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Getting to and From the AMTA Conference

September 21, 2012 03:59 PM

AMTA Conference Airport Arrival Instructions

Sunday October 7 – Thursday October 11, 2012
AMTA has been working very diligently to find our conference participants the best possible deal for airport transportation. Our efforts have shown that the most cost effective way to get people to the Pheasant Run Resort is to institute a cab sharing procedure. A greeter with an AMTA sign from Midwest Transit will be on duty at most peak arrival times to help facilitate sharing cabs. Our goal is to keep your travel expenses as low as possible – with 3 people sharing a cab from O’Hare the fare would be between $30 - $35 each. Midway will be more expensive. Most cabs accept credit cards.
If you have any questions upon your arrival at the airport you can call our airport arrival line (630) 347-0859.
Arrivals into O’Hare and Midway Airports
O’Hare International Airport is made up of five (5) terminals, Terminal #1, #2, #3 and #5 situated in a "horse shoe shape". After you have claimed your luggage, please walk or take the inter-airport shuttle train to Terminal #2 and then proceed to the lower level baggage claim area. Once you have arrived at terminal #2 (in lower level baggage claim area) please walk to door 2C AND WAIT INSIDE THE TERMINAL, NOT OUTSIDE. (All the doors in terminal 2C are well marked, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, etc.). At this point you can attempt to "meet up" with other guests from AMTA in order to share a cab to the hotel. Please be aware that guests are arriving over a 5-day period and sometimes it may be a while before someone else shows up.
Sunday October 7 at O’Hare 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Monday October 8 at O’Hare 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Tuesday October 9 at O’Hare 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday October 10 at O’Hare 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
Thursday October 11 at O’Hare 8:00 am – 6:30 pm
Midway airport is made up just (1) terminal. After you have claimed your luggage, please walk to door 2 AND WAIT INSIDE THE TERMINAL, NOT OUTSIDE. (There are 4 doors that lead outside, 1, 2, 3 and 4). At this point you can attempt to "meet up" with other guests from AMTA in order to share a cab to the hotel.
Wednesday October 10 at Midway 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Thursday October 11 at Midway 10:30 am – 3:30 pm
This information is provided to help you find low cost transportation to and from the hotel. You are always welcome to make your own arrangements. Other options have been published on:
  • Twitter (@AMTA2012)
  • WordPress (
  • AMTA Facebook:
  • Facebook (Amta2012)
Return Airport Transportation Sign Up Information
Midwest Transit System is offering return airport transportation to O’Hare and Midway airports at the following times:
Saturday October 13, 2012 (Service back to the airports)
Midway Airport: Shuttle service will leave the hotel at 3:00pm $55.00
O’Hare Airport: Shuttle service will leave the hotel at 11:00am / 2:00pm $45.00
Sunday October 14, 2012 (Service back to the airports) – 1:00 pm services added to O’Hare
Midway Airport: Shuttle service will leave the hotel at 7:00am / 1:30pm $50.00
O’Hare Airport: Shuttle service will leave the hotel at 7:00am / 10:00am/1:00 pm / 4:00pm $40.00

Very important information about signing up Very important information about signing up Very important information about signing up

*If you "signed up" through the Midwest Transit website before, you will need to do it again and include your credit card information. When you initially signed up this was to give an "overview" of transportation needs for this conference. Unfortunately, the information you sent has been deleted.
Step #1
Anytime from September 22 – October 5, please visit the website at and click on the
"Airport Reservations" icon on the front page.
(Be careful typing in that e-mail address!)
Step #2
Fill in ALL of the requested information regarding your departure information only.
Step #3
Within a day of receiving your information Midwest Transit will send you confirmation and a credit card receipt. The confirmation will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about your return trip to the airport.
Questions, problems or just want to talk?
Option "A"
Send your question to
Option "B"
Call 708-448-7822 ext. 106
Option "C"
Fax your question to 708-361-9365
Midwest Transit System
7800 College Drive Suite 3NW
Palos Heights, IL 60463
(708) 448-7822
