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Conference 2020 Statement

December 13, 2019 10:21 AM

Conference 2020 Statement

Three years ago, in an effort to bring the national conference to the Mid-Atlantic Region, Atlantic City was chosen as the site for the 2020 national conference. We acknowledge, hear, and value the concerns about the prevalence of human trafficking in Atlantic City, and the complicity of casino hotels. AMTA stands against human trafficking, supports those who have been victims of human trafficking, and supports music therapists and other professionals offering a way out, and support, for human trafficking victims across the United States.

We reviewed the financial obligations within the contract and obtained more information from the hotel about their policies to combat human trafficking. The decision was made not to move the 2020 conference. We will engage in on-site advocacy, training, and fundraising for local programs and music therapy services supporting victims of human trafficking. We hope to increase awareness and empower music therapists in their work with and advocacy for human trafficking victims. We will share specific plans with you over the next couple of months as those plans are developed. We welcome suggestions from membership regarding these plans. Please send suggestions to Vice President Elect, Wendy Woolsey, at

There are systemic changes that need to be made in our site selection process to increase the awareness of the search company and future boards during the vetting and site approval process. We have already begun to put systems in place to help make better informed decisions moving forward.

We appreciate and value your communication and commitment to the music therapy profession and those we serve. We are fortunate to serve this passionate, caring community.

The AMTA Board of Directors


