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May is Older Americans Month

May 1, 2012 02:29 PM
Older Americans Month 2012

Message from Administration for Community Living Administrator and Assistant Secretary for Aging Kathy Greenlee:

It is an honor to join President Obama in proclaiming May 2012 as Older Americans Month.  This recognition, which has been celebrated nationally since 1963, gives us an opportunity to honor and acknowledge older Americans for the contributions they make to our Nation.  This year's theme for Older Americans Month, "Never Too Old to Play" recognizes that older Americans are active and engaged in their communities, giving younger generations the benefit of their wisdom and experience. I would
also like to acknowledge the efforts of the Administration on Aging’s national aging services network which is working tirelessly to provide services and supports to older adults that enable them to remain healthy
and independent. During Older Americans Month we should all find ways to enrich the lives of the older adults who touch our lives and make a difference in our county.

To read the President’s proclamation, visit
