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2019 Concurrent Sessions and Meetings

Planned Concurrent Sessions at the 2019 AMTA Conference

(tentative list as of 10/2/19 - information subject to change)
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Friday, November 22, 2019

8:00 AM-9:15 AM

Utilizing Lessons Learned from Caregivers of Teens and Young Adults with Autism

Hear findings from interviews with family caregivers of teens or young adults who have autism. While quantitative data focused on services and caregiver well-being, in this session, you'll get highlights of advice caregivers offered to professionals.  Music therapy administrators and clinicians will be challenged to brainstorm ways to utilize lessons learned.

Ronna Kaplan, MA, MT-BC; Karen Ishler, PhD, LSW; Kristen A. Berg, MS, CRC

Out with the Old, In with the New: Innovating Internship from Application to Graduation

Stuck in a rut with the same old method? Internship directors must revise approaches and processes to fit the ever-changing needs and trends of younger generations of interns and students. Explore innovative application and interview techniques, supervision, schedules, and evaluation model of a successful internship setting. This presentation is designed for supervisors only.

Jennifer Jarred Peyton, MM, MT-BC; Jessica Rushing, MM, MT-BC

Anything I Can Do, You Can Do Better: The Impact of Impostor Phenomenon on the Therapeutic Process

Have you ever felt like you are not deserving of your achievements? Or that your accomplishments are a result of luck rather than knowledge and experience? Explore the characteristics of impostor phenomenon and its impact on the therapist and music therapy process.  Gain skills and resources in managing impostor phenomenon.

Emily Guthe, MM, MA, MT-BC; Stephanie Morris, MT-BC

Music Therapists and Social Activism

What are music therapists’ responsibilities around social activism and social justice? Increasingly, headline news seems to be having a direct impact on our daily lives and the lives of our clients. Explore what music therapists are doing to support clients within and outside the therapy room.

Sandi Curtis, PhD, MTA, MT-BC

Bridging Identities and Languages: Group Music Therapy for Immigrant Patients in Inpatient Psychiatry

For most immigrants, there is a process of adaptation into the new community. The stress of adjustment to new environment and language can also be triggers to mental illness.   Hear two music therapists present their work for immigrant inpatients with mental illness who face challenges and stress pertaining to their immigration background.

Yu-Ying Chen, PhD, LCAT, MT-BC; Kenneth Baracaldo, MS, LCAT, MT-BC

Show Me the Money: Setting Service Rates (…and Sticking to Them)

Receive strategies to move past common money mindset blocks, consider compensation practices, and use those considerations to develop rates that satisfy therapists’ and organizations’ financial goals. Expand techniques for sticking to proposed rates during contract negotiations.

Allison G. Hingley, MM, MT-BC

Infant Loss: Providing Quality End-of-Life Care to Littles and their Families in Hospital and Home-Based Environments

Infant loss is a complex and dynamic topic in end-of-life care. Music therapy has the opportunity to address goals related to bonding, parenting, symptom management, and anticipatory bereavement. Explore both goals and specific interventions utilized by music therapists working in the NICU and within home-based pediatric hospice.

Elisabeth Bombell, MT-BC; Jessica Sturgeon, MT-BC

Broadening Horizons: Supporting Exploration of Musical Identity for Individuals with IDD

Music can be used to formulate and express individual identities, so how can music therapists promote the development of musical identity for individuals we serve with disabilities? Explore various factors that affect the development of musical identity and examine the role of the therapist in the process.

Sherri Ross, MA, MT-BC; Eric Gumm, MA, MT-BC; Grant Hales, MT-BC

The Frets are Our Friends

Ever get intimidated doing improvisation on the fretted instruments? Learn how to put together a quality improvisation utilizing the electric bass and guitar within 20 minutes. Understand how to swiftly facilitate key changes, add guitar riffs, and create alternative bass patterns.

Hong-Yu (Joseph) Chang, MME, MT-BC

Integrating our Understandings: Exploring Concepts of Safety and Security in Music Therapy Training

Music therapy training requires students to engage in new experiences, be self-reflective, and embrace vulnerability. Students are more likely to embrace these challenges when they feel safe and secure. Discuss how to promote safety and security with music therapy educators and students from three different countries.

Anita L. Swanson, PhD, MT-BC; Claire Ghetti, PhD, MT-BC, CCLS; Carol Lotter, PhD

Integrating at All Levels: Innovative Interprofessional Experiences for Music Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology Students

Learn how four music therapists, in preparation for Camp ROCK (an inclusive summer camp for students with and without ASD), designed an interprofessional course where music therapy and speech-language pathology students learned about ASD, both disciplines, and collaborated to prepare materials. Explore benefits, challenges, and future directions of the course.

Laura Brown, PhD, MT-BC; Joann Benigno, PhD, CCC-SLP; Bridget Wright, MA; Carly Reese, MT-BC

Current Trends in Clinical Practice for Music Therapists Working Within Multiple Sclerosis Support Programs

The need for non-pharmacological therapies for Multiple Sclerosis has increased, however, the number of music therapists, as well as resources in the literature, are limited.  Gain understanding about common goals and effective interventions used in two different music therapy support programs.  Get an overview of current literature and video examples.

Amy Robertson, PhD, MT-BC; Kerry Willis, MT-BC

Music Therapy & Advocacy: Action Research with Gender and Sexual Minority College Students

Learn about an action research study that explored the experience of participants in a music therapy group for gender and sexual minority college students and the students' ideas about the role of advocacy in music therapy using a queer theories lens. Hear recommendations for music therapists’ practice and future research.

Alice Berry, MMT, MA, MT-BC

Resiliency through Music: A Staff Care Program Model

Staff resiliency is a popular discussion topic in the healthcare milieu. Providing opportunities for staff to maintain wellness, as well as have opportunities to process difficult unit experiences, can be a valuable role for music therapy. Hear details about the creation of staff care programming for both wellness and recovery of staff.

Jennifer Townsend, MMT, MT-BC; Virginia Gray MT-BC; Antonio Milland-Santiago MT-BC; Audrey Zybura MT-BC

The Glass Ceiling of Disability: Examining Implicit Biases about Disabled Professionals

Learn from disabled and chronically ill music therapists who will share adaptive techniques used to accommodate themselves and their clients.  Hear about research regarding music therapy practica students with invisible illnesses and invisible disabilities.  Discuss disability representation in music therapy and societal attitudes toward disability.

Kaitlin Shelton, MT-BC; Rebecca Warren, MM, MT-BC; Emily Rawlings, LPMT, MT-BC; Rachel Reed, MT-BC; Anna Menendez

Music Therapy as the Patient’s Performance of Ritual Healing: A Case Presentation

Listen to the clinical case presentation of a young patient and family in the hospital with a re-diagnosis of cancer. Learn how music therapy can be used as a transition rite in which incorporation of the patient’s and family’s aesthetic preferences of rap and hip-hop were essential to the facilitation of a healing experience.

Clarissa Lacson, MA, MT-BC

Research Agenda Development as a Navigational Tool Supporting the Tenure Process

Navigating the tenure process can be challenging while balancing teaching, research, and service.  Developing a research agenda as a doctoral student to carry out during the tenure and promotion process brings successes and challenges.  Discuss effective communication of a research agenda as part of the tenure process. 

Jennifer Fiore, PhD, MT-BC; Deborah Layman, PhD(c), MT-BC; Carol Olszewski, PhD(c), MT-BC; and Cindy Colwell, PhD, MT-BC

Medical Music Psychotherapy: An Integrative Treatment Model

Interdisciplinarity and the surge of integrative models in the forefront of global modern healthcare address disease to wellness. Through examples of assessment, pain, resilience, and ICU models, an integrative approach bringing clinical and research initiatives together will elucidate how development in research, practice, and knowledge has consolidated a 25-year model of medical music psychotherapy.

Joanne Loewy, DA, LCAT, MT-BC

Critical Pedagogy in the Arts Therapies: A Roundtable Discussion

Focus on critical pedagogy and its applications in the arts therapies. Hear from a diverse panel discussing critical pedagogy within arts therapy disciplines as an approach to education with the central purpose of addressing inequality and oppression by identifying and working to transform relationships of power.

Marisol Norris, MA, MT-BC; Leah Gibson, MA, ATR-BC, LPC; Angélica Pinna-Perez, PhD, LCAT, LICSW, REAT, RDT; Susan Hadley, PhD, MT-BC

2:15 PM-3:30 PM

Represent, Influence, Change, Energize: Uncovering the Mystery of the Assembly of Delegates

What is the Assembly of Delegates and how do they represent me? How do members and clients influence the Assembly of Delegates? How can I impact change within the Assembly if I’m not a delegate? Uncover these mysteries and energize yourself to get involved!

Debbie Bates, PhD, MT-BC; Piper Laird, MM, MT-BC; Angela Snell, MSEd, MT-BC; Cindy Ropp, EdD, MT-BC; Members of Assembly Bylaws Task Force

Does Singing Impact Father-Infant Bonding? 13 Fathers’ Experiences Singing to their Infants

Infant-directed singing is a powerful way to capture infant attention and modulate arousal.  Research often focuses on mothers, although fathers are also important attachment figures. Results from a phenomenological study explore how and why fathers sing to their infants. Discuss implications for music therapy practice.

Kara Caine, MME, MT-BC

Beyond Color Coding: Adapted Music Lessons that Presume Competence in Neurodiverse Learners

Many young adults on the spectrum have a desire to learn music in a way that is respectful of their age, yet accommodating of their sensory-motor and social-communication needs. Learn innovative teaching strategies for adapted music lessons that presume competence and provide opportunities for true music learning.

CJ Shiloh, MT-BC; Kerry Devlin, MMT, MT-BC

The Integration of Music Therapy into Palliative Medicine

Palliative Medicine Programs are growing at a rapid rate and music therapy is a perfect addition.  Learn how music therapy has become an essential part of a palliative team and how it was integrated. Hear about lessons learned and growth opportunities for future programs.

Christina Wood, MA, MT-BC; Rachel Wiste, MSN, APRN, CNP; Rachel Gentes, MSN, APRN, CNP

Doing Research with Kids: Tips, Tricks and Rules

Navigating the world of research is fun but complicated, especially when it involves children. Many find research talks boring or overwhelming. Listen to stories, tips, tricks, and illustrations of important concepts and learn guidelines for ethical, developmentally appropriate, and successful conduct of research with young patients.

Amanda K. Henley, MM, MT-BC; Kristin A. Stegenga, PhD, RN; Sheri L. Robb, PhD, MT-BC

Exploring the Decolonization of Music Therapy Education: An Imaginative Dialogue

Enjoy a creative exploration through music and discussion of how music therapy education could be reframed and re-imagined to be more relevant and responsive to the various people music therapists serve and to therapists emerging from multiple cultures.

Adenike Webb, PhD, MT-BC; Brian Abrams, PhD, MT-BC, LCAT

The Music Ecosystem: Why Music Therapists Should Care about Music Industry Issues

Spotify is fighting an increase in pay for songwriters. Music creators and music therapists are part of the same ecosystem therefore, MT-BCs need to understand how these issues can impact music therapy and music therapy clients. Build a more complete awareness of music industry issues such as copyright and royalties.

Tracy Richardson, PhD, MT-BC

Musical Bridges to Memory: Research on Music Intervention and Dementia

The Musical Bridges to Memory research program promotes connection between residents, families, caregivers, and friends. Join us to discuss the efficacy of a 12-week music intervention pilot study delivered at two memory care facilities, and the collaboration of Chicago based music therapists, Orff educators, and professional musicians.

Borna Bonakdarpour, MD, FAAN; Jeffrey Wolfe, MM, MT-BC; Amanda Ziemba, MM, MT-BC; Bradley Drozdowski, MT-BC

Guitar Rhythms and Patterns for Everyday Use: Beyond Basic Skills

Music therapists use guitar as a therapeutic tool to work with clients. Learn how to incorporate varying levels of melody and accompaniment patterns on the guitar to facilitate clinical goals. Get practical tips and strategies to advance guitar skills within popular, folk, and country repertoire for clinical practice.

Hilary Yip, MM, MT-BC; Federico Musgrove Stetson, DMA 

Between Lines: Exploring Black Aesthetics in Vocal Music Therapy for Chronic Pain

Despite the increased study of Black healthcare disparities, therapeutic encounters of Black clients are minimally explored in the profession of music therapy. Join us to explore the aesthetic experiences of Black participants in a Vocal Music Therapy program for chronic pain. 

Marisol Norris, MA, MT-BC

Music Therapy Clinical Training: Integrating IPE into the Curriculum

Music therapy educators are faced with a wide variety of competencies to address in order to support music therapy students' learning during their coursework and internship. Address the four Interprofessional Collaboration Professional Competencies (18.1, 18.2, 18.3, & 18.4) and learn a model for infusing interprofessional collaboration during undergraduate music therapy education.

Nicole Hahna, PhD, MT-BC; Michele Crytzer, EdD, MSN; Vern Miller, MA, MT-BC

Music Therapy & the Military

Music therapy is increasingly incorporated into services for military personnel/families, but information is still emerging on music therapy practice with this population. Listen to an overview of interventions, objectives, and service parameters from the literature as well as presenters' own research and practice.

Lori F. Gooding, PhD, MT-BC; Diane G. Langston, MM, MT-BC

Access Please!  Searching for Research Articles when Working Outside of Academia

Research literature is essential – whether music therapists are producing research or consuming research to inform practice.  Yet, music therapists run into access barriers when not affiliated with a university or research facility.  Receive practical tips to access and search research databases outside of academia.

Joy Allen, PhD, MT-BC; Andrea McGraw Hunt, PhD, MT-BC; Heather Wagner, PhD, MT-BC

Music-Based Regulation, Music Use, and Coping in Adults with Mental Health Conditions

Adults with mental health conditions frequently use music for emotional regulation.  Learn about clinical implications of music-based emotional regulation, healthy and unhealthy music use, and coping strategies in adults with mental health and substance use disorders which are based on results of correlational and multiple regression analyses within cross-sectional studies.

Michael J. Silverman, PhD, MT-BC

Clinical BOPulations the Podcast: Recording LIVE from National Conference!

"Clinical BOPulations" is a music therapy podcast hosted by a collective of music therapists and educators. In every episode, they introduce a new/undiscovered songwriters/producers, explore their music, and discuss how it can be utilized therapeutically. Join this presentation for a live roundtable recording and be part of an episode!

Gabrielle Banzon, MA, MT-BC; Allyson Rogers, MT-BC; Michael Zanders, PhD, MT-BC; Grant Hales, MT-BC

Affinity Group - LGBTQ+ and Music Therapist: Intersecting Identities

This roundtable session is open to music therapists and students who identify as LGBTQ+. In this supportive safe space we will discuss topics including: being out at work, discrimination, intersectionality, disclosure, gender identity, and the benefits of being LGBTQ+.

Amy Donnenwerth, MA, MT-BC; Michele Forinash, DA, MT-BC, LMHC; Spencer Hardy, MA, MT-BC; Leah Oswanski, MA, LPC, MT-BC; Beth Robinson, MT-BC; Annette Whitehead-Pleaux, MA, MT-BC

2:15 PM-6:30 PM

Preparing for the CBMT Exam: Using the Online Self-Assessment Exam

Focus on the Board of Domains outline of the certification examination and the way in which the Self-Assessment Examinations, published by CBMT, can be used to prepare for successful completion of the exam.

Joy Schneck, MM, MT-BC; Karen Howat

3:45 PM-5:00 PM

Incorporating Social Change in Feminist Music Therapy- Review of the Clinical Literature

Since the publication of Hadley’s 2006 edited volume, it could be argued that feminist music therapy has gained footing as a mainstream approach in music therapy. However, clear guidance for clinical practice remains elusive, particularly with regard to incorporating social change. Listen to presenters review clinical literature rooted in feminist practice.

Melody Schwantes, PhD, MT-BC; Kendra Bodry, MMT, MT-BC

Memory Movers Program: Keeping Older Adults with Dementia Moving

For patients with dementia, staying active, social, and cognitively stimulated is important. Memory Movers program is a music and physical therapy group designed specifically to meet these unique needs. Discuss the development, implementation, challenges, and successes of such a group with direction for use in other facilities.

Becky Wellman, PhD, LPMT, MT-BC; Christy Ross, PT, DPT, GCS, CDP, MSCS

Interviewing Skills for the New Music Therapist

Entering the professional workforce can be a daunting new endeavor for recent music therapy program graduates. Dive into the "hows" and "whats" of putting your best foot forward - verbally, musically, and clinically - when interviewing for music therapist positions. Land multiple job offers and, ultimately, your "dream gig" by identifying and owning your best professional self.

Megan Resig, LCAT, MT-BC

Integrating Global Perspectives to Promote Collaboration: The Role and Mission of the World Federation of Music Therapy

The World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT) supports a global music therapy network that includes all cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Join us to learn about the WFMT and how to participate in global music therapy collaboration.  Enjoy a sneak preview of the World Congress 2020 in South Africa!

Anita L. Swanson, PhD, MT-BC; Daniel Tague, PhD, MT-BC; Andrea McGraw Hunt, PhD, MT-BC; Bronwen Landless, MMT, MT-BC

Innovative Approaches to Partnerships: Integrating Music Therapy Informed Education with Professional Ensembles

In many cities, professional music ensembles are taking innovative approaches to provide accessible programs for people of all abilities, creating unique opportunities for music therapists. Review best practices for integrating music therapy-informed education into planning, training, and facilitating musical experiences for people of all ability levels.

Lyndie Walker, MT-BC

The Content, Layout, and Technology of Creating Stand-out Posters and Presentations

Music therapists often need to create posters or presentations to highlight research studies, promote music therapy, or organize class material or workshops. Learn how to use PowerPoint and various design tricks to create large scale posters and visually engaging presentations. Bring your laptop with PowerPoint to the session.

Gene Ann Behrens, PhD, MT-BC; Nicki Cohen, PhD, MT-BC

Critical Social Aesthetics in Action! Improvising with Innovation in Arts Based Research

Arts-based research is core to what music therapists do as it is informed form our clinical practice. Understanding how to analyze improvisation is a key part of the iterative processes in improvisation based work, as well as qualitative research, and can be translated into arts-based research. Enjoy a creative arts-based clinical music workshop which offers a hands-on, "how to" approach to clinical music analysis. Learn about clinical applications as well as research analysis methodology.

Rebecca Zarate

Independent Contractor vs Employee: Understanding Business Relationships

It can be overwhelming to navigate the terms described in job postings as a new professional, yet it is essential to understand the distinct differences between an "Independent Contractor" and "Employee." New professionals, empower yourselves with information about different types of employment and boundaries within these professional relationships.

Lindsay Markworth, MMT, MT-BC; Anna Brudzinski, MT-BC

Integrating Innovative Music Talent

Program growth can integrate live and recorded music talent to augment music therapy effectively in areas of dementia, medical, addiction, and disabilities. Published reports from the USA and UK, along with private practice success, addresses patient and facility demands, ethical concerns, contract fulfillment, technology, innovative program diversity, and patient support.

Concetta Tomaino, DA, MT-BC, LCAT; Judith Pinkerton, LPMT, MT-BC

Ethics Board Presents - Shifting Ethical Thinking: A Dialogue

AMTA adopted a new Code of Ethics on February 1, 2019. This aspirational approach asks each professional (or student) to take more responsibility for monitoring personal conduct and decisions while holding the best interests of the client at the forefront of the decision-making process. Join us for a discussion of the new AMTA Code of Ethics.

Barbara Bastable, MA, MT-BC; Debra Dacus, MA, MT-BC; Jen DeBedout, MM, MT-BC; Jamie George, MM, LPMT, MT-BC; Kevin Hahn, MM, MT-BC; Janice Schreibman, MM, MT-BC; Jennifer Sikora, MMT, LCAT, MT-BC; Carol Shultis, PhD, LPC, MT-BC

Exploring Disability and Allyship in Music Therapy: A Roundtable Discussion

Hear a roundtable discussion led by three music therapists with diverse perspectives, including lived experience of disability, which will open discourse on allyship in music therapy clinical practice. Discuss factors such as disclosing disability, developing authentic allyship, and shifting power dynamics as they relate to clinical work with neurodivergent clients.

Kerry Devlin, MMT, MT-BC; Rachel Reed, MT-BC; C.J. Shiloh, MT-BC

Client-Centered Technology for Music Therapy Clinical Training in a University Setting

Hear about competencies proposed on the use of technology in clinical training, including instructional approaches leading to technological competence. Technological competence is considered as central to music therapy as competence associated with voice, keyboard, percussion, and guitar.  Get instruction from an adaptive technology specialist using an interactive consultation model.

Michael Rohrbacher, PhD, MT-BC; Crystal King, MSEd, MT-BC

Drumming for Self-Care & Wellness – Mind, Body & Spirit

Learn a three-step process of creating and facilitating healing rhythms. Discover the surprising connection between rhythm and silence as well as how drumming can lead to meditation and stillness.  Includes a FREE play-along track of relaxing rhythm to use in groups and for self-care. 

Christine Stevens, MSW, MA, MT-BC

Let's Make Music: The Art of Clinical Composition in Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy

Come play and discuss pieces written for therapy by Nordoff-Robbins therapists. Explore elements to consider when composing for clinical settings, focusing on musical components, meeting client needs, and leading. Learn compositions and songs that have proven successful with a wide variety of clients.

Jacqueline Bimbaum, MSEd, MA, LCAT, MT-BC; Jenny Hoi Yan Fu, MA, LCAT, MT-BC

5:15 PM-6:30 PM

Introduction to HealthRHYTHMS – for Students & Interns

Experience an evidence-based group drumming protocol that combines seven key health-promoting strategies (guided visualization, exercise, camaraderie, support, spirituality, self-expression, and music-making) in a ten-step process.  Learn more about this program, which has been shown to significantly reduce burn-out in college students.

Christine Stevens, MSW, MA, MT-BC

More Voices:  Honoring the Passage from Hospice Music Therapy and Beyond

Experience a time for reflection and personal and community sharing with others who work in hospice and palliative care settings.  Bring your own musical vignettes and personal stories to the circle to witness and be heard. 

Virginia Caldwell, MM, MT-BC; Louise Dimiceli-Mitran, MT-BC; Barbara Dunn, PhD, LICSW, MT-BC; Alexa Economos, MMT-BC; Maureen Hearns, PhD, SCMT, MT-BC; Jillian Hicks, MA, MT-BC; Carolyn Koebel, MM, MT-BC; Robert Krout, EdD, MT-BC; Dawn McDougal Miller, MME, MT-BC; David Melbye, MT-BC; Terra Merrill, PhD, MT-BC; Laura Pawuk, MM, MT-BC; Jessica Rose Western, MT-BC

"He is a Gift" - Songwriting and Coping in the Adult Medical Setting

Songwriting in the hospital can address many goals across domains of functioning.  Particularly, it can assist patients in identifying and emphasizing inner resources to cope with hospitalization.  Explore the stepwise process of songwriting in an acute medical setting through a case example.

Libby Gill, MT-BC

Our Goal: Better Goal-Writing and Evaluation in Senior Living Groups

Are your goal-writing and evaluation procedures in senior living groups working well? Facing the realities of workplaces, it may sometimes seem impossible - or even pointless - to set and evaluate meaningful goals for participants. Come to explore this crucial aspect of clinical practice with older adults, with a music-centered lens.

Rachelle Morgan, MA, MT-BC; Anastasia Wheeler, MT-BC

Meaningful Moments: Music Therapy in End-of-Life Care

A growing number of music therapists serve hospice patients, yet many professionals enter the field with limited knowledge of this population. Get an overview of hospice care, potential goal areas to address in treatment, and music therapy intervention examples for clinical implementation. 

Jenny Denk, MT-BC

Music + Health Innovation Challenge

What happens when you ask passionate healthcare industry providers, researchers, music therapists, technology experts, entrepreneurs, and engineers to come together to brainstorm and develop solutions to healthcare challenges facing our communities?  Learn from music therapists who participated in the first hackathon in world centered on Music and Health. 

Joy Allen, PhD, MT-BC; Brian Jantz, MA, MT-BC; Annette Whitehead-Pleaux, MA, MT-BC

Embracing Growth and Transformation during Your Internship:  Integrating Wisdom from 100 Interns 

Students, make the most of your internship by learning strategies to prepare for and navigate the stages of the internship. You will hear from the experts, 100 former interns, who were surveyed and asked to share their wisdom with future interns.    

Sandra Holten, MT-BC; Dawn McDougal Miller, MME, MT-BC

After the School Shooting: Music Therapy and Summer Camp Programming

Learn the role of music therapy in three trauma-informed camps developed to assist with the recovery of students impacted by the Parkland and Sandy Hook School shootings. Hear the music therapist's role in camp development, implementation, and trauma-informed interventions described using program examples.

Bree Gordon, MT-BC; Jennifer Sokira, MMT, LCAT, MT-BC

LGBTQAI+ Ally Roundtable: Supporting our Intersecting Identities

LGBTQAI+ allies are welcomed to a safe and supportive space to discuss our experiences being LGBTQAI+ allies and how it intersects with our music therapy careers and identities. All (queer, straight, cisgender, transgender, non-binary, student, professional, educator, etc.) are welcome to attend and take part in open discussion.

Annette Whitehead-Pleaux, MA, MT-BC; Amy Donnenwerth, MA, MT-BC

Integrating Caribbean Music & Rhythms: Folk Songs, Calypso and Steel Pans

Sing, play, and move with Caribbean music that motivates a variety of populations.  Discover accessible multicultural resources from our island neighbors.  Grow your repertoire with authentic Caribbean music and activities.  Hear about the birth, growth, and practice of music therapy in Trinidad & Tobago, the land of calypso and steel pans.  

Jean Raabe, MEd, MBA, MT-BC; Shiann Melville

Navigating Meta-Analysis of Bonny Method Case Studies of Individuals Experiencing Trauma

Identify and implement the appropriate research theory and methodology for: 1) Examining common process factors among Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM) case studies with clients who experience symptoms of chronic traumatization, and 2) Comparing the identified common BMGIM process factors to prominent trauma-responsive approaches.

Brent Beeson, MS, MT-BC; Abby Dodds

Disability Discourse in Music Therapy

The language we use in everyday interactions plays an important role in constructing identities, negotiating our relationships with others, and perpetuating the values and norms of our culture. Explore issues of disability and ableism in the context of discourse employed in music therapy texts, based on a thesis research study.   

Rachel Reed, MT-BC

ADHD and Music Belong Together

A diagnosis of ADHD can be confusing, stigmatizing, and painful for children and adults alike. Others may struggle with symptoms, often for years, without getting proper diagnosis and treatment they need. Music therapy can help unlock immense potential in these individuals by recognizing both strengths and challenges that the ADHD brain presents. Gain a deeper understanding of these strengths and challenges, as well as how music therapy experiences can help address them through hands-on learning and music-making.

Kathryn Ryan, MM, MT-BC

Music Therapy & Social Capital: Building Community through Musicking

In Community Music Therapy, the relationships between participants and increasing community bonds is often addressed. Gain a theoretical understanding of social capital and the importance of it in our lives, as well as a developmental theory of how to develop trust and reciprocity through musicking.

Meredith R. Pizzi, MPA, MT-BC; Elizabeth K. Schwartz, MA, LCAT, MT-BC

Parental Partnering in the NICU: Disrupting a Marginalizing Narrative

The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is a matriarchal treatment milieu historically focused on the mother-infant dyad. Stereotypical marginalization of fathers or significant partners as integral caregivers frequently occurs.  Learn about music therapy offered within a family-centered environment that may effectively offset historical constructs that preclude involvement of all members in the family system.

John Mondanaro, MA, LCAT, MT-BC, CCLS

Saturday, November 23, 2019

8:00 AM-9:15 AM

Meet Our Creative Arts Therapies Partners

Amy Furman, MA, MT-BC; Ronna Kaplan, MA, MT-BC; Nadya Trytan; Geri Chavis; Paul Sevett

Submitting a Manuscript to Music Therapy Journals: A Conversation with the Editors-in-Chief

Writing for publication can be an intimidating process, yet it is vital that we have a diversity of clinical voices, theoretical orientations, and research practices in our journals. Hear about presenters' roles with the Journal of Music Therapy and Music Therapy Perspectives, review the submission process, and get tips for manuscript preparation.

Laura Beer, PhD, MT-BC; Blythe LaGasse, PhD, MT-BC

Music Therapy for Chronic Pain Management in People with Advanced Cancer

Hear results from an NIH-funded mixed methods intervention trial aimed at examining the mechanisms of a six-week interactive music therapy program to manage chronic pain in people with advanced cancer. In addition study findings, targeted mechanisms will be illustrated through video fragments.

Joke Bradt, PhD, MT-BC; Katherine Myers-Coffman, PhD, MT-BC

Expanding the Music Therapy Dao: Toward a Holistic Model of Music Therapy

As the profession of music therapy moves toward a holistic and wellness model, it is important to consider Asian philosophies and healthcare practices that inform this movement. Learn about Chinese philosophies on health and music that both inform and expand understanding of the potential of music therapy.

Ming Yuan Low, MA, MT-BC

Current Trends in Clinical Musicianship: Faculty Perspectives on Education and Training

Music therapy program directors from the U.S. were surveyed and interviewed to uncover and explicate definitions, understandings, and perspectives on teaching clinical musicianship in AMTA-approved undergraduate music therapy programs. Hear results from the survey and implications for current and future educational practice.

Patricia Winter, PhD, MT-BC; Noah Potvin, PhD, MT-BC

Feeling Unmotivated?  Integrating Self-care through Poetry, Music, and Imagery Experiences

Explore the topics of self-care and compassion fatigue, not through facts or lectures, but through experience with creative arts. You are invited to breathe, relax and experience music, imagery, poetry, nature photographs, and journaling to reflect on your own work and to refuel.

Ted Bowman, MDiv; Dawn McDougal Miller, MME, MT-BC; Christian Nielsen, MT-BC

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Presents - A Status Report for 2019

Hear about the work of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee on increasing diversity, equity, inclusion training, and resources for AMTA members. Listen to recommendations on resource expansion, training offerings at conferences, and participate in a group discussion.

Melita Belgrave, PhD, MT-BC; Kate Bautch; Jenny Hoi Yan Fu, MA, LCAT, MT-BC; Kamica King, MA, MT-BC; Pete Meyer, MA, MT-BC; Marisol Norris, MMT, MT-BC; Maria Gonsalves Schimpf, MA, LSP, MT-BC; Beth Robinson, MT-BC

Social Identity and Music-Making Choices of Black/African American Limited Resource Youth

Explore how Black/African American youth from limited resource communities describe and demonstrate social identities through music-making choices in the therapeutic relationship and actions clinicians may find useful for most authentically and meaningfully engaging with this marginalized population.

Natasha Thomas, PhD, MT-BC

Understanding Transgenerational Trauma and Grief through Digitally Remixing Music of the Holocaust

Hear current findings from an arts-based research study consisting of remixing archival compositions by persons who were victims of the Holocaust in order to explore trans-generational elements of trauma and grief embodied within these works. Concepts from Jungian, Humanistic, and Transpersonal theory are integrated into the conversation.

Brian Abrams, PhD, MT-BC, LCAT; Michael Viega, PhD, MT-BC, LCAT

Music Therapy Degree Programs: Forecasting Enrollment, Program Development, and Faculty Demand

Music therapy degree programs originated in the 1940s and not much is known about trends. Hear results from a recent study that forecasted enrollment, degree program development, and demand for qualified faculty for the coming decade.

Dawn Iwamasa, MA, MT-BC

Supporting Our College Students: Understanding the Mental Health Crisis in America

Promote awareness of mental health challenges faced by college student populations. Hear about data related to prevalence, diagnoses, stressors, illness management, and overall impact on the college experience. Discuss responsibility and rights of both faculty and students.

Alejandra J. Ferrer, PhD, MT-BC; Natasha Walker, MM, MT-BC

Creative Forces®: Innovations in Military Music Therapy Practice, Community Integration, and Research

Learn innovations in music therapy practice, community integration, and research as applied to active duty service members and veterans with TBI and PTSD as well as their families within creative arts therapies programming offered through Creative Forces®: NEA Military Healing Arts Network in military medical facilities across the United States.

Rebecca Vaudreuil, EdM, MT-BC; Danielle Vetro-Kalseth, MM, MT-BC; Sara Kass, MD, Donna Betts, PhD, ATR-BC

I Can’t Keep Quiet: Music Therapy Practice with Survivors of Sexual Violence

Explore practice with survivors of sexual violence. Pay special attention to understanding the neurological impact of psychological trauma. Due to the sensitivity of content, sexual violence will not be described in the presentation.

Alice Berry, MMT, MA, MT-BC

Communicate Impactful Ideas: How Networks, Timing, and Persuasion Matter in Advocacy

An advocate is simply a person who stands for a cause and knows how to persuade people who matter about the issue.  This can be a tricky and uncomfortable skill for many people.  Discover applications of successful advocacy when presenting to others, maintaining inter-professional relationships, and representing music therapy harmoniously.

Leslie A. Henry, MM, MT-BC

Constantly Becoming: A Roundtable to Move from Queer Theory to Queering Practice

Continue the conversation about Queer Theory principles and applications in music therapy beyond realms of gender and sexuality, destabilizing fixed notions of identity across various axes. Learn about the concept of “queering” and share experiences of noticing and combating fixed structures in clinical work.

Maevon Gumble, MMT, MT-BC; Victoria Fansler, MT-BC; Ashley Taylor, MT-BC, MEd; Tatyana Martin, MT-BC

Voices of Clients and Therapist: Therapeutic Relationship in Music Therapy during Eating Disorder Treatment

The therapeutic relationship is a vital aspect of the therapeutic process. Get an insider perspective as two young women, now living in recovery from an eating disorder, and their former music therapist explore their therapeutic work throughout the course of eating disorder treatment.

Annie Heiderscheit, PhD, LMFT, MT-BC; Erin Gargaro; Rhonda Guertin

8:45 AM-10:00 AM

Internship Fair

11:15 AM-12:30 PM

A Conceptual Understanding of the Improvisation Assessment Profiles

Hear an introduction to Improvisation Assessment Profiles (IAPs) as developed by Dr. Kenneth Bruscia in 1987.  The IAPs were developed as a model of improvisation based upon clinical observation, musical analysis, and psychological interpretation of the client's improvisation.  Past models are continually presented as improvisation is a major method in the music therapy profession.

Michael Zanders, PhD, MT-BC; James Hiller, PhD, MT-BC

AMTA Federal Advocacy Update

Rebecca Preddie

A Chance for Harmony: The Use of Music by Hospice Chaplains

How do chaplains use music in hospice work? Get the results of a recent survey of Board Certified Chaplains on the subject and hear the answer to this question as well as examine implications for practice in a hospice setting.

Claire M Klein, Mdiv, MT-BC

Queer History (Queerstory) of Leadership in AMTA

Learn about the results of a historical research project on queer leadership in AMTA. While queer people have served in leadership positions for many years, their queerness has often been somewhat invisible. Understand the contribution of the queer community to AMTA.

Annette Whitehead-Pleaux, MA, MT-BC; Michele Forinash DA, LMHC, MT-BC

Minnesota Music Therapy 1935-1999

Enjoy this historical research presentation of the development of music therapy in Minnesota, told by a pioneer in the state who has personal knowledge and experience of the past 50 years in Minnesota. 

Roberta S. Kagin, PhD, MT-BC

Mindfulness, Meaning, Metaphor, Music: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Music Therapy’s Intersection

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is an evidence-based model of therapy generating much buzz in the psychotherapy field.  With congruent processes to emerging models of music therapy, ACT is a natural partner to music therapy.  Examine theoretical underpinnings of ACT and explore practicing ACT-informed music therapy.

Hannah Lingafelt, MMT, LPCA, MT-BC

Finding Joy through the Tears: Providing Existential and Emotional Comfort at End-of-Life

”You always bring so much joy,” he says through tears he has been shedding for 30 minutes. Music therapy can promote transparency and normalization through interventions that result emotional release. Explore how music therapy goals and interventions in hospice can facilitate moments of joy during times of heartache.

Jessica Sturgeon, MT-BC

Theoretical Orientation, Bias, and You: From Conflict to Unity in Our Profession

Music therapists often align with a particular theoretical orientation to inform practice and communicate treatment effectiveness. However, a lack of understanding for differing orientations and our professional biases can cause conflict between therapists. Explore theoretical orientations and approaches as well as confront intraprofessional biases permeating the music therapy profession.

Alecia M. Meila, MM, MT-BC; Coleen Shanagher, MA, MT-BC

Recertification Reboot.  Convenient, Economical, and Certificant-Centered

Acquiring 100 recertification credits does not have to be confusing or costly! Review the newly-released CBMT Recertification Manual, Seventh Edition; identify new and updated areas for earning credits; and evaluate economical options for obtaining credits.  Learn about the new online platform for recording continuing education credits. Bring recertification questions, scenarios for thoughtful discussion, and suggestions!

Hindi Burkett, MT- BC

Examining the Accessibility of Music Therapy in Rural Areas of the United States

Accessibility of music therapy in rural areas of the United States is a topic that has been largely unexamined. Get an overview of literature on the topic as well as discuss barriers to this accessibility and ideas to promote further access to music therapy in rural areas.

Carolyn Artesani

On The Road Again: Tip for the Traveling Therapist

Are you a traveling music therapist?  Many music therapists travel in community-based settings.  Discuss how to maximize your time and increase productivity as a travel-based therapist.  Learn innovate ideas for self-care and healthy habits to motivate you for success. 

Jennifer Whitlow, MT-BC; Morgan Sparks, MT-BC

Video-Based Reflective Practice in Music Therapy Supervision: Perspectives from Faculty, Supervisors, and Students

Reflective practice is a core component in developing self-awareness and clinical skills in music therapy training. Get an introduction to a video-based practical tool that music therapy students and clinical supervisors can use to conduct reflective practice. This tool is designed to enhance self-awareness, self-directed and continuous learning, and focused discussion.

Sekyung Jang, PhD, MT-BC;  Eun Sil Suh, PhD, KC-MT, MT-BC; Wei Lo, MS, MT-BC; Anna Lise Filippone; Lizzy Kunde

A Musician’s Descent into Dementia: Personal Experience to Professional Insight

Listen to the highly personal experience of caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s as a music therapy professional.  See video to help better understand the disease trajectory and how it impacts music and self.

Elizabeth K. Schwartz, MA, LCAT, MT-BC

Philosophy Slam 7

Experience the seventh year of National Philosophy Slam with an interactive set of experiential and reflective music/art activities and lively discussion. This year's theme is focused on philosophy and music therapy research.  Referential questions will be proposed to shape and encourage open discussion as it pertains to philosophical theory, clinical practice and the future of research within the profession of music therapy.

Kayla C. Daly, MA, LMHC, MT-BC

Community Music Therapy in St. Louis: A Documentary Screening & Discussion

Creative Music Making (CMM) is a Community Music Therapy project conducted by Maryville University, St. Louis Symphony, and St. Louis Arc. Participants from all three organizations rehearse and perform together during a three-day program, culminating in a public performance. See the PBS documentary on CMM, followed by discussion on Community Music Therapy and its application to different settings.

Soo-Jin Kwoun, PhD, MT-BC; Laura Beer, PhD, MT-BC; Cynthia Briggs, PsyD, MT-BC

imagine Presents: Media Snapshot Timeline

Celebrate the 10th edition of the imagine online magazine by reviewing trend topics ranging from Family/Inclusion Practice to Advocacy and Interactive Media/Play. Learn about early childhood music therapy developments through a media snapshot timeline and chat about thinkable innovations that will revolutionize our future practices.

Petra Kern, PhD, MTA, DMtG, MT-BC; Marcia Humpal, MEd, MT-BC; Dana Bolton, MEd, MMT, MT-BC; Ellary Draper, PhD, MT-BC; Laura Brown, PhD, MT-BC; Erin Shina, MT-BC; Rowan Schaefer

Whiteness as a Source of Harm in Music Therapy Practice and Education

Address mono-cultural universalism within the conception, education, and practice of modern music therapy.  Listen to vignettes that describe how Whiteness may harm clients from diverse backgrounds within the music therapy environment and how to address these challenges in the practice and education of current and future music therapists.

Daniel Goldschmidt, MA, MT-BC

12:45 PM-3:15 PM

Global Perspectives Presentations:
The Power of Learning in Another Country; Yu-Ling Chen, PhD, MT-BC; Leticia Castro; Morgan Corona; Betty Steelman; Hsin Min Lesley Lin, MA
Inmate Axel James: His Perspective on How Songwriting Influenced His Life Six Years after His Release from Prison; Catherine M. Wilson, PhD
International Clinical Training: Reports from the Field; Douglas R. Keith, PhD, MT-BC

1:45 PM-3:00 PM

MTex Sessions:
  • In Spite of Perfectionism
  • What Separates Good From Great? Identifying Key Qualities of Effective Music Therapists
  • Finding My Way Back to Music Therapy: An Autoethnography
Symphone Ensembles in Healthcare Settings: HeartStrings - Live! String Quartet Interactive Session

Join the Madison Symphony's presentation of a live string quartet to demonstrate their interactive community engagement program, HeartStrings.  Music therapists have designed and will lead active participation strategies. Identify the roles of symphony administration, music therapists, and musicians required for successful collaboration in bringing live music to healthcare settings. Participate in a question and answer segment at the conclusion of the session.

Laurie Farnan, MMT, WMTR, MT-BC; Kathryn Schwarzmann; Suzanne Beia; Laura Burns; Christopher Dozoryst; Karl Lavine

Understanding Clinical Musicianship through an Exploration of Musical Identity

Our musical identities as performers, improvisers, or composers do not always naturally transfer to the clinical setting. Investigate concepts regarding musical identity as it relates to clinical musicianship. Explore your autobiography in order to reconnect with significant musical experiences to better inform and rejuvenate musicking with your clients.

Suzanne Sorel, DA, LCAT, MT-BC

Leadership for Students & New Professionals: Finding Your Voice

Assuming leadership roles and finding your voice in the workplace may seem daunting for students and new professionals.  Analyze your own leadership styles to identify how your personal strengths can assist in identifying suitable areas of practice and fostering a productive and rewarding music therapy career.

Amber Weldon-Stephens, EdS, MT-BC; Jean M. Nemeth, PhD, MT-BC

Beyond Song-Based Interventions: Treating Childhood Trauma When Words Aren’t Enough

Address unique needs of young, complexly traumatized children and focus on music therapy techniques to consider when songs may not be effective in supporting the child through the safe exploration and integration of trauma memories. See video examples of techniques.

Stephenie Sofield, MT-BC

Ethical Considerations Related to Selection of Native American Music and Techniques

Examine ethical considerations related to the use of Native American music selection and music therapy techniques, including misunderstandings of Native American music in current culture in the United States and appropriations which affect clients. Discuss implications for therapeutic programming and use of techniques.

Lee Anna Rasar, WMTR, MT-BC

CANCELLED Policies, Procedures and Transformative Leadership: Motivating Staff Integration and Cohesiveness

Expansion and increased diversification of the music therapy profession have produced new and greater challenges for therapists in supervisory roles. Effective leadership skills are essential to staff cohesiveness and improved service delivery.   Management principles adapted from private, corporate, and service organizations can be tools used by a strong leaders in the workplace.

Anita Louise Steele Markland, MMEd, MT-BC; Geralyn M. Presti, MSSA, JD; Col. Darryl T. Markland, MS, USAF, Ret.

Bridging the Communication Barrier: Techniques for Use with Non-Verbal Clients

Address a variety of methods and techniques used to establish effective communication and interaction with persons who are non-verbal.  Learn how symbol systems, language boards, and other low-tech communication systems are used to allow persons who are non-verbal to effectively communicate with others.

Peggy A. Farlow, MAE, MT-BC

In Spite of Perfectionism

Learn to approach practice sessions in a way that encourages analytical, but nonjudgmental, exploration of new techniques.  Explore approaches to practicing that facilitate optimal learning conditions and get the most out of practice time while dispelling myths upholding destructive perfectionism.

Kate Bautch, MM

What Separates Good From Great? Identifying Key Qualities of Effective Music Therapists

The question of therapist effectiveness can be challenging for music therapists, as the incorporation of music adds complexity to clinical interactions. Research identifies four key qualities effective therapists hold: self-awareness, self-regulation, selflessness, and empathy. Discuss the interplay of these qualities and application within music therapy.

Alyssa Ott, MT-BC

I’m Coming Out: Exploring The History of LGBTQ+ Music

LGBTQ+ people and family members are present in every age range of every population. Explore LGBTQ+ music, culture, and terminology while providing a framework of sociopolitical factors that shaped the music and musicians of each decade since 1900 in the United States.

Leah Oswanski, MA, LPC, MT-BC; Beth Robinson, MT-BC

Finding My Way Back to Music Therapy: An Autoethnography

Explore the role of the music therapist’s voice in identity and effectiveness through a personal story of loss.  After losing my ability to sing, I questioned whether I was still a musician or a music therapist, which shed light on the vital role of the voice in music therapy.  Memories, journals, and recordings allowed examination through the evocative story telling of autoethnography research, how changes in the voice of the music therapist can have an impact on the delivery of music therapy.

Amy Smith, MA, CCLS, MT-BC

Understanding Clinification and Honoring Your Relationship with Music

Clinification is a phenomenon that happens when personal music making is neglected and a music therapist only makes music at work. Learn how to recognize and manage clinification and implications for self-care and client-care. Get creative exercises to support and nurture a healthy relationship with music.

Ami Kunimura, MA, MT-BC

Bridging Young and Young at Heart: Intergenerational Music Therapy Approaches and Considerations

Intergenerational music therapy programs are increasing in popularity and provide social, physical, and cognitive benefits for all participants involved.  Introduce yourself to program development and facilitation essentials of intergenerational music therapy groups and get a platform to participate in small-group brainstorming of tactics and ideas.

Maggie Sonsteby, MA, MT-BC; Amanda Verstegen, MA, MT-BC

Understanding the Learning Preferences of Students in Practica and in the Classroom

As music therapy classrooms diversify, it is necessary to consider diversity of age, from the traditional in-coming freshman to the second-career grandparent.  It is essential for instructors/clinical supervisors to be knowledgeable regarding differences in best instructional/supervision practices within pedagogical and andragogical learning theories.  Learn about this and focus on adult learning theories and practices.

Carol Olszewski, PhD(c), MT-BC

Music Therapy Curriculum and Assessment for the 21st Century: Re-Centering Our Training

As we re-evaluate how we train future music therapists, it is important to reflect on who we choose to center in music therapy curriculum development and assessment. Hear about an undergraduate music therapy curriculum created and assessed within a school of engineering which centers on marginalized students.

Meganne K. Masko, PhD, MT-BC/L

Beyond Visual Aids: Innovative Technology in the Music Therapy Setting

Technology is essential in our lives, especially in the school setting. How can MT-BCs utilize these resources therapeutically to increase student access and engagement? Look at successful interventions utilizing interactive technology with a variety of ages, skill levels, and settings.

Melissa Hentges, MT-BC; Anusha Ramaswami, MT-BC; Beth Wiskus, MA, MT-BC; Christina Brantner, MA, MT-BC; Amy Hager, MT-BC; Amy Furman, MM, MT-BC

Affinity Group - Affirming our Identities: Roundtable Discussion for Music Therapists of Color

This roundtable is designed for self-identified music therapists and students of color to explore what it means to be a minority in personal and professional music therapy spaces. Through group discussion, we will focus on sharing and affirming our experiences and narratives of navigating the field.

Sangeeta Swamy, PhD, MT-BC; Ming Yuan Low, MA, MT-BC; Marisol Norris, MA, MT-BC; Adenike Webb, PhD, MT-BC

3:15 PM-4:30 PM

MTex Sessions:
  • An Innovative Look at Bias to Motivate Self-Awareness
  • Music Routines for Immigrant and Refugee Children and Families
  • Music After the Impact: Working with Veterans and Athletes in TBI Rehabilitation
Music after the Impact: Working with Veterans and Athletes in TBI Rehabilitation

The After the Impact (ATI) program provides therapies and education to Veterans and former professional athletes suffering from PTSD and post-concussion symptoms.  Music therapy has been a core offering at ATI since the program’s inception in 2014.  Learn about the role of music therapy within ATI, including assessment procedures, treatment planning, and specific interventions.

Bernadette Skodack, MM, CBIS, MT-BC

Death Café: Death Café Minneapolis

Join a public forum hosted by music therapists with tea, cake, and a discussion about death. The aim of death cafes ( is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives. Meeting will be without agenda or set conclusions. All are welcome.

Becky Engen, PhD, MT-BC; Lauren DiMaio, PhD, MT-BC

POUND® Rockout Workout: Implications for Music Therapy Clinical Practice

POUND® Fitness, known as the Rockout Workout, is the world's first cardio jam session inspired by the infectious, energizing, and sweat-dripping fun of playing the drums. Learn the history, philosophy, and mission of POUND® in this innovative experiential session.  Experience some of the movements and gain insights into versatile techniques that could have therapeutic implications for a music therapist’s client population and clinical practice.

Michael LimBybliw, MT-BC; Kim Cooper

An Innovative Look at Bias to Motivate Self-Awareness

Investigating personal biases can be daunting and uncomfortable. Hear from one person’s personal experience and receive encouragement to start – or continue – your own journey towards increased self-awareness. Understand how defensive reactions promote insight into personal needs. Learn how to mitigate the impact of bias on your decision making.

Jennifer D. Geiger, MA, MT-BC

Learning From and With Others: Interdisciplinary Work and Cultural Education

Music therapists must be culturally aware and informed about other professions. However, sometimes inhibitions about collaborating with other disciplines due to lack of interdisciplinary knowledge arise. Gain insight into benefits of interprofessional collaboration and cultural awareness through presenters’ international service experiences.

Laurie Keough, MSEd, LCAT, MT-BC; Melissa Reed, MS, MT-BC; Emily Match; Madeline Mitchell

Music Routines for Immigrant and Refugee Children and Families

Explore the use of academic music routines in immigrant and refugee homes. Learn about music interventions in an early childhood classroom for immigrants and refugees implemented by a board-certified music therapist and occupational therapy students. Parents were asked to complete activities in the home and surveyed about feasibility and enjoyability.

Angela Burla, MA, MT-BC

Canciones en Español: Clinical Applications of the Hispanic Songbook

Build your repertoire by exploring classic songs from the Hispanic songbook that will help you connect with Spanish speaking clients at a deeper level. Learn to sing and play the songs in their appropriate style, review their country of origin, and discuss the meaning and history behind them.

Ariel Weissberger, MA, LCAT, MT-BC; Mariana Aslan, MA, LCAT, MT-BC

From Throwing Shade to Straight Fire: Interventions for the SID/PID Squad

Learn how to support the severe profound intellectual disabilities population. Join the ranks of motivated music therapists creating music therapy interactions through integrative, innovative strategies and interventions.   Consider interventions related to presuming competence, choice making, motor awareness, sensory integration, collaborative strategies, and technology across domains. Learn new activities to use with these individuals.

Kirby Carruth, MMT, LPMT, MT-BC; Rachel Coon-Arnott, MMT, LPMT, MT-BC; Natalie Generally, MMEd, LPMT, MT-BC

Sharing My Story through Music: Music Therapy and Military Sexual Trauma

Understand military sexual trauma that effects both male and female Veterans. Learn how music therapy is an integral part of the Veterans' treatment plan and assists Veterans in sharing their personal stories, often for the first time in their lives. Get an overview of co-morbid diagnoses and traumas that may occur within this Veteran population. Discuss other creative arts interventions and view videos.

Jillian Thompson, MT-BC

Applications of Qualitative Research through Narrative Analysis

The qualitative methodology narrative analysis studys lived experiences through story. These lived experiences shape our identities and provide multiple therapeutic benefits. Explore the characteristics of narrative analysis, its appropriate data collection methods, analysis procedures, and its applications to the profession of music therapy through research.

Alycia Sterenberg, MM, MT-BC

Trauma-Informed Care:  How an Analytical Music Therapy Approach Supports the Psychiatric Milieu

Learn about a trauma-informed care approach to the use of Analytical Music Therapy (AMT) within inpatient adult and adolescent psychiatry.  Explore ways in which AMT and its lens can inform implementation of the trauma-informed care model within this milieu, enhancing acute inpatient care and benefitting patients and staff.

Maria Gonsalves Schimpf, MA, MT-BC

Community-Engaged Clinical Practicum and the Development of Cultural Reflexivity in Undergraduate Students

Emergent discourses about cultural humility and intersectionality have underscored the essentiality of clinicians, researchers, and educators identifying as cultural beings in their practice, scholarship, and pedagogy. Explore year one of a community-engaged practicum wherein students examined cultural intersections with clients through culturally reflexive ecological self-studies and case studies.

Noah Potvin, PhD, MT-BC; Damian Cabrera, SMT; Claire Falvo, SMT; Kennedy Jason, SMT

Continuing the Conversation: Asians in Music Therapy

Continue the Courageous Conversations discussion of the intersection of race, power, privilege, culture, and music therapy - focusing on an Asian context.  Hear experiences from an all-Asian panel, consisting of Asian music therapists of various intersectionalities of Asian identities as they share personal experiences navigating race in hopes to broaden awareness of the vitality of this discourse in music therapy clinical practice, research, education, and supervision.

Jenny Hoi Yan Fu, MA, LCAT, MT-BC; Risi Isogawa, MT-BC; Clarissa Lacson, MA, MT-BC; Jingwen Zhang, MS, MT-BC

The Effects of Pre-Transplant Music Therapy for Patients Undergoing Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplant

Hear about the method and results of an RCT exploring effects of pre-transplant music therapy on distress, distress, pain, anxiety, mood, quality of life, and pain medication use during the preparation period for patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Discuss implications for theory, education, and clinical training.

Debbie Bates, PhD, MT-BC

Analysis of Music Therapy Research in Dementia Care

Get an in-depth review of current music therapy research in dementia care. Discuss findings, clinical implications, ethical considerations, and future research agenda.

Heeyoun K. Cho, PhD, MT-BC

Sunday, November 24, 2019

8:00 AM-9:15 AM

It Takes a Village: Interdisciplinary Strategies to Address Informal Caregivers’ Health and Wellbeing

The number of those who provide informal care continues to rise as baby boomers enter older adulthood. Learn the interdisciplinary strategies used to address caregivers’ complex needs. Discuss recent results from an investigation using music therapy, incorporating several psychosocial strategies, to address caregiver wellbeing.

Adrienne C. Steiner, MM, MT-BC

Safeguarding Self-Experiences in Music Therapy Undergraduate Education and Training

Self-experiences in education and training involve active engagement in the learning process and self-inquiry. Learn from representatives from one undergraduate music therapy program who describe a range of self-experiences that have been incorporated into the curriculum at their university and outline ethical safeguards designed to enhance learning while minimizing student risk.

Courtney Belt, MA, MT-BC; Susan Gardstrom, PhD, MT-BC; James Hiller, PhD, MT-BC; Joy Willenbrink-Conte, MA, MT-BC

The Reluctant Researcher: A Clinician’s First Journey into Research

What do you do when one of the top research institutions in the country pulls you into a research project and research is your greatest fear in life?  You panic! Hear about the journey and involvement in a study for improving the health of patients with a unique genetic disorder.

Wade Richards, MT-BC

What in the World is Research Design… and Why Should I Care?

Different research designs are intended to answer different types of questions - but not all - and they allow for certain implications for practice - but not all. Learn which implications you can reasonably extract for your clinical practice from that cool article you just read… and which you should not!

Eugenia Hernandez Ruiz, PhD

Womb Songs: Therapeutic Songwriting for Bonding and Self-Expression with Expectant Parents

Womb Songs is a therapeutic method of self-expression for expectant parents. A Womb Song incorporates the parents’ words of hope, dreams, and love for their unborn baby into a song format that can be used as a method of bonding with their baby, reducing prenatal anxiety, and increasing self-expression.

Beth Hardy, SCMT, MT-BC

Music Therapy for Patients with Cognitive Impairments in a Forensic Psychiatric Setting

Discuss a music therapy group for patients with cognitive impairments at a maximum-security forensic hospital. Patients were not responding positively to traditional treatment so the group was designed to address emotional identification and regulation, grounding, and social skills. Learn about challenges, interventions, and behavior management.

Steven Franco-Santiago, MA, MT-BC; Tara Brinkman, MT-BC

Get Off Your Island and Find Your Team - Navigating Support for the New to Adept MT-BC

Whether working in a facility or as a private practice provider, music therapists must navigate workload and support system.  Learn from three different music therapists (entry level, second cycle, and seasoned professional) as they discuss processes of efficiency and successful systems to motivate you to work well and to be well.

Hilary Fredenburg, MA, MT-BC; Lydia Holmes, MT-BC; Jennifer Hicks, E-RYT, MT-BC

Music Therapy and Special Education from a Postmodern and “People’s History” Perspective. 

Learn about historical events that helped influence special education development in the United States prior to IDEA from a postmodern and Marxist theoretical approach. Understand the similarities and differences of both approaches and applicability to music therapy.

Rebecca West, MM, MT-BC; Edward Todd Schwartzberg, MEd, MT-BC

Listen, Create, and Communicate in Improvisation

Improvisation is like a conversation – almost every conversation is improvised. Just like speech, music has its own rules: harmony (grammar), form (structure), and melody (syntax). Drawing on your own musical experiences, discover ways to improvise effectively. Get practical tips to incorporate improvisation into your clinical practice. Let’s talk/improvise!

Jonathan “Jaytee” Tang, MA, MT-BC; Rita “Rich” Abante Moats, MA, MT-BC; Christopher Millett, MM, MT-BC; Erica Kopp, MT-BC

Let’s Get Together: Group Music Therapy in the Pediatric Medical Setting

Music therapy groups within the pediatric medical setting can provide valuable support to children admitted to the hospital. Learn how to implement group programming in the hospital, risk and safety considerations, and intervention ideas to accommodate participants of all ages and developmental levels.

Erinn Frees, MA, MT-BC; Alicia Little, MT-BC; Kayla Shafer, MA, MT-BC; Sarah Woolever, MM, MT-BC

Innovative Systems: Best Tools for Running and Growing Your Private Practice

Private practice owners often fulfill multiple roles in daily operations of a music therapy business in addition to providing high quality services for clients. Many find coordinating these tasks challenging and time consuming. Learn which business systems music therapists in private practice are consistently using and why.

Mary Altom, MT-BC; Jamie Rifkin, MHA, MT-BC

Integrative Music Therapy Care in a Pediatric Burn Program: From Initial Injury through Survivorship

Get an overview of innovated music therapy services provided as part of a pediatric burn program. Learn how the music therapist worked closely with the care team to improve programming during hospitalization, expand services to outpatient clinic, and introduce programming at an annual Burn Survivor Camp.

Caitlin Krater, MS, MT-BC

Considerations and Resources for Students When Building a Self-Care Toolbox

The Dual Process Model of Coping with Bereavement (DPM) integrates stress and bereavement theories to illustrate a dynamic process of grieving that includes both confrontation and avoidance of the stressor (grief) through a process of oscillation between loss-oriented and restoration-oriented coping and can be applied to college students are experiencing elevated levels of stress.  Through the use of research-indicated student stress risk and protective factors, and applying the DPM framework to student stress, students can individually identify their own risk and protective factors as well as loss-oriented and restoration-oriented coping.  Experience a variety of techniques for coping with stress for students like mindfulness, pre-composed music experiences, etc.  Address principles of self-care and tips about how to manage student stress and write your own objectives for self-care, how you will take data, and consider whether the objective is achievable.

Jennifer Fiore, PhD, MT-BC

Essential Arabic Music Competencies: Accessible Maqams and Percussion Techniques, Repertoire and Grooves

Motivate Western-minded musicians to explore the beauty and expression of Arabic maqams and rhythmic structures. Through observation and interactive music-making, gain insight into how to integrate Arabic musical idioms into their clinical work.  Suggested folk and popular repertoire will be shared for additional follow-up. 

Suzanne Osman, MT-BC; Carolyn Koebel, MM, MT-BC

Intro to the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery & Music

The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery & Music (GIM) involves listening to selected classical music pieces in a relaxed state to elicit mental imagery from the deeper conscious self.  Learn about the therapeutic functions of music, imagery, and processing. Experience a group music imagery session.  Get definitions, clinical uses, contraindications and resources.

Louise Dimiceli-Mitran, MA, LCPC, MT-BC

9:30 AM-10:45 AM

Effects of Guitar Accompaniment Patterns on Hospitalized Infants in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Quantitative Study

Hear an overview and findings of a study focused on comparing two guitar accompaniment patterns (arpeggiated vs. alternating base/chord) during an initial NICU music therapy intervention.  Analyze effects on infant heart rate, respiration, and overall physical comfort for 182 subjects enrolled in this multi-year quantitative study. Understand the process of developing the study, submitting to the IRB, obtaining consent, enrolling subjects, and analyzing data.  

Kory Antonacci, MSEd, LPC, MT-BC; Nicole Steele, MS, MT-BC

Comparing National Roster Internships and University Affiliated Internships

Understand guidelines and requirements of National Roster and University Affiliated internship models. Learn about the similarities and differences between the two programs.   

Lauren DiMaio, PhD, MT-BC; Becky Engen, PhD, MT-BC

Fundamentals of Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy

Understand fundamentals of the music-centered approach to therapy pioneered by Paul Nordoff and Clive Robbins through video excerpts illustrating clinical process, and live, interactive music making. Learn how the elements of music, active listening, creativity, and flexibility can be used to achieve therapeutic goals.

Jacqueline Bimbaum, MSEd, MA, LCAT, MT-BC; Jenny Hoi Yan Fu, MA, LCAT, MT-BC

Neurologic Music Therapy to Improve Speaking Voice in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease

Speaking voice is an area of concern for many individuals with Parkinson’s disease. Learn how investigators addressed speaking voice with Neurologic Music Therapy interventions through an eight-week protocol using acoustic and self-report measures.  See demonstration of interventions and discuss results and implications for clinical practice.

Sarah S. Solberg, MT-BC; Christine P. Leist, PhD, MT-BC

Music Therapy Interventions to Support Social Development in Early Childhood Inclusion Classrooms

Experience ways to design clinical interventions for the early-childhood inclusion classroom to support the development of social skills for all students. Skills include joint attention, turn-taking, greetings and responses.  Get an introduction to relevant social development theories, research, and resources.

Carol Ann Blank, PhD, LCAT, LPC, MT-BC

Integrating Services in Residential Psychiatric Care and Improving Mental Health Outcomes

Music therapists must collaborate with healthcare professionals and determine how to approach treatment and program development within unique mental health settings.  Hear from two music therapists, a Director of Program Services, and a Program Development Quality Coordinator about program and experiences integrating music therapy services in a residential psychiatric treatment and long-term care facility.

Melissa Wenszell, MM, MT-BC; Hilary Fredenburg, MA, MT-BC

Utilizing Music Therapy to Address Sensory Integration in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Sensory dysfunction is highly prevalent among individuals with ASD. Such dysfunction can negatively impact other goal domains. Learn about the neural underpinnings for sensory dysfunction, existing research supporting the use of music therapy to address sensory needs, and strategies to assist with improving sensory integration in individuals with ASD.

Allison Lockhart MM, LPMT, MT-BC

Renal Rhythms: The Implementation of Music Therapy in a Pediatric Nephrology Program

While music therapy is present in hemodialysis, the renal population as a whole is often overlooked for music therapy services. Explore how music therapy has been implemented in the entire Nephrology program at Texas Children’s Hospital, the only pediatric nephrology unit to have a dedicated music therapist.

Michael Way, MM, MT-BC

Accommodating Students with Disabilities in Music Therapy Education: A Collaborative Decision-Making Model

Learn about the application of the collaborative decision-making model to develop effective accommodations for music therapy students with disabilities. Specific topics include considerations for determining reasonable accommodations in academic and clinical settings, professionalism and communication regarding disabilities and accommodations, problem-solving difficult cases, and principles of Universal Design for Learning.

Feilin Hsiao, PhD, MT-BC; Shelly Zeiser, MT-BC

Older Adult Burnout: Going Beyond Themes and Games with Sensory-Based Music Therapy

Struggle with burnout is common among music therapists working with older adults. Explore a renovated approach combining diverse dementia research with sensory-based techniques. Redefine “creativity” as a purpose to problem solve individual client needs, share interventions to improve therapeutic process and outcomes, and enhance advocacy of music therapy.

Stephanie Johnson, MT-BC; Tyanne Mischnick MME, MT-BC; Christina Whipple, MA, MT-BC

Intersectional identities: The Next Frontier in Culturally Responsive Music Therapy

What is intersectionality and how does it impact our understanding of the music therapy process? Learn from personal and professional narratives about being marginalized across multiple identities, receive professional research, and discuss the implications for music therapy practice.

Annette Whitehead-Pleaux, MA, MT-BC; Xueli Tan, PhD, MT-BC; Freddy Perkins, MT-BC; Terence Xu; Sangeeta Swamy, PhD, MT-BC

Don’t Be another Statistic - Learn How to Keep Your Voice Healthy

Learn how to set yourself up for success within the music therapy session using your voice. Obtain an overview of basic vocal anatomy, healthy voice production (in speaking and singing), tips and tricks for vocal maintenance, warning signs of vocal abuse and on-the-go vocal warm-ups.

Ericha Rupp, MA, MT-BC; Daniela Schmiedlechner MT-BC

Evidence-Based Music Therapy Practice with Children Who Have Had Adverse Childhood Experiences

Given the long-lasting and wide-reaching impacts of childhood trauma, it is imperative that music therapists working in any setting provide care that is trauma-informed, regardless of their clients’ goals.  Learn about trauma-informed and trauma-focused music therapy practices to better serve children who have had adverse childhood experiences. 

Olivia Swedberg Yinger, PhD, MT-BC; Emma Powers, MM, MT-BC

Applications for Music Technology with Pediatric End of Life Care

Working with pediatric patients at the end of their lives presents a multitude of challenges. Music technology allows for innovative legacy projects, approachable and accessible musical opportunities, and so much more. Learn how to create meaningful and innovative legacy projects, and leave with a tool-kit of ready to use interventions for pediatric patients at the end of their lives.

Grace O'Leary, MT-BC

Music Matters: What You Need To Know About Developing School-Based Programs

Music Matters, a school-based music therapy program supported by the Kennedy Center’s VSA program, was implemented in a rural community over two years. Learn how to initiate and develop similar programming by designing adaptable session plans and creating strategies for training teachers. Discuss measurable outcomes.

Haley Crane, MT-BC, Katie Martin, MT-BC, Dena Register, PhD, MT-BC

Functional Percussion: Afro-Latin Cultural Foundations

Across populations, music therapists make use of various drums and percussion to achieve therapeutic goals. Research has shown that while percussion instruments have frequent and consistent usage in clinical practice, the training around history, tonal technique, and clinical repertoire of the instruments are amiss. Discuss the cultural significance of Afro Latin Percussion (Conga, Bongo, Maracas, Claves) including technique, tuning, and songs and rhythms, in effort to foster a deeper cultural understanding and aesthetic of Afro-Latin Music in music therapy.

R. Demeko Freeman

11:00 AM-12:15 PM

The “B” Word: Burnout, Resilience, and Self-Care for Students and Interns

Burnout is emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by ongoing stress. Music therapy students and interns are extremely vulnerable to burnout, leading to mental health issues which are often not properly addressed on college campuses. Explore stress biology, warning signs of burnout, and coping mechanisms. 

Erin E. Haney

Empathy ≠ Endorsement: Building Therapeutic Rapport with Individuals of Troubling Histories

Rapport is an important part of engaging a client, however, barriers may arise when negative information regarding the client’s past is disclosed. Learn how to navigate these circumstances while providing ethical and appropriate services.

Alex Peuser, MT-BC

Private Practice 101

There is no cookie cutter way to build a music therapy private practice. Depending on location, existing or developing partnerships, and funding opportunities, a private practice could vary in its day-to-day operation and populations it serves. Find out how to create and mold your own private practice.

Jessica K. DeKleva, MM, LPMT, MT-BC; Adrienne Stiener, MM, MT-BC; Stephany Nystrand, MM, MT-BC

Adjudicative Competence and Music Therapy – an Experiential Workshop

How does one treat a client found incompetent to stand trial? What does effective restoration entail? Hear experiences providing music therapy services for competency restoration, interventions, and an assessment framework implemented in forensic practice.

Kate Stanley, MT-BC

Multicultural Education in Music Therapy

Learn about research which examined the training, perceived competence, and experiences of music therapy educators and clinicians with respect to multicultural music therapy. Hear suggested implications for future study and reflect on your own perspectives, experiences, and self-measures of cultural responsiveness.

Debra Gombert, MA, MT-BC

Music Therapy Adaptations for Blind and Low Vision Learners of All Ages

Working with a client who is visually impaired? Focus on how to incorporate tactile cues (tactile schedules, instrumental cues, tactile graphics), low tech and high tech adaptations (tactile cues, switches, software, etc.), resources related to blind and low vision learners; and hands-on applications to use in your practice. Bring an iPad to practice making switch “recipes.”

Jennifer Pelletier, MS, MT-BC; Callie Hensler, MT-BC

Acculturation of Music Therapy Practice in Chinese-Speaking Regions: Opportunities and Challenges

As the number of Chinese-speaking international students studying and practicing music therapy in the United States and returning to their home countries increases, it seems timely and important to address the opportunities and challenges faced by these music therapy students, music therapists and educators in this acculturation process. 

Ming-Ming Liu, MA; Jing-Wen Zhang, MS, MT-BC; Nai-Wen Chang, PhD, RMT; Vivian Chan, MMT, MTA, MT-BC; Jingjie Shi, MA; Yinan Zhang, MA, RMT

Singing in the Saddle: Music Therapy Supported Therapeutic Horseback Riding

A music therapist and a Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor will give detailed account of piloting and developing a collaborative program at a therapeutic horseback riding facility. Hear original songs, interventions, goals/objectives, and proper horseback riding technique for children and young adults with neurodevelopmental disabilities. 

Kevin Teplitzky, MT-BC; Dr. Aviva Vincent, LMSW, VSW

Consider the Odds: Musical Theater in a Forensic Psychiatric Hospital

Music therapists in a 1200-bed California forensic psychiatric facility collaborated with patients and creative arts therapists to create an original musical.  Hear about the process, treatment goals, outcomes, challenges, and relevance to this setting through video and audio excerpts.

Erin Blackwood, MT-BC; Jennifer Deterville, MT-BC; Damian May, MA, MT-BC; Karen Moran, MA, MT-BC; Joe Shoemaker, MT-BC; Chris Welch, MT-BC

Exploring Cultural Competency: An American Music Therapist Lives and Practices in Cameroon

How does one practice music therapy in a foreign country where one does not speak the language?  What are the implications for music therapists striving to be inclusive in working with diverse populations in their own country?  Learn about cultural competency through the presenter’s music therapy practice in Cameroon.

Jeffrey R. Angell, MA, LCAT, MT-BC

A Quick Reference Guide to Therapeutic Songwriting in Music Therapy

Learn about the development of a theory-driven and research-informed tool designed for use in planning and implementation of therapeutic songwriting interventions. Explore the tool in detail and participate in group experiences using it as a guide in clinical decision-making and evidence-based application.

Karen Miller, MM, MT-BC

The Use of Music Therapy for Procedural Support in a Pediatric Hospital

As the pediatric medical setting evolves, shorter hospital stays and outpatient procedures are becoming more prevalent. Music therapy can be a vital part of the procedural treatment team, allowing for quicker, more successful procedures and improved patient/family experience. Explore the implementation of music therapy throughout the procedural process.

Evan J. Privoznik, MM, MT-BC

Creating Harmony between Music Therapy and Occupational Therapy in the NICU

NICU music therapy is a unique specialty. Despite specific training and foundational research in evidence-based music therapy interventions, there remains a lack of NICU-MT protocol related to co-treatment with rehabilitation specialists. Explore ideas for NICU-MT and occupational therapy co-treatment to improve safety and outcomes for NICU infants.

Maxwell Corrigan, MS, MT-BC; Meredith Knapp, MHS, OTR/L, CNT, CBIS, NTMC

Exploring Creativity and Musical Interaction in Keyboard Improvisation with Dementia

Explore how keyboard improvisation provides a reliable platform for patients with dementia to show creativity. See examples of spontaneous musical improvisation of patients and their clinical improvisation dialogue with therapists. Discuss approaches in facilitating improvisation and the use of the IMCAP-ND assessment.

Yu-Ling Chen, PHD, MT-BC; Didier S Khoo, LPMT, MT-BC

Singing to Pain: Using a Psychodynamic Approach to Alter Pain Perception in Adolescents

Explores a new pain management intervention, informed by psychodynamic music therapy techniques, used with adolescents coping with chronic pain. Illustrated by case examples, this intervention empowers clients to directly address their pain with musical reflection from the therapist, ultimately gaining new insight into their relationship with pain.

Megan Walsh, MA, LCAT, MT-BC

12:30 PM-1:15 PM

Closing Session


Meetings at the 2019 AMTA Conference

(current as of 7/17/19)

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Begin Time        End Time          Meeting

4:00 PM               9:00 PM               AMTA Board of Directors

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Begin Time        End Time           Meeting

8:00 AM               12:00 PM             Commission for #AMTA19

8:00 AM               3:30 PM               AMTA Board of Directors

8:00 AM               6:00 PM               Academic Program Approval Committee

12:30 PM             2:30 PM               Advocacy Lunch

3:00 PM               4:00 PM               Joint Academic Program & Association Internship Approval Committees

4:00 PM               7:00 PM               AMTAS Officers

4:00 PM               8:00 PM               AMTA Journals Editorial Staff

6:00 PM               7:00 PM               Council Coordinators and Committee Chairs

6:00 PM               10:00 PM             Ethics Board

7:00 PM               9:00 PM               Regional Presidents

7:00 PM               9:00 PM               Standards of Clinical Practice Committee

7:00 PM               10:00 PM             AMTAS Board of Directors

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Begin Time        End Time          Meeting

8:00 AM               10:00 AM             Medical Music Therapy Think Tank Committee

8:00 AM               12:00 PM             Academic Program Approval Committee

8:00 AM               12:00 PM             AMTA Board of Directors

8:00 AM               12:00 PM             Association Internship Approval Committee

8:00 AM               12:00 PM             Government Relations Committee

8:00 AM               12:00 PM             Interprofessional Collaborative Resources Committee

8:00 AM               12:00 PM             Standards of Clinical Practice Committee

8:00 AM               12:00 PM             Technology Committee

8:00 AM               12:30 PM             Professional Advocacy Committee

8:00 AM               12:30 PM             Student Affairs Advisory Board

9:00 AM               11:00 AM             International Relations Committee

9:00 AM               12:00 PM             Clinical Practice Networking Committee  

9:00 AM               12:00 PM             Ethics Board

9:00 AM               12:00 PM             Understanding the NASM Core: Facilitated Faculty Discussion

11:00 AM             12:00 PM             Joint - Academic Program Approval, Association Internship Approval & International Relations Committees

12:00 PM             1:30 PM               Research Committee

12:30 PM             2:00 PM               AMTAS Board of Directors

1:30 PM               5:30 PM               Assembly of Delegates

2:30 PM               4:30 PM               Reimbursement Committee

4:30 PM               6:00 PM               Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee

5:30 PM               7:00 PM               Regional Board of Directors – GLR

5:30 PM               7:00 PM               Regional Board of Directors – MWR

5:30 PM               7:00 PM               Regional Board of Directors – SER

5:30 PM               7:00 PM               Regional Board of Directors – SWR

5:30 PM               7:00 PM               Regional Board of Directors – WR

6:00 PM               7:00 PM               Regional Board of Directors – NER

6:00 PM               7:20 PM               Regional Board of Directors – MAR

10:00 PM             11:00 PM             Tweet Up Networking

Friday, November 22, 2019

Begin Time        End Time          Meeting

7:30 AM               9:00 AM               Assembly of Delegates

10:30 AM             12:00 PM             AMTA Business Meeting

12:00 PM             1:00 PM               Cantonese Music Therapists and Students Network

12:00 PM             1:00 PM               Iowa Lunch

12:00 PM             1:00 PM               Korean Music Therapists Lunch

12:00 PM             1:00 PM               Regional Webmasters

12:00 PM             1:45 PM               Chinese Music Therapists and Students Network

12:00 PM             1:45 PM               South Asian Music Therapists and Students Networking

12:00 PM             1:45 PM               South East Asian Music Therapists and Students Networking

12:00 PM             1:45 PM               Taiwanese Music Therapist and Student Network

12:00 PM             2:00 PM               Ethics Board

12:15 PM             1:15 PM               Japanese Networking Group

12:15 PM             1:15 PM               Latin America Music Therapy Network  

12:30 PM             1:45 PM               ASD Task Force

12:30 PM             1:45 PM               Black Music Therapy Network

12:30 PM             1:45 PM               Disaster Response Task Force

12:30 PM             1:45 PM               Music Therapy Business Owners Needs Task Force

12:30 PM             1:45 PM               MUSIC Therapy Informed Music Listening Workgroup

12:30 PM             1:45 PM               Regional Conference Planners

12:30 PM             2:00 PM               JMT Editorial Board

12:45 PM             1:45 PM               Competencies Review Task Force

12:45 PM             1:45 PM               International Relations Committee

12:45 PM             1:45 PM               Interprofessional Collaborative Resources Committee

12:45 PM             1:45 PM               Judicial Review Board

12:45 PM             1:45 PM               Professional Advocacy Committee

12:45 PM             1:45 PM               Standards of Clinical Practice Committee

12:45 PM             1:45 PM               Technology Committee

12:45 PM             1:45 PM               Workforce Development and Retention Committee

2:00 PM               3:30 PM               MTP Editorial Board

2:30 PM               5:15 PM               Education and Training Advisory Board

2:30 PM               5:15 PM               Membership Committee

5:00 PM               7:30 PM               Faculty Forum

6:45 PM               7:45 PM               Shabbat

6:45 PM               8:15 PM               AMTAS Business Meeting

7:30 PM               9:00 PM               Regional Board – MAR

10:00 PM             11:00 PM             Japanese Music Therapy Students and Professionals

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Begin Time        End Time          Meeting

7:00 AM               8:30 AM               Coffee and Roundtable for Educators and Internship Directors/Supervisors: Continuing Collaboration and Dialogue

8:00 AM               9:15 AM               AMTA Board of Directors

8:30 AM               11:00 AM             Education and Training Advisory Board

9:30 AM               11:00 AM             Regional Meeting – MAR

9:30 AM               11:00 AM             Regional Meeting – NER

9:30 AM               11:00 AM             Regional Meeting – MWR

9:30 AM               11:00 AM             Regional Meeting – SWR

9:30 AM               11:00 AM             Regional Meeting – WR

9:30 AM               11:00 AM             Regional Meeting – GLR

9:30 AM               11:00 AM             Regional Meeting – SER

8:00 AM               9:15 AM               AMTA Board of Directors

11:15 AM             1:15 PM               Assembly of Delegates

12:30 PM             1:30 PM               Continuing Education Committee

12:45 PM             1:45 PM               Pediatric Work Group

12:45 PM             1:45 PM               Competencies Review Task Force

1:30 PM               3:30 PM               Membership Committee

1:30 PM               4:30 PM               Education and Training Advisory Board

4:45 PM               5:45 PM               AMTA Business Meeting

4:45 PM               6:15 PM               AMTAS Business Meeting

6:00 PM               7:00 PM               Past Presidents Meeting

6:00 PM               9:00 PM               Black Music Therapy Network and Allies Gathering

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Begin Time        End Time          Meeting

8:30 AM               9:15 AM               Assembly of Delegates Elect

9:45 AM               11:30 AM             AMTA Board of Directors