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AMTA Reaffirms Dedication to its Mission and Non-discrimination

November 21, 2016 05:29 PM

Moving Forward: Supporting Our Clients and Quality Music Therapy Services in Times of Change

2016 has been a year full of significant events and change for everyone.  All of us who are a part of AMTA are aware of, and sensitive to, heightened emotions and concerns on the part of our clients, our families, and our colleagues. The leadership of AMTA would like to reassure all members, music therapists, and consumers that AMTA is committed to our mission (to advance public awareness of the benefits of music therapy and increase access to quality music therapy services in a rapidly changing world) and to ensuring music therapy services are available for all.  We reaffirm our commitment to our Non-Discrimination Policy, and to ensuring that music therapy services are available to those who need them to promote wellness, enhance memory, improve communication, promote physical rehabilitation, alleviate pain, express feelings, and manage stress.

Here are some resources that may help music therapists as you provide services to clients in these changing times:
