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AMTA is Pleased To Announce Three New Publications

October 18, 2018 01:04 PM

Coming Soon: New Music Therapy Texts from AMTA!

Music_Therapy_an_Introduction_to_the_ProfessionMusic Therapy: An Introduction to the Profession - now available in the AMTA Online Bookstore!

Designed to be an indispensable resource for students and experienced music therapists alike, this text, will bring you the latest information in music therapy approaches, current topics, and clinical applications for a variety of settings and populations.  With a renowned list of authors, we feel that this text will be relevant at many points in one’s career: a text in music therapy courses, a resource for internship and CBMT exam preparation, and a reference for clinical practice.

Editors: Andrew Knight, Blythe LaGasse, and Alicia Clair.

infopod_graphicv2_smListen to an InfoPod about this new textbook!

Introductory Member-Discounted Price: $60
**School Program Directors—Stop by the AMTA Village in the Exhibit Hall at the Annual Conference in Dallas, for your two Free Desk Copies of this Title!

Early_Theoretical_WritingsEarly Theoretical Writings on Music Therapy: 1951-1960 - coming soon!

This book represents a collaborative effort of AMTA and Barcelona Publishers. This is a collection of theoretical papers presented at the annual conferences of the National Association for Music Therapy (NAMT) during its formative years. Authors include leading pioneers in music therapy as well as renown experts in related fields, including Altshuler, Dreikurs, Fultz, Gaston, Hahn, Klink, Kohut, Masserman, Meyer, Ostwald, and Ruppenthal.

Introductions and commentaries on each paper provided by Kenneth E. Bruscia.
Introductory Member-Discounted Price: $28

Guide_to_Designing_ResearchA Guide to Designing Research Questions for Beginning Music Therapy Researchers - now available in the AMTA Online Bookstore!

This text has been written for music therapy  students  approaching  their first research project. It takes the reader on a journey through a series of hidden influences that shape their decisions about what research question to ask. Chapters examine personal experiences with music, health, and well-being; assumptions about why music, health, and well-being fit together in the first place; beliefs about what kinds of research are most powerful;  and  contextual  influences, such as organizational culture, policies, and emerging social movements.

Authors: Katrina McFerran and Michael Silverman
Introductory Member-Discounted Price: $25


To check out these titles, and many more, please visit us in the Exhibit Hall at the AMTA Village/Bookstore during the 2018 AMTA National Conference!


*Introductory member prices good through December 31, 2018!

