AMTA Government Relations Update 3-7-25
AMTA Government Relations Update 3-7-25
Veterans Administration’s Termination of Recreational and Creative Arts Therapists
DESCRIPTION OF ISSUE: To comply with the administration’s executive order to reduce the federal workforce and increase efficiency, federal agencies have been terminating the employment of federal workers still in their probationary periods. This national initiative has now impacted a number of Recreational Therapists and Creative Arts Therapists within the VA healthcare system. Although members of Congress were told that jobs involved in direct patient care would not be affected, these recent actions clearly eliminate access to therapy services.
WHAT ADVOCACY HAS OCCURRED: Since learning of the VA music therapy positions lost, AMTA has been collaborating with the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA) and the National Coalition of Creative Arts Therapies Associations (NCCATA) to communicate with VA Administration leadership and create advocacy opportunities for our communities. A joint letter is being sent to the Secretary of the VA requesting that RTs and CATs be placed on the exempt list from potential layoffs due to their vital role in veterans’ healthcare. In addition, a research document was created to support communication with VA leadership that provides evidence of the clinical effectiveness and treatment outcomes of recreational therapy, art therapy, dance/movement therapy, drama therapy, music therapy, and poetry therapy in veteran and military healthcare settings. We hope to make this available to the music therapy community in the near future.
SURVEY: Music Therapy Job Losses related to Executive Orders or actions of the DOGE
To assist with our advocacy with members of Congress, we must gather data on how many therapists have been impacted by the federal workforce reduction executive order and the locations of these programs. This will allow us to target our advocacy to legislators representing the states and districts of affected therapists and veterans. If you have been affected or know someone who has, please complete this survey and/or forward it to other music therapists.
Survey MT Job Loss due to Executive Orders or DOGE Initiatives
AMTA Government Relations has created a Voter Voice advocacy opportunity for this issue which simplifies the process of communicating with your legislators. Please follow this link to let your voice be heard!
Help us support you by keeping us informed on what is happening in your area related to recent federal actions and how they are impacting music therapy clinical practice and consumer access. Please share information by sending your remarks to with 2025 in the subject line.
AMTA needs your support in a few ways. If feasible, consider donating to the AMTA Andrea Farbman Government Relations Fund, become or renew your membership, or simply share important information with us at the email address above.
Judy Simpson
Director of Government Relations