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Meet the Mentors at the AMTA Conference

October 28, 2015 02:18 PM


On Friday November 13 in the AMTA Village in the Exhibit Hall, there will be an opportunity for student and professional AMTA members to meet music therapists who have distinguished careers. Meet mentors in the areas of substance abuse, dementia care, pediatrics, private practice, songwriting, hospice, and research. Bring your questions! Be inspired! 

Sign up for a 10-minute time slot using the appropriate link below. Please include your FIRST and LAST NAME, AMTA MEMBERSHIP NUMBER, and EMAIL ADDRESS when you sign up. You will not be prompted to enter this information separately. Please be sure to include all of it in the "Name" space on the Doodle poll. Complete information is necessary to confirm your time slot. 

Questions? Please contact: Debbie Bates ( We are excited to offer this new opportunity to speak with experienced music therapists in a 1:1 setting. Sign up today!


Annette Whitehead Pleaux, Jennifer Geiger, Debbie Bates 


Sign Up Links:

1:00 - 2:00

2:00 - 3:00

