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Call for Volunteers


AMTA has an opening for the recently vacated AMTA Board of Directors Historian position. Per the AMTA Bylaws, the Historian position on the AMTA Board of Directors is an appointed position who serves at the pleasure of the President and the Board of Directors. Current practices allow for the President to appoint an AMTA member to this position at will. To encourage transparency, diversity, equity and inclusiveness as the association works to transform its practices, AMTA is initiating a Call for Volunteers. Any AMTA member interested in serving may apply for consideration to serve the remainder of the current term which concludes on 12/31/2021.

The AMTA Historian works with the Association’s Archivist to preserve materials of a historical nature and serves as a resource to the Board of Directors and the Association on matters for which an historical perspective is deemed appropriate. Traditionally the Historian has also served at the official Parliamentarian of the Board. As such, experience with parliamentary procedure is requested of all applicants.

Please view the position requirements to apply here and submit your application to fill the remainder of the term that concludes on 12/31/2021 here. Complete applications must be received by 3/22/2021 for consideration.


