those for regions, is authorized by the Assembly. Each of these organizations adopts the purposes and goals of the Association, agrees to conform to the Bylaws of the Association, and submits a copy of its constitution and/or bylaws to the Assembly for formal approval. The relationship of such organizations to the Association may be defined from time to time by the Assembly.

Section 2.   Regions

a.   The seven regions of the Association are: Great Lakes (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin); Mid-Atlantic (Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia); Midwestern (Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming); New England (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont); Southeastern (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, U.S. Territories and outlying areas in the Atlantic Ocean); Southwestern (New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas); and Western (Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, U.S. Territories and outlying areas in the Pacific Ocean).

b.   Regions may be combined or divided by the Assembly, but only with the prior deliberation and approval by the affected regions.

c.   All regions of AMTA are required to be included in AMTA’s group exemption from federal taxation.

Section 3.   American Music Therapy Association Students

a.    The American Music Therapy Association Students (AMTAS) is the official student organization of the Association and will conform to the requirements for auxiliary organizations as specified in the Bylaws.

Article XV.   Credentials

Section 1.   The Association recognizes Music Therapist-Board Certified (MT-BC) as the professional credential that denotes competence in the current practice of music therapy.  The MT-BC credential and its requisite continuing education program are administered by the independent Certification Board for Music Therapists, Inc. (CBMT).

Section 2.   The Association maintains an organizational relationship with CBMT to facilitate communication on issues of mutual importance to both organizations. 

Article XVI.   The National Office

Section 1.   The Association maintains a National Office under the direction of a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for the purpose of executing the Association’s business. 

Article XVII.   Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Section 1.   The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the principal employee of the Board of Directors and transacts much of the business of the Association in the name of the President and of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors appoints the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and determines the contractual arrangements for that position.

Section 2.   The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for the routine operation of the Association and manages the National Office, including handling and expending funds for the operation of that office. All matters concerning clinical training, supervision of educational facilities, supervision of clinical practices, international relations, public relations, and the like are handled by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in strict adherence to the Association’s established policies and the interpretations of these policies by the standing councils through the Board of Directors. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) coordinates annual meetings of the Association and serves as an ex officio member of the Board of Directors, Assembly, and all standing committees and councils without the right to vote.

Section 3.   The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is responsible for obtaining a recording secretary for Board of Directors and Assembly meetings and assumes responsibility for the preparation and distribution of minutes to these bodies.

Section 4.   The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is reviewed annually by the Board of Directors. Contractual arrangements between the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the Board of Directors provide for evaluation of work, resignation, dismissal, salary, length of term, and other essentials of the position.

Article XVIII.   Fiscal Year

Section 1.   The fiscal year of the Association begins on January 1 and ends on December 31.

Article XIX.      Parliamentary Authority

Section 1.   The current edition of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised is the authority for all questions of parliamentary procedure not covered by these Bylaws.

Section 2.   A Parliamentarian is appointed by the presiding officer to serve at all meetings of the Assembly of Delegates, the Board of Directors, and the general membership.

Article XX.   Bylaws Amendments

Section 1.   The Bylaws may be amended at any general membership business meeting at the annual national conference by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the professional members present, the proposed amendments having been submitted in writing to that membership at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Section 2.   The Bylaws may be amended by a mail or electronic vote solicited from the total membership of the Association, the amendments having been submitted to that membership in writing at least 10 days before the vote is due. A two-thirds affirmative vote of the ballots or electronic ballots that are returned is necessary for changing, adopting, or repealing an amendment.

Section 3.   The ballots for any election or Bylaws amendments are counted or electronically reviewed by two reviewers appointed by the President from within the immediate geographic area of the National Office. Results will be retained in the National Office or stored electronically for a period of 6 months following the next regular election. 


The AMTA Bylaws were officially adopted on January 25, 1998.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on February 20, 1999.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 20, 1999.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 18, 2000.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 2, 2002.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 22, 2003.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 20, 2004.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 19, 2005.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 18, 2006.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 17, 2007.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 22, 2008.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 14, 2009.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 20, 2010.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 19, 2011.

Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on October 13, 2012.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 23, 2013.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 8, 2014.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 14, 2015.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 12, 2016.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 18, 2017.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 17, 2018.
Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on November 23, 2019.

Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership on May 20, 2020.

Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership November 21, 2020.

Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership December 6, 2022

Bylaws changes were approved by the AMTA membership May 30, 2024