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AMTA E-course Sale

July 13, 2016 12:41 PM

It’s summer time and there’s a FREE e-course!


What: Disaster Response for Music Therapists: Core Principles of Psychological First Aid
Who: Current AMTA members and non-members alike may take advantage of this short-term sale
When: Now through the end of the 2016 calendar year
How: To "purchase" your free e-course, click the link to purchase the e-course in the AMTA Store, log in with the email address and password for your AMTA website account, add the item to your online shopping cart (the purchase price should be $0), then follow the directions to check out. Feel free to contact the AMTA national office if you need assistance.*

Still need additional CMTE credits before your recertification cycle ends?

Check out the growing number of convenient and affordable options in the AMTA E-course Catalog. And if you're a current AMTA member, you'll receive significant discounts (up to 60% off!) on the purchase price of all the other e-courses in the catalog.


*Important Note: Once you’ve purchased the FREE e-course in the AMTA store, you will need to download the e-course workbook.  Go to My Transactions>My Downloadable Products and click on the item to open it. Then save the workbook (a .pdf file) to your local computer. The workbook will provide all instructions for taking the course (in the "What Do I Do Next?" section) and links for listening to the audio files. You will be able to re-download the workbook in your online account for a period of 12 months after the purchase date. To obtain CMTE credits after taking the course, follow the instructions given in the downloadable workbook.

