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Board of Directors Update

February 18, 2024 11:05 AM

On February 13, 2024, the AMTA Board of Directors received the Final Report of the AMTA Commission on the Education and Clinical Training of 21st Century Music Therapists. This report makes recommendations about the future of education and clinical training in our field. We are deeply grateful to the Commission members for the tremendous work that went into the creation of this report. 

The newly convened Board held its first work session on February 15, 2024. During this session we outlined next steps for releasing the Commission’s report. The report, along with a short webinar and supplemental materials, will be placed on AMTA-U. Instructions for accessing it will be sent via email by February 23, 2024. 

The Board is thrilled to share this exciting and visionary report with the community. We encourage you to take the time to engage with the recommendations and share your thoughts, questions, and feedback. We commit to transparency as the Board moves forward in considering next steps, as we will be viewing the content of this report for the first time along with all of you. 

We are sincerely thankful to all who dedicated years of service, time, and commitment to this process. Please join us in also thanking the following, but not limited to, individuals who participated: Commission members Ron Borczon, Jane Creagan (ex officio - National Office 2019-2022), CharCarol Fisher, Jen Hicks (Co-Chair), Feilin Hsiao, Jennifer Jones, Betsey King, Marisol Norris, Donna Polen (Co-Chair), Tracy Richardson, Cori Snyder, and Daniel Tague, along with ad hoc members Dena Register and Judy Simpson, and Student liaisons Fiona Riso, Naomi Davis, Jakob Moberly, and Micah Castillo. 

