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Call for Proposals for #AMTA22

April 15, 2022 09:09 AM

#AMTA22 Conference logo people playing jazzCall for Proposals for the American Music Therapy Association 2022 Annual Conference

The theme for the AMTA 2022 Annual Conference will center on the many creative ways that music therapists engage in collaboration. We invite you to consider highlighting these collaborations in your conference session proposals:

• Collaboration with clients to center their needs, wants, and preferences

• Multidisciplinary collaboration in treatment processes

• Collaboration with other music-based service providers to expand the continuum of care

• Peer collaboration with music therapists for advocacy, support, and advancement of the music therapy profession

• Any other innovative collaborations you have engaged!

• Deadline: April 25, 2022

Click here for Proposal Submissions for Concurrent, MTex, and Special Event Sessions

Click here for Proposal Submissions for Add-on Courses

Presentation Options
  1. On-site (in person) conference ONLY the week of October 17th in Jacksonville, FL
  2. Live Zoom presentation post live conference (November 2022 – May 2023)
  3. Pre-recorded MP4 session for possible virtual platform available post-live conference (November 2022). The recording will be due at the end of October 2022.

For your submission, you will need to be prepared to submit: the name, current confirmed credentials (per AMTA’s style guide, advanced degrees are not written with periods and MT-BC is listed last; see AMTA Advisory on Acronyms for more information), mini-biography, photo, and contact information for each presenter. You will also need to submit the presentation title, type, abstract (500 characters maximum, including spaces), audience, learning objectives, long form description, bibliography, release requirements, pre-requisites, possible conflicts for all presenters, instruments requested, conflict of interest declaration, and usage permissions. If you have not already done so, you will need to create an account in the system in order to submit your proposal.  You may save before submitting and come back to your proposal later if necessary. Please ensure that only one person creates a submission or each session proposal.

Click here for more information about the conference as it becomes available.

2022 AMTA Conference keyboard 4 hands

AMTA Code of Conduct for Events and Association Activities

Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Access

AMTA is committed to improving, demonstrating, and prioritizing diversity, equity, inclusion, and access in the work and decisions of the association. All AMTA volunteers should be willing to explore and engage in the necessary work to increase understanding, awareness, and actions around diversity, equity, inclusion, access ad anti-racism strategies.

Moreover, all AMTA governance structures and groups should aim to be diverse in its representation with regard to race, color, creed, ancestry, national origin, sex or gender, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, relationship status, socioeconomic status, language, religion, age, geographic, ability, disability, career stage, professional specialty, organization experience, education, health status, political or personal identity, or any other characteristic deemed relevant or pertinent to meet strategic association goals and objectives.

