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2016 Concurrent Sessions & Meetings

Planned Concurrent Sessions at the 2016 AMTA Conference

(current as of 9/21/16 - information subject to change)


Thursday, November 10, 2016

3:00 pm - 6:15 pm

National Passages: All Students Invited


Friday, November 11, 2016

7:30 am - 8:45 am

Exploring Cultural Competencies for Music Therapists Working with Orthodox Jews

Marissa G. Emple, MA, LCAT, MT-BC

Drum and Dance: The Regenerative Miracle of Music and Movement on Student Cognition, Mental and Physical Health

Carrie Ekins, MA

Curriculum-Based Music Therapy: A Guide to Writing Structured Interventions

Ryan Carroll, MS, MT-BC; Kate Stanley, MT-BC

Music Therapy and Adolescents: A Trauma-Informed Approach

Kyle Fleming, MT-BC

Guitar Bombardment

Peter Meyer, MA, MT-BC; Bob Groene, PhD, MT-BC; Destiny Henn; Roy Kennedy, PhD, MT-BC; Jim Hiller, PhD, MT-BC; Matt Logan, MA, MT-BC; Jamie Bartshi, MMT, MT-BC; Mark Ahola, MM, LCAT, MT-BC; Allison Kerr, MT-BC; Lucas Salguero

Developing a Music Therapy Protocol for Persons with Dementia in Hospice Care

Meghan Ross, MT-BC

Considering a Conceptual Framework: Modifications in Music Therapy for Hearing Loss

Lindsey Wilhelm, MA, MT-BC

What is This Thing Called Creativity?

Lauren DiMaio MMT, MT-BC; Katie Suddarth, MT-BC

Music in Drama: Exploring Disability Theory through Arts Based Research

Ethan Jones; Ming Yuan Low, MA, MT-BC

Medical Music Therapy Supervision: Addressing Unique Challenges in the Healthcare Setting.

Amy Kesslick, MA, MT-BC

A Community Music Therapy Approach for Adults with and without Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Katelyn Farris, MS, MT-BC

Exploring Cultural Considerations for Music Therapy Assessments

Xueli Tan, PhD, MT-BC; Jonathan Tang, MT-BC

Developing a Preference Assessment for Nonverbal Individuals

Jessica Hoyle, MMT, MT-BC

Fostering Secure Attachment for Alternative Family Units through Music Therapy

Megan Neil, MS, MT-BC

Assessment of Foundational Music Skills in Undergraduate Music Therapy Students

Peggy A. Farlow, MAE, MT-BC

Self-Organization: Historical Foundations and Contemporary Applications

Michael Rohrbacher, PhD, MT-BC

Intuitive Teaching

Cathy Fink; Marcy Marxer

9:00 am - 10:15 am

Conference Chair Presents: Courageous Conversations: Race and Music Therapy

Marisol S. Norris, MA, MT-BC; Susan Hadley, PhD, MT-BC; Demeko Freeman, MT-BC; Jessica S. Fletcher, MM, MT-BC; Charcarol Fisher, MA, MT-BC; Sandra Ramos-Watt, MA, LCAT, MT-BC; Michael Viega, PhD, LCAT, MT-BC

Deciphering Research: Determining the Quality and Usefulness of What You Read

Deborah Layman, MM, MT-BC; Cleveland State University music therapy students

Ethics in Research: Beyond Informed Consent

Heather J Wagner, PhD, MT-BC

Challenges in Undergraduate Music Therapy Education: Narratives from the Front Lines

Kimberly Lloyd, MA, MT-BC

Cross Modal Creative Arts For Trauma Survivors in the Inpatient Mental Health Setting

Gregory J. Lazzaro, MM, MT-BC

Documentation in Hospice: The Story of Decline

Pamela Buchkowski, MT-BC; Brenda Wise, MT-BC

Improving Internship Instruction: A Resource of Intern Training Modules for Internship Supervisors

April Mounts, LCAT, MT-BC; Jason S. Willey, MMT, MT-BC

Vocal Health and Conditioning for the Music Therapist

Michelle R. Cohen, MT-BC; Emily A. Hurst, MT-BC

Creating Songs with Therapeutic Intention for Early Childhood and School Aged Clients

Elizabeth K. Schwartz, MA, LCAT, MT-BC

ADHD and Music Therapy: Translating Theory into Clinical Practice

Carolyn Dachinger, MM, MT-BC

Choral Conversations: Positive Outcomes through Music Therapy and Speech-Language Pathology Collaboration.

Heather Coles, MA, CCC-SLP; Melissa Johnson, MA, CCC-SLP; Laurie Keough, MSEd, LCAT, MT-BC; Alexandra Bruno; Emily Daniel; Mary Lugo; Brittney Shelton

Music and Imagery in the Treatment of Child Perpetrators of Bullying Behavior

Jennie P. Band, PhD, MT-BC; Noelle Ostroff

Long-term Impact of Music Therapy on Individuals Diagnosed with Autism

Cathy Knoll, MA, MT-BC; Debra Dacus, MA, MT-BC; Kathleen Coleman, MMT, MT-BC

Analytical Music Therapy as a Trauma Informed Method with Psychological/Medical Trauma.

Benedikte Barth Scheiby, MA, MMEd, DPMT, LCAT, CMT.

Learning Opportunities: Examining Strategies for Learning to Work with a New Population

Alaine E. Reschke-Hernandez, MA, MT-BC; Meghan Ross, MT-BC

Rainbow Connection Choir: A Sustainable, Integrated, Community Program

Robin Rio, MT-BC; Grace O'Leary

Budget-Friendly Technology Tools

Technology Committee

For Students: Living Your Dreams with Music Therapy

Christine Stevens, MSW, MT-BC

  • A Musical Tether: Music and Imagery as a Telehealth Music Therapy Service; Presenter: Sherry Raley, PhD, MT-BC
  • Patient Preferred Live Music in Adult Medical Settings: Supporting Literature and Derivatives; Presenter: Michael Silverman, PhD, MT-BC
  • Post Trauma Recovery: Songwriting for Emotional Healing with Acquired Brain Injury; Presenter: Kayla C. Daly MA, LMHC, MT-BC;
  • How to Prepare for Just One Session: Music therapy in a Medical Setting; Presenter: Laura Skelly Higgins, MT-BC
Guitar Bombardment

Peter Meyer, MA, MT-BC; Bob Groene, PhD, MT-BC; Destiny Henn; Roy Kennedy, PhD, MT-BC; Jim Hiller, PhD, MT-BC; Matt Logan, MA, MT-BC; Jamie Bartshi, MMT, MT-BC; Mark Ahola, MM, LCAT, MT-BC; Allison Kerr, MT-BC; Lucas Salguero

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm

Contemporary Trends in the Autistic Community: Implications for Music Therapy Research

Kenneth Aigen, DA, LCAT, MT-BC

Single-Session Educational Music Therapy in Acute Care Mental Health Settings

Michael J. Silverman, PhD, MT-BC

Musical Performance with Youth with Behavioral and Emotional Disorders: Process before Product

Joy Carlson, MT-BC; Amanda Allen, MT-BC

Fidelity of Musical Contour Regulation Facilitation for ER development: A retrospective analysis

Kimberly Sena Moore, PhD, MT-BC; Deanna Hanson-Abromeit, PhD, MT-BC

Data Integration in Mixed Methods Research

Joke Bradt, PhD, MT-BC

Holding the Medical Space: Integrating Technology into Pediatric Medical Music Therapy Practice

Todd O'Connor, MA, LCAT, MT-BC

Guitar Bombardment

Peter Meyer, MA, MT-BC; Bob Groene, PhD, MT-BC; Destiny Henn; Roy Kennedy, PhD, MT-BC; Jim Hiller, PhD, MT-BC; Matt Logan, MA, MT-BC; Jamie Bartshi, MMT, MT-BC; Mark Ahola, MM, LCAT, MT-BC; Allison Kerr, MT-BC; Lucas Salguero

The Role of Music Therapy in Pre-Bereavement with Familial Hospice Caregivers

Noah Potvin, MMT, LPC, MT-BC

Music Therapy Bento: A Staff Wellness Program

Ashley Spears, MT-BC

Exploring Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy

Alan Turry, DA, LCAT, MT-BC; Jacqueline Birnbaum, MSEd, MA, LCAT, MT-BC

Music-Centered Song Exploration: An Alternative to Lyric Analysis in Music Therapy

Kathleen M. Murphy, PhD, MT-BC; Brian Abrams, PhD, LCAT, LPC, MT-BC

Research Committee Presents: Student Engagement in Research: Developing Skills through Experiential Learning

Abbey Dvorak, PhD, MT-BC

Community Classroom in Music Therapy Education: Benefits for Students and Community Partners

Annie Heiderscheit, PhD, LMFT, MT-BC; Allison Hadley, MD; Destiny Henn

Philosophy Slam IV

Kayla C. Daly, MA, LMHC, MT-BC

Leadership Theory 101: Preparing Music Therapists for Future Change and Challenges

Dina Mansour-Cole, PhD; Linda Wright-Bower, MS, MT-BC

Unanticipated Findings from a Parent-Delivered Active Music Engagement Study

Sheri L. Robb, PhD, MT-BC; Amanda K. Henley, MM, MT-BC

Music Therapy Business Owner Survival Guide: How to Handle Just about Anything

Meredith Pizzi, MPA, MT-BC

Musical Connection: An Intergenerational Orff Ensemble for Children, College Students and Seniors

Yu-Ling Chen, PhD, MT-BC; Marti Bessinger, MM; Stephanie Bates; Didier Khoo; Tzu-Chi Lin; Quanah Steel

3:30 pm - 4:45 pm

Teaching and Learning: Inter-Professional Education and Music Therapy

Meganne K. Masko, PhD, MT-BC/L; Andrew J. Knight, PhD, MT-BC; Eric L. Johnson, MD

Research Committee Presents: Theory Development in Music Therapy Research and Practice: Perspectives from the Classroom

Deanna Hanson-Abromeit, PhD, MT-BC, Kara Caine, MT-BC, Melissa Gillespie, MT-BC, Eugenia Hernandez Ruiz, MME, MT-BC, Sekyung Jang, MM, MT-BC, Kendall Joplin, MME, MT-BC, Amanda Aaronian, Ruozao Han, Alyssa Ott, Shelbi Polasik, Katelyn Schroeder, Julia Sims, Amanda Sipe

Neurodiversity: Uniting Our Community through an Inclusive Music Therapy Approach

Edward Todd Schwartzberg, MEd, MT-BC

Music Therapy to Assist Transition of Adolescents with Disabilities to Young Adulthood

Mary Adamek, PhD, MT-BC; Kate Gfeller, PhD

LGBTQI and Music Therapist: Intersecting Identities

Amy Donnenwerth, MA, MT-BC; Michele Forinash, DA, LMHC, MT-BC; Leah G. Oswanski, MA, LPC, MT-BC; Beth Robinson, MT-BC; Annette Whitehead-Pleaux, MA, MT-BC

Sex, Drugs, and (Post-Hardcore) Rock and Roll

Daniel Goldschmidt, MT-BC; Kyle Fleming, MT-BC; (additional panelists TBD)

Rebuilding Relationships: A Creative Retreat for Military Couples after Deployment

Tracy Richardson, PhD, MT-BC; Julia Lopez-Kaley, MT-BC

DBT-Informed Music Therapy: Clinical Interventions and Research Applications

Abbey Dvorak, PhD, MT-BC; Lindsey R. Landeck, MT-BC; Marie Lesiak, MT-BC; Deborah Spiegel MT-BC

Nirvana in the NICU: Strategies, Songs, Statistics & Stories

Laura Beer, PhD, MT-BC; Susan Palmieri, MT-BC

Guitar Bombardment

Peter Meyer, MA, MT-BC; Bob Groene, PhD, MT-BC; Destiny Henn; Roy Kennedy, PhD, MT-BC; Jim Hiller, PhD, MT-BC; Matt Logan, MA, MT-BC; Jamie Bartshi, MMT, MT-BC; Mark Ahola, MM, LCAT, MT-BC; Allison Kerr, MT-BC; Lucas Salguero

Major 7ths, Empty Beats, & Plain Talk: Essential Decisions in Music Therapy

Betsey King, PhD, LCAT, MT-BC

3 Dynamic Interventions for Drumming with Older Adults

Kat Fulton, MM, MT-BC; Kaleigh Thomas, MT-BC

Experiential Education in the Universally Designed Music Therapy Training Program

Patricia Winter, PhD, MT-BC

Where “Research” Meets the Road: Using Research to Build and Fund Music Therapy Programs

Lori F. Gooding, PhD, MT-BC; Jamie George, MM, LPMT, MT-BC

Global Perspectives on Child Welfare

Michael L. Zanders, PhD, MT-BC; Rebecca Fairchild, MM, RMT

Music Therapy Licensure: Where It's At

Bryan J. Muller, PhD, LPC, MT-BC

From Conception to Adulthood: Fifty Years of The Music Settlement’s Center for Music Therapy

Ronna S. Kaplan, MA, MT-BC; Lori Lundeen-Smith, MS, CCC-SLP, MT-BC; A. Louise Steele, MMEd, MT-BC

Building Your University-Affiliated Internship Program

Kymla J. Eubanks, MM, MT-BC; Kate St. John, MM, MT-BC

5:00 pm - 6:15 pm

Interactive Interventions for Intergenerational Music Therapy Programs

Becky Watson, MBA, MT-BC; JoAnn Jordan, MT-BC

The Use of Narrative Songwriting with Returning Service Members

Sarah Accardi, MMT, MT-BC

Becoming a More Research-Informed Clinician: An Advocacy Journey:

Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC

A Decade with Joshua: Examining Parallel Development in Long Term Music Therapy

Kristen O'Grady, MA, LCAT, MT-BC

"The Coffee House:” Building Self-Identity through Musical Performance in Adolescent Mental Health

Elizabeth Mitchell, RP, MTA

Becoming Whole Again: The Neurobiology and Psychology of GIM

Sherry Raley, PhD, MT-BC

Existential Theory: Philosophical Foundations and Applications in Music Therapy

Erin Fox, MA, MT-BC

Co-Constructing Knowledge with Children Experiencing Homelessness and Family Violence through Songwriting

Rebecca Fairchild, MM, RMT

Music Therapy through the Lens of Self-Advocate with Intellectual Disability Diagnosis

Tsz Hei Fatima Chan, MME, MT-BC; Mariah, Self-Advocate

  • Are We Taking Care of Ourselves?; Presenters: Deborah Benkovitz, MSW, MT-BC; Annette Whitehead-Pleaux, MA, MT-BC;
  • Steady and Centered: Grounding with Music and Meditation; Presenter: Ami Kunimura, MA, MT-BC
Conference Chair Presents: Let's Talk Music Therapy Careers
  • It’s Wild Out There: How to Hunt Down Your Dream Job!; Presenter: Marial Biard, MM, MT-BC
  • I Have My Degree, Now What? Skills for Getting and Retaining a Job; Presenter: Courtney R. Biddle, MMT, MT-BC  
  • Ch-ch-ch-changes: How to Survive a Dramatic Career Shift; Presenter: Becky Wellman, PhD, LPMT, MT-BC     
  • V+E+R=O: A Four-Step Formula to Help Manage Change Throughout your Career; Presenter: Tim Ringgold, MT-BC
  • Finding Meaning; Avoiding Burnout; Enjoying Work ; Presenter: Carol L. Shultis, PhD, MT-BC
The CBMT Self-Assessment Examination: Identify Strengths and Weaknesses for the Certification Exam

Joy Schneck, MM, MT-BC; Karen Howat

The Role of Spirituality in Wellness and Music Therapy Practice

Andrea Dalton, MA, MT-BC

“But I'm Not a Professional…" Music Therapy Ethics 101 and E-Professionalism for Students

Debbie Bates, MMT, MT-BC

Guitar Bombardment

Peter Meyer, MA, MT-BC; Bob Groene, PhD, MT-BC; Destiny Henn; Roy Kennedy, PhD, MT-BC; Jim Hiller, PhD, MT-BC; Matt Logan, MA, MT-BC; Jamie Bartshi, MMT, MT-BC; Mark Ahola, MM, LCAT, MT-BC; Allison Kerr, MT-BC; Lucas Salguero

Music Therapy with Inpatient and Outpatient Rehabilitation Units in a Pediatric Setting

Ashley Taul, MMT, MT-BC

Rolling with Resistance: Increasing Empowerment and Motivation within Adult Mental Health

Lindsey Holmes Doty, MT-BC; Katy Capestrani, MT-BC

Women with Addictions’ Experience in Music Therapy

Amy L. Dunlap, MT-BC


Saturday, November 12, 2016

9:00 am - 10:30 am

Internship Fair

9:30 am - 10:45 am

"Help, I Need Somebody:" Evidenced-Based Practice for Supporting Caregiver Needs Through Music Therapy

Adrienne C. Steiner, MM, MT-BC

Therapeutic Music Experience Jam: Ideas for Young Adult Clients in Music Therapy

Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC

From 0 to 40: Developing a New Pediatric Music Therapy Program

Stephanie Epstein, MM, MT-BC

Caught Between Two Worlds: Music Therapists’ Experiences of Disability and Identity

Rachel Reed; Nicole Hahna, PhD, MT-BC

Conference Chair Presents: Let's Talk Research

Moderator: Barbara Else, MPA, LCAT, MT-BC

Analyzing Song Material Prior to Clinical Application: A Model for Discovering Therapeutic Potentials in Songs.

James Hiller, PhD, MT-BC

Music Psychotherapy Treatments for Acute, Chronic and Procedural Pain

Joanne Loewy DA, LCAT, MT-BC; Andrew Rossetti MMT, LCAT, MT-BC

The Choir behind the Wire: Music Therapy with the Prison Population

Anne Barry, PhD; Lorna E. Segall, PhD, MT-BC

Beyond Clinical Supervision: Being the Boss Means More than You Think

Kevin Hahn, MM, MT-BC; Kymla J. Eubanks, MM, MT-BC

Examining Power and Privilege in Music Therapy in the United States

Cathleen Flynn, MT-BC

Best Practices for Interprofessional Collaboration between Speech-Language Pathologists and Music Therapists

Mara E. Culp, MME, ABD; Angela M. Guerriero, MEd, MA, MM, MT-BC

Autonomic Nervous System Regulation for Individuals with Dementia & Co-morbid Mood Disorders

Brent Beeson, MS, MT-BC

Diversity and Multiculturalism in Music Therapy: Past, Present, and Future

Melita Belgrave, PhD, MT-BC; Seung-A Kim, PhD, LCAT, MT-BC; Peter Meyer , MA, MT-BC; Marisol S. Norris, MA, MT-BC; Natasha Thomas, MS, MT-BC/L; Antonio Milland Santiago; Kamica King, MT-BC; Beth Robinson, MT-BC

Paths to Recertification: Making Your Credits Work for You, CBMT

Andrea Crimmins, PhD, MT-BC

Refining the Role of "Music" for Differently Abled Children: Antecedent, Reward, Reinforcer, or Feedback?

Melanie Harms, PhD, MT-BC

Research 101: Single-Subject Research Methodology for Music Therapy Clinicians

Dana Bolton, MEd, MMT, MT-BC

From Misrepresentation to Outstanding Opportunity: Growth Mindset and the Advocacy Champion

Emily Bevelaqua, MMT, MT-BC; Leslie Henry, MM, MT-BC; Jennifer DeBedout, MM, MT-BC; Jessica DeVillers, MA, MT-BC; Carolyn A. Dobson, AP-BC, MT-BC; Lillieth Grand, MS, MT-BC,; Cheryl Stephenson, MM, MT-BC; Krystine Smith, AMTAS Representative; Jenny Swanson, MMT, MT-BC; Natasha Thomas, MS, MT-BC/L

Activity CPR: Creating, Planning, and Repurposing

Natalie Generally, LPMT, MMEd, MT-BC

The Good Stuff: Technology in Clinical Practice

AMTA Technology Committee

11:00 am - 12:15 pm

Who Cares for You? Personal Self-Care through Music

Susan E. Mandel, PhD, MT-BC; Suzanne B. Hanser, EdD, MT-BC

Leadership for Students and New Professionals: Finding Your Voice

Amber Weldon-Stephens, EdS, LPMT, MT-BC; Jean Nemeth, PhD, MT-BC

TRENDING TOPICS #3: Special Education
  • Teach Me! Developing a Special Education Music Therapy Program and Curriculum; Presenters: Leanne Belasco, MS, MT-BC; Katie Myers, MM, MT-BC
  • Musically Satisfying Choral Experiences: Facilitating a Successful Inclusive Environment; Presenter: Emily L Guthe, MM, MA, MT-BC
  • It Takes a Village: Inclusive Music Therapy Community Programming; Presenters: Laura Brown, PhD, MT-BC
  • Screens with Children: The Dos and Don'ts; Presenter: Kristin N. Veteto MM, MT-BC
University Vocal Training and Its Impact on Music Therapists' Vocal Skills

Nicki S. Cohen, PhD, MT-BC

Neurologic Music Therapy Techniques for Children with Neuro-Developmental Disorders

Hayoung A. Lim, PhD, MT-BC; Hyun-Jung Lee, PhD, MT-BC

I've Got the Joy: Resources for Music Therapists in Special Education

Patina Jackson, MT-BC

Freeing the Caged Bird: Synergizing Liberation Psychology and Music Therapy

Kayla Sadowy, MMT, MT-BC

Using Music with Blind and Visually Impaired Students: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques

Mary Claire Holliday, MS, LCAT, MT-BC

Collaborative Music and Art Therapy for Emotion Regulation with Juvenile Offenders

Valerie Joy Yocum, MM, MT-BC

Research Committee Presents: Oral Poster Session

Research Committee

  • Acoustic Parameters of Infant-directed Singing in Mothers of Infants with Down Syndrome; Presenter: Shannon de l’Etoile, PhD, MT-BC
  • Well-being and Meaning-Making: An Ethnographic Case Study of a Community Music Group for People with Parkinson’s Disease and their Care-Partners; Presenter: Olivia Yinger, PhD, MT-BC
  • Active Music Engagement Strategies in Cancer Treatment Rooms; Presenter: Cindy Colwell PhD, MT-BC;  Jennifer Fiore, PhD, MT-BC
  • Music Therapy Reduces Agitation and Depressive Symptoms in Nursing Home Residents with Dementia; Presenter: Kendra Ray:  MBA, CDP, LCAT, MT-BC
A Review of Multicultural Music Therapy Literature: Trends and Future Directions

Jonathan Tang, MT-BC

Implications of Music Therapy on the Healthcare System

Aliza K. Llovet, MT-BC

Celebrating the Growth of Music Therapy around the Globe!

Anita L. Gadberry, PhD, MT-BC; Annie Heiderscheit, PhD, LMFT, MT-BC; Daniel B. Tague, PhD, MT-BC

A Positive Trigger: Music Use in Drug and Alcohol Dependency and Recovery

Patty Console, MT-BC; Megan McCausland, MT-BC

The Empowerment Guide: Cross-Modal Trauma Treatment for Forensic Females

Deirdre Cogan, ATR-BC, ATCS, LPC, CCTP; Laryssa M. Creswell EdD, LCPC, MT-BC

How to Use Research to Guide Your Practice (at any age!)

Lynn L. Brandsma, PhD, LPC, MT-BC

Trial Competency through Hip-Hop: An Exploratory Pilot Program

Kate Stanley, MT-BC

Vibrant Sessions Under Canopy Shade: Using Caribbean Folk and Steel Pan Music

Jean Raabe, MEd, MBA, MT-BC

12:15 pm - 2:15 pm

Global Perspectives Session

1:30 pm - 2:45 pm

Research for Music Therapists in the Real World

Sandi Curtis, PhD, MTA, MT-BC; Laurel Young, PhD, MTA

Need Support? Let Us "Prop" You Up!

Elizabeth Buckmaster, MEd, MT-BC; Susan Hegedus, MEd, RMT

Multiplicity and Design Thinking: Implications for Music Therapy Theory

Bill Matney, PhD, MT-BC

Research Committee Presents: Teaching Clinical Reasoning Using Case Based Learning

Meganne K. Masko, PhD, MT-BC/L; Kelly Thormodson, MLIS; Kristen Borysewicz, MLS

The Online Conference of Music Therapy: Supporting International Collaboration and Online Education

Faith Halverson-Ramos, MA, LPC, MT-BC; Mary Jane Landaker, MME, MT-BC; Michelle Sieben, MT-BC; Aksana Kavaliova-Moussi, MMT, MTA; Demian Kogutek, MMT, MTA

Conference Chair Presents: Bridging Art and Science in Music Therapy Part II: A Closer Examination of Nordoff Robbins Music Therapy & Neurologic Music Therapy

Ming Yuan Low, MA, MT-BC; Kenneth Aigen, DA, LCAT MT-BC; Kathleen Howland, PhD,CCC-SLP, MT-BC

Including Everyone: Music Therapy for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students with Severe Disabilities

Amy Furman, MM, MT-BC

An Introduction to the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery & Music

Louise Dimiceli-Mitran, MA, LCPC, MT-BC; Elaine Abbott, PhD, MT-BC

Community Music Therapy with Former Child Soldiers, Abductees, and Orphans of Uganda

Ashley-Drake Estes, MS, MT-BC; Haden Minifie, MS, MT-BC

Why Evidence-Based Practice (Still) Matters: Understanding EBP Perspectives in MT

Kevin Hahn, MM, MT-BC

Federal Advocacy

Rebecca Preddie

United Front for Creative Therapies within the Overall Therapeutic Program at a State Residential Psychiatric Hospital.

Lorelei Voronin, MS, AT; Megan Dasbach, MT-BC

Music Therapy for Individuals with Parkinson's and Their Care Partners: An Integrative Approach

Theresa Merrill, PhD, MT-BC

Advancing Clinical Practice: Creating Opportunities for Adults with Autism and Developmental Disabilities

Emily Sawyer; Katie Fitch, MME, MT-BC; Melanie Brison, MT-BC

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Research Poster Session

3:00 pm - 4:15 pm

From Orphan to Sage: Music Therapy, Adolescence, and the Hero’s Journey

Michael Viega, PhD, LCAT, MT-BC

In Performance, The Athens County Community Singers, A Choir for All Voices: Transition & Service

Stephanie H. Morris, MM, MT-BC

Culture Clash! International Students' Needs in Music Therapy Education and Training

Laura Beer, PhD, MT-BC; Feilin Hsiao, PhD, MT-BC

Music Therapy Post-Elective Orthopedic Surgery

Lisa M. Gallagher, MA, MT-BC

The Show Must Go On: Creating a Dramatic Arts Program for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Conio Loretto, MS, LCAT, MT-BC

There's No Place like Home: Perspectives on Home-Based Music Therapy

Amy Degro, MS, LCAT, MT-BC; Rosemary Obi, MS, LCAT, MT-BC

Building your Scope: Expanding your Clinical Expertise

Debbie Bates, MMT, MT-BC; Annie Heiderscheit, PhD, LMFT, MT-BC

Limited Evidence: EBP With a Multiply Diagnosed child-Piecing it All Together

Minda K. Gordon, MT-BC; Christina Boroughs

Bridging the Gap: Exploring Older Adults’ Experiences in an Intergenerational Rock Band

Natalie Wlodarczyk, PhD, MT-BC (Cancelled)

Navigating Competition: Ethical Thinking for Music Therapy Business Owners

Jennifer M. Sokira, MMT, LCAT, MT-BC

Trends in Memory Care Research We Need To Know

Leslie A. Henry, MM, MT-BC

The Therapeutic Use of the Harp, Basic Playing Techniques and Improvisational Scales

Nancy O'Brien

  • Music-Centered Music Therapy with Nursing Home Residents with Dementia; Presenter: Shey Dillon
  • Foundations of Music Therapy for People with Dementia; Presenters: Dan Andersen, MT-BC: Claire M Klein, MT-BC
  • The Process of Change, Music Therapy Impacts on Aggression by Alzheimer’s Dementia; Presenter: Yoshika Yamashita
Never Thought of Working in Hospice Care? Think Again - It Will Change Your Life!

Russell Hilliard, PhD, LCSW, LCAT, MT-BC

MLE Presents

Mary Ellen Wylie, PhD, MT-BC

Introduction to Vocal Psychotherapy

Diane Austin, DA, LCAT, ACMT (Cancelled)

imagine Presents: Advocacy for Early Childhood Music Therapy

Petra Kern, PhD, MTA, DMtG, MT-BC; Marcia Humpal, MEd, MT-BC; Roes Fienman, MSW, MT-BC; Gretchen Chardos Benner, LMSW, MT‐BC; Dana Bolton, MEd, MMT, MT-BC; Ashley Mille, MT-BC; and selected authors

8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Lip Sync Battle for Professionals, Interns & Others

Hosted by the GLR-AMTAS

Sunday, November 13, 2016

7:30 am - 8:45 am

Documenting Professional Competence in Music Therapy Education

Deborah Layman, MM, MT-BC; Carol Olszewski, MA, MT-BC

Scaling Clinical Practice to Meet Patient Need

Hope Young, MT-BC

The Life Inside: Music Therapy with an Infant in Utero

Jennifer Townsend MMT, MT-BC

Building a Therapeutic Relationship with Clients with Borderline Personality Disorder

Anna M. Drexelius, MMT, MT-BC

Sensory Friendly Concerts: A Round Table

Emily Ross MA, MT-BC

Working with Parents and Adult Caregivers in Early Childhood Music Therapy

Andrew Knight, PhD, MT-BC; Carol Ann Blank, MMT, LCAT, LPC, MT-BC

Gladys and Naomi: Seeing Dementia Anew by Uniting Validation® and Music Therapy

Ashley Newbrough, MT-BC; Jamée Ard, DMA, LCAT (limited permit), MT-BC

Understanding Prader-Willi Syndrome and the use of Music Therapy within an Inpatient Rehabilitation Setting

Haley Welsh, MT- BC

We’re Free: Rap Writing with At-Risk Adolescents in a Rural Setting

Jessica S. Fletcher, MM, MT-BC

It Takes a Village: A Whole Person Approach through Trauma Informed Music Therapy

Bronwen Landless, MMT, MT-BC

Musical Journey -- A Songwriting Project in a Trauamtic Brain Injury Community

Megumi Azekawa, MM, MT-BC

Music Therapy with Occupational Therapy Supports Physical, Emotional and Social Wellbeing Post-Stroke (cancelled)

Anna Palumbo, MA, LCAT, MT-BC

Wagons Ho! The Oregon Trail to Licensure

Laura E. Beer, PhD, ACMT, MT-BC; Lillieth Grand, MS, MT-BC; Dawn Iwamasa, MA, CCLS, MT-BC; Angie Kopshy, MM, MT-BC; Chris Korb, MM, MT-BC; Melissa Potts, MA ED, MT-BC/L; Jodi Winnwalker, LCSW, MT-BC

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy - Living With Eyes Wide Open

Emily C Bailey, MM, SCMT, MT-BC

How to Use ASL to Address Goals with a Variety of Populations

Heather Rhoda, MEd, MT-BC

Technology to Simplify Your Life

AMTA Technology Committee

9:00 am - 10:15 am

A Music-Centered Model for Assessing for Songs Written in Music Therapy

Michael Viega, PhD, LCAT, MT-BC

TRENDING TOPICS #5: Challenging Clients
  • Intensified Expressive Therapies for Juvenile Offenders Not Responding to Other Treatment Modalities; Presenter: Valerie Joy Yocum, MT-BC, MM
  • Because I Said So: Effective Strategies for Dealing with Challenging Behaviors; Presenter: Dana Bolton, MEd, MMT, MT-BC
  • Responding to Difficult Clients; Presenter: Heather J Wagner, PhD, MT-BC
Life after Internship: Promoting Professional Success, Longevity, and Fulfillment

Alejandra J. Ferrer, PhD, MT-BC

Florence Tyson & the Creative Arts Rehabilitation Center (CARC): The Legacy of a Music Therapy Visionary

Kenneth Aigen, DA, LCAT, MT-BC; Christopher Bandini, LCSW; Jeffrey Friedberg, MA, LCAT, MT-BC; David Ramsey, DA, LCAT

Developing a Reflective Practice to Advance Clinical Practice Skills.

Annie Heiderscheit, PhD, LMFT, MT-BC; Lindsay Rossmiller, MT-BC; Erin Fox, MA, MT-BC; Stephanie Morris, MT-BC; Melanie Brison, MT-BC

Shame and Music: Exploring Implications for Music Therapy

Barbara Dunn, PhD, LICSW, MT-BC

Bringing Skills to Light: Black Light Theatre in a Special Education Setting

Leslie L. Hunter, LCAT, MT-BC

Teaching the Importance of Self-Care to Music Therapy Students: Luxury or Necessity?

Lindsey Wilhelm, MA, MT-BC

  • The Role of Music in Worden’s Four Tasks of Grieving; Presenter: Emily Sevcik, MSEd, LPC, MT-BC (cancelled)
  • Grief 101; Presenter: Deb Dempsey, MMT, LPC, MT-BC
  • Facilitation Family interaction in Hospice Music Therapy Sessions; Presenter: Kevin Puhr, MT-BC
  • Music Therapy and Spirituality in Hospice Care; Presenter: Sara Breyfogle, MS, MT-BC
Roundtable for Educators and Internship Directors/Supervisors: Continuing Collaboration and Dialogue

Kamile Geist, PhD, MT-BC; Lauren, DiMaio, MMT, MT-BC; Kristine Pollard Leist, PhD, MT-BC

Expanding Potentials for Cochlear Implant Recipients Ages 1 – 18

Laura Pawuk, MM, MT-BC

Finding Our Groove: Enhancing the Well-being of International Students and Music Therapists

Andrea Hunt, PhD, MT-BC; Seung-A Kim, PhD, LCAT, MT-BC; ChihChen Sophia Lee, PhD, MT-BC; Adenike Webb, MMT, MT-BC; Ming Yuan Low, MA, MT-BC

Gerotranscendence and Music: Supporting the Mature Gerotranscendence of the Baby Boom Generation

Faith Halverson-Ramos, MA, LPC, MT-BC

Community Music Therapy for College Students with and without ID

Melody Schwantes, PhD, MT-BC; Eliana Rivera

Trauma-Informed Music Therapy for Youth who Experienced Domestic Abuse

Katherine Myers-Coffman, MS, MT-BC; Debra Cotterall, MA, MT-BC

10:30 am - 11:45 am

Conference Chair Presents: Lifeline of Today’s World: Intercultural Competences in Music Therapy and Beyond

Petra Kern, PhD, MTA, DMtG MT-BC; Madison Whelan; Holly Hankin; Garrett Weeks; Kelsey Norris; Kyle McCommon

Music Therapy and Adaptive Music at Juvenile Detention Center: Twenty Six Years

Lee Anna Rasar, MT-BC, WMTR

Designing Treatments to Address the Unique Needs of Veterans

Natalie Cole, MT-BC; Krystine Smith

TRENDING TOPICS #7: Clinical Training
  • Emotional Intelligence in Music Therapy Practice and Supervision; Presenter: Katie Fitch, MME, MT-BC
  • Creative Supervision for Music Therapy Internship; Presenter: Amanda MacRae, MMT, MT-BC
  • Professional Development: A focus on Soft Skills; Presenter: Piper Laird, MM, MT-BC
TRENDING TOPICS #8: Stories & Music Therapy
  • Crafting the Story – Developing Your Storytelling Toolbox within the Music Therapy Setting; Presenter: Lana J. Hawkins, LPMT, MT-BC
  • Rockin' Readers; Presenter: Jona Jeffcoat, MT-BC
  • The Use of Individualized Musically Adapted Social Stories; Presenter: Brittany Stone, MM, MT-BC
From Fragments to Masterpiece: Using Improvised Songs to Help the Atypical Music Therapy Client

Jenny Fu, MA, MT-BC; Ming Yuan Low, MA, MT-BC

Documenting the Impact of Group Music Experiences on Mother-Child Attachment Behaviors

Vivian Nix-Early, PhD, MT-BC

Momentum: Community Music Therapy in Action

Joni Milgram-Luterman, PhD, LCAT, MT-BC

University-Private Practice Partnership: Benefiting Students, the University, Business and the Community.

Erin K. Spring, MM, MT-BC, Jessica S. Fletcher, MM, MT-BC, Brent Beeson, MS, MT-BC, Kamile Geist, PhD, MT-BC, Laura Brown, PhD, MT-BC, Amy Dunlap, MT-BC

Repertoire and Intervention Ideas to Use with Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Edward Todd Schwartzberg, MEd, MT-BC

Group Music Therapy in an Acute Mental Health Facility

Lauren Stoner, MA, MT-BC

Bollywood meets Bonny: Music Therapy with South Asians in the US

Sangeeta Swamy, PhD, MT-BC

Research Committee Presents: Designing Control-Group Conditions: Examples from the SMART Trials

Sheri Robb, PhD, MT-BC

Shaping Transformational Communities: A Critical Social Approach in Clinical Improvisation, Vocal Psychotherapy, and Aesthetics

Rebecca Zarate PhD, LCAT, MT-BC

Hip Hop Holding: Utilizing Rap and EDM Production in Music Psychotherapy

Josh Millrod

Planned Meetings at the 2016 AMTA Conference

(current as of 8/5/16 - information subject to change)

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

4:00 pm – 9:00 pm 

AMTA Board of Directors

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

8:00 am – 3:00 pm

AMTA Board of Directors

8:00 am – 6:00 pm

Academic Program Approval Committee 

Association Internship Approval Committee

2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Professional Advocacy Committee

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm 

Joint Academic Program & Association Internship Approval Committees

4:00 pm – 7:00 pm 

AMTAS Officers

6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Council Coordinators and Committee Chairs

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm 

Standards of Clinical Practice      

Regional Presidents

7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

AMTAS Board of Directors

Thursday, November 10, 2016

8:00 am – 12:00 pm  

Workforce Development and Retention Committee

AMTA Board of Directors

Government Relations Committee

Academic Program Approval Committee

Affiliate Relations Committee

Standards of Clinical Practice Committee

8:00 am – 12:30 pm

Professional Advocacy Committee

Student Affairs Advisory Board (SAAB)

8:00 am – 1:30 pm 

Ethics Board

9:00 am – 11:00 am  

International Relations Committee

9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Clinical Practice Networking Committee

11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Joint – Academic Program Approval, Association Internship Approval & International Relations Committees

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

Research Committee

MLE Subcommittee

12:00 pm 6:00 pm

WFMT Council

1:00 pm – 2:30 pm 

AMTAS Board of Directors

1:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Assembly of Delegates

2:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Reimbursement Committee

5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

MLE Subcommittee

Regional Board of Directors – Great Lakes Region

Regional Board of Directors – Southeastern Region

Regional Board of Directors – Western Region

Regional Board of Directors – Southwestern Region

Regional Board of Directors – Midwestern Region

6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Regional Board of Directors – New England Region

6:00 pm – 7:20 pm 

Regional Board of Directors – Mid-Atlantic Region

9:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Conference Choir Rehearsal

10:00 pm – 11:00 pm

Tweet-Up Networking

Friday, November 11, 2016

7:30 am – 8:30 am

State Advocacy Breakfast (invited guests only)

7:30 am – 9:00 am

Assembly of Delegates

10:30 am – 12:00 pm

AMTA Business Meeting

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm

Korean Music Therapists Lunch Meeting

Cantonese Music Therapists and Students Network meeting

The University of Iowa Lunch

12:00 pm – 1:45 pm

Chinese Music Therapists and Students Network meeting

Taiwanese Music Therapy Students and Professionals

Continuing Education

Clinical Practice Networking Committee-Networking Session

Diversity & Multiculturalism Committee

12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Ethics Board

12:15 pm – 1:15 pm

Latin American Music Therapy Networking

Japanese Music Therapy Networking

Reimbursement Committee

12:30 pm – 1:45 pm

Black Music Therapy Network

Music Therapy Business Owners’ Meeting

Regional Conference Meeting Planners

Music & Memory Work Group

Pediatric Work Group

ASD Task Force

12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Journal of Music Therapy Editorial Board

12:45 pm – 1:45 pm  

Technology Committee

Judicial Review Board Committee

International Relations Committee

Professional Advocacy Committee

Standards of Clinical Practice Committee

Affiliate Relations Committee

Workforce Development and Retention Committee

2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Music Therapy Perspectives Editorial Board

2:30 pm – 5:15 pm

Membership Committee

Education and Training Advisory Board

5:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Faculty Forum

6:15 pm – 7:45 pm

AMTAS Business Meeting

Regional Board of Directors – Mid-Atlantic Region

Florida State Music Therapists’ Meeting

6:15 pm


9:30 pm – 11:00 pm 

Japanese Music Therapy Students and Professionals

Saturday, November 12, 2016

7:30 am – 9:15 am

Regional Meeting – Mid-Atlantic

Regional Meeting – Southwestern

8:00 am – 9:15 am

Regional Meeting – Western

Regional Meeting – Southeastern

Regional Meeting – New England

Regional Meeting – Midwestern

Regional Meeting – Great Lakes

8:00 am – 9:15 am

Music Therapy as a Career: Prospective Student Seminar (invited guests only)

8:30 am – 11:00 am

Education and Training Advisory Board

9:30 am – 11:00 am

AMTA Board of Directors

11:15 am – 1:15 pm

Assembly of Delegates

12:15 pm – 2:15 pm

International Relations Global Perspectives Session

1:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Membership Committee

1:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Education and Training Advisory Board

4:45 pm – 5:45 pm

AMTA Business Meeting

4:45 pm – 6:15 pm

AMTAS Business Meeting

6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Past Presidents Reception

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

State Task Force Reception

7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

KU Music Alumni Reunion

Sunday, November 13, 2016

9:45 am – 11:30 am

AMTA Board of Directors