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In Memoriam: Dr. Charles T. Eagle, Jr
This week we are saddened to learn that Dr. Charles T. Eagle, Jr. died on October 27, 2020, a few weeks short of his 88
birthday. Sometimes referred to as a gentle giant, Dr. Eagle was instrumental in the establishment and growth of music therapy degree programs at several institutions. He started the music therapy degree programs at the University of Miami, taught at Texas Women’s University, and then launched the music therapy program at Southern Methodist University (SMU) where he served in several leadership positions in the Music Division of SMU. Dr. Eagle retired from SMU as Professor Emeritus in 1995. He promoted musical knowledge, skill, and was an accomplished musician. Notably, Dr. Eagle helped grow an evidence-based connection between music, psychology, and medicine. As a pioneer in music therapy, we are grateful for his outstanding contributions to the music therapy profession. He will be missed, and we extend our thoughts to his family at this time.
View his obituary online.