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AMTA BoD 2018 Mid-year Meeting Highlights

July 13, 2018 09:14 AM

Highlights of the Mid-Year Meeting of the AMTA Board of Directors, June 2018

The AMTA Board of Directors met at the Maritime Institute outside of Baltimore, MD for approximately 19 hours during the 2018 Mid-Year meeting, June 22-24. The members of the Transition Committee arrived on June 21st to meet with Karen Schuler, lead consultant with Raffa, regarding the Executive Director search. In addition to conducting the business of the association, we also celebrated our dedicated National Office staff, specifically highlighting Cindy Smith’s 20 years with AMTA.

Master’s Level Entry (MLE)

Additional information regarding MLE, including analyses of recent regional town hall/concurrent session meetings and state recognition and reimbursement talking points, were presented to the Board of Directors. Following a discussion and careful deliberation of all MLE-related evidence, the Board took action steps. Please refer to the MLE Press Release for further information.

Transition Committee

The Transition Committee of Amber Weldon-Stephens, Deb Benkovitz Williams, Alicia Clair, Ed Kahler, Angie Snell, Mike Silverman, and Jennifer Geiger, Chair, continues to meet regularly.  Amy Furman has chaired the larger Stakeholder Committee to gather information from membership and others regarding the qualities desired in a new Executive Director, and Raffa, the search firm hired by the AMTA, is now collecting resumes from prospective candidates.    In September, the Transition Committee and Board members will conduct interviews with candidates, and will continue to focus on identifying people who best fit our needs.   The timeline plans for final interviews to be held in late September, with deliberations and a final recommendation/selection to be made in October.  


Treasurer Clair and Presidential Advisor Kahler presented the Board of Directors with the FY 2018 income and expenditures through May 31, 2018. Although a ($76,000) deficit was projected for the FY 2018 budget when it was approved, Clair and Kahler, in consultation with Executive Director Andi Farbman, predict there will be a surplus between $0 and $30,000 at the end of FY 2018 on June 30, 2018. It is important to note revenue and expenditures will continue to occur before the end of the FY 2018 after which the final surplus will be determined. However, with higher than expected 2017 conference revenue, success with a recent publication, and excellent stewardship by Executive Director Farbman, a surplus is possible. Uncertainty about FY 2018 year end amounts is further compounded by this year’s turnover in our part-time accountant. Further, expenses for the new Executive Director search is coming out of reserves and will be spread across FY 2018 and FY 2019.

Drs. Clair and Kahler presented the proposed draft budget for FY 2019 approved by the Financial Advisory Committee (FAC) to the Board of Directors. The AMTA Board subsequently approved the FY2019 budget as presented with an estimated income of $1,874,000, estimated expenses of $1,9565,000 and a projected ($82,500) deficit. The Board worked on the current Financial Action Plan (FAP) focusing on four major areas: Publications, Conferences, Membership and Planned Giving. For further details about FY 2018, FY 2019, and the FAP, please see the extensive Treasurer’s report in the AMTA 2018 Mid-Year Board Book.

Additional Boards

The Ethics Board, co-chaired by Carol Shultis and Janice Schreibman, continues to work on their new Aspirational Code of Ethics. Their full report beginning on page137 of the Board Book provides samples of the positive style being used to write the new Code of Ethics. The Judicial Review Board experiences a change in chairs as Julie Andring steps down and Minda Gordon assumes the role. ETAB is chaired by Elizabeth Schwartz. The Board approved ETAB’s request to change some language in their description on the website, which shifts the focus toward current issues in need of ETAB’s attention.

SAAB, under the leadership of Jeffrey Wolfe and student President Garrett Weeks, continues with energetic growth and passion in providing successful Passages conferences and in adjudicating the Gaston Research Award. SAAB continues to explore ways to bring money for scholarships and other awards to student members. 

Council on Association Services

The council is comprised of seven standing committees: Clinical Practice Networking, Diversity and Multiculturalism, Interprofessional Collaborative Resources, International Relations, Membership, Professional Advocacy, and Workforce Development and Retention. The Diversity and Multiculturalism Committee has asked for action items to be addressed by the Board. This committee is still working towards clarity about their tasks.

The Clinical Practice Networking Committee chaired by Clair Ghetti has been working to bring members together though networking sessions at both regional and national conferences. The Diversity and Multiculturalism Committee, chaired by Seung-A Kim and Melita Belgrave are requesting a change in the name of the committee and some of the wording in tasks to better reflect current language that embraces inclusion, equity, and diversity. Interprofessional Collaborative Resources committee chaired by Meganne Masko and Scott Horowitz has been working on their ongoing task to update the Fact Sheets for various clinical populations. International Relations Committee co-chaired by Soo-Jin Kwoun and Melody Schwantes focuses on making sure our members know about international opportunities as well as working with the World Federation of Music Therapy.  The Membership Committee, co-chaired by Angie Elkins and Jennifer Hicks continues to work on the growth and development of AMTA. The Professional Advocacy Committee, chaired by Emily Bevelaqua and Leslie Henry is ever vigilant to respond to misrepresentations of music therapy.

Council on Education and Clinical Training

The Academic Program Approval Committee (APAC), now co-chaired by Rebecca Engen, Ph.D., MT-BC and Betsey King, Ph.D., LCAT, MT-BC, recently recommended approval of a new Master of Music Therapy degree program at the University of Dayton, OH.  The committee has also added items to the approval/re-approval applications for educational programs related to university-affiliated internships.  The Association Internship Approval Committee (APIC) continues its mission by: establishing, maintaining, and improving standards for training music therapists; and encouraging and assisting persons in their clinical preparation for music therapy practice.  The Continuing Education Committee (CEC) welcomed co-chairs Julie Andring, Ph.D., MT-BC and Charlie Seaman, MM, MT-BC as it continues working to ensure that continuing education courses adhere to the guidelines established by the Certification Board for Music Therapists, and promote the value of Board Certification by providing opportunities that meet the educational needs of AMTA members.  These committees had no new action items at this time.

Council on Professional Practice

The Government Relations (GR) Committee continues to collaborate with state task forces. In 2018, committee members participated in or supported advocacy training sessions and events, Hill Days, or legislative and agency committee presentations/testimony/meetings in 19 states.  In addition, they have supported 11 states with active music therapy specific legislation (i.e., Program Funding, Title Protection, and License). The Standards Committee is currently revising the Standards of Clinical Practice and has provided a draft of the document to the AMTA Board for review. Further rationale for changes will be provided prior to dissemination to the Assembly of Delegates for the November meeting. The Reimbursement Committee continues to answer members’ questions regarding third party reimbursement and recently recorded a Reimbursement Webinar with plans to make it available on the association website in summer of 2018. The Research Committee continues to encourage and promote music therapy research while providing ongoing educational opportunities and supportive mechanisms to assist novice and experienced researchers/clinicians to develop research projects and programs (i.e. Research poster sessions, CMTEs, concurrent session, and clinical grants). Finally, the Technology Committee is working to educate and support the AMTA membership on the current and emerging clinical technology resources, practices, and applications.

Journal Updates

The collaboration between AMTA and Oxford University Press continues to expand the reach of music therapy research throughout the world. A number of marketing efforts have highlighted the Journal of Music Therapy and Music Therapy Perspectives, including the "Perspective on Perspectives" podcast, the JMT Take 3 video series, and a press release for the MTP article “Music Therapy Treatment of Active Duty Military: An Overview of Intensive Outpatient and Longitudinal Care Programs.” 

The Board of Directors approved a motion to establish a Managing Editor position for the Journal of Music Therapy, which will be filled by Barb Else. The workload of the Editor-in-Chief of JMT has been steadily increasing, so shifting some of the regular activities to the Managing Editor will allow for the continued growth of the journal. The search for the next Editor-in-Chief of JMT is ongoing. The next Editor-in-Chief of MTP, Dr. Laura Beer, is preparing to take the helm at the start of 2019. 

Regional Update

The regions are fortunate to have such dedicated leadership who facilitate regular business of the regions, while also connecting with one another to discuss timely issues. The Presidents were involved in coordinating sessions at their conferences to gather information for the Master's Level Entry decision-making process, as well as a dual-purpose conference call with staff at National Office regarding tax filing and insurance, and the Ethics Board co-chairs to discuss sexual harassment and our roles within the organization. 

Disaster Response

AMTA has long supported music therapists impacted by disaster, regardless of their membership status. As disasters are happening with regularity, whether environmental and weather-related disasters, gun violence, or other tragedy, and with the shift in responsibilities of Barb Else, who has been pivotal in the ongoing disaster support offered by AMTA, the time is right to have a more formalized process. A motion was introduced and approved to establish a disaster response and preparedness task force, with two representatives from each region, chaired by the Regional Presidents' Representative. This task force will be charged with:

  1. providing regional messaging on disaster preparedness,
  2. sharing information on training resources and continuing education opportunities, and
  3. assessing impact of regional disaster events on MTs affected directly, or indirectly, by an event through welfare inquiries and regional networking and member reporting. 
Assembly of Delegates

Speaker Angie Snell reported the Assembly Delegates are increasing teamwork, engagement, and outreach in order to be a reliable voice and source of information while strengthening the link between the Board, members, and prospective members. Highlights include the following: The Speaker coordinated the Assembly Reps, Regional Presidents, and Regional Assembly delegations to facilitate important member feedback to the Board on the MLE Final Report at all seven of the regional conferences; Assembly Representatives on the Board are fully engaged in the Executive Director search with extended representation on the Stakeholder Committee (Alternate Assembly Rep. Piper Laird); Assembly Bylaws Task Force (ABTF) continues to move forward with work tasks to clarify roles, Bylaws words/phrases, nonprofit rules, flow of business, and avenues for member engagement; Speaker Quick Take communiques continue to be sent to both the Delegates and Alternates; and Calls to the Speaker from delegates and members have been predominantly related to process and content.

NOTE: Interim Conference Code of Conduct: An Interim Conference Code of Conduct is temporarily being used until the Assembly is able to approve policy language at the November conference in Dallas, Texas. It currently appears in the conference registration materials and program. Based on the report to the Assembly last fall, the Board realized the importance of having something more explicit in place between now and then that promotes a safe and ethical environment. The interim language was drafted based upon the review of numerous Codes of Conduct from other associations. Thanks to the conference planning team and staff for researching and drafting language for Board review. All Delegates and Alternates also have copies of the interim language. Do not hesitate to contact the Speaker, Representatives, and Delegates with relevant comments and suggestions this summer.

All are urged to reference the Speaker’s report in the updated Mid-Year Board Book for further details, including the times/dates of the Assembly meetings in Dallas (Nov. 15-17), the regional raw data member feedback and analysis on the MLE Final Report, and contact information for the Speaker and Assembly Leadership Teams.

Document Review

Per a motion from the Annual Conference, the Board of Directors spent time reviewing the official AMTA documents in regards to harassment to answer the following question: Can the harassment statement from the Ethics Board stand alone as a preamble to all of our documents or are there any areas that need to be added, deleted or edited relative to our policy statement against harassment?

Assembly Delegate Gary Verhagen has agreed to compile the information gathered with a report to the Board by early fall.

Fund Established in the Name of Andrea Farbman

To honor Dr. Farbman’s 30 years with AMTA, the Board unanimously approved a motion to create a fund to support work in advocacy government relations.  Once at a sustaining level, this fund will be guided by the AMTA President, President Elect, Past President, Treasurer, Executive Director and the Government Relations Co-chairs. Possible projects may include but are not limited to the following:  stipend for government relations training and work at the AMTA National Office; support for training staff and members; development of special projects including videos, written information, presentations; and support for special opportunities.

For more details, please see the following listing of motions as well as reports in the 2018 Mid-Year Board Book

Board of Directors Board Book, 2018 Mid-year Meeting

Board of Directors’ Mid-Year Meeting
June 22 - 24, 2018
Baltimore, Maryland

MOTION: Resolve, to approve the agenda as presented.

Author, Deb Williams.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to approve the AMTA Board of Directors and Executive Committee packet of Minutes and Motions from November 20, 2017 –  June 5, 2018.

Author, Jennifer Geiger.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to move into Executive Session.

Author, Angie Snell.    The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to commend and congratulate Dr. Mary Adamek and Dr. Alice Ann Darrow on the 3rd   edition of “Music in Special Education” published by AMTA.

Author, Bryan Hunter.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to move into Executive Session.

Author, Bryan Hunter.    The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to move into Executive Session.

Author, Gary VerhagenThe motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to move into Executive Session.

Author, Kristen O’GradyThe motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to move into Executive Session.

Author, Angie Snell.    The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to approve the recommendation of the Masters Level subcommittee to transition to Master’s Level Entry into the profession by 2030.

Author, Jennifer Geiger.  The motion was withdrawn.

MOTION:  Resolve, to approve the recommendation of the Masters Level Entry subcommittee to transition to Master’s Level Entry into the profession by 2030.

Author, Jennifer Geiger. The motion did not carry.

MOTION:   Resolve, to change language in DMC Task 2.a from “explore the possibility and feasibility of adding a required course on multiculturalism” to “explore the possibility and feasibility of adding a required competency on multiculturalism.” 

Author, Michele Forinash. The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to change language in DMC Goal 2 from “to increase diversity and multiculturalism training and resources for AMTA members” to “to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion training and resources for AMTA members.”

Author, Michele Forinash.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to change language in DMC Task 2g which is currently Create a “Diversity Awareness Resources” section/forum and an online resource database (including a roster of different diversity categories among music therapy professionals registered within AMTA and certified by CBMT, podcasts and other appropriate social media channels) by removing the quotations and changing the language from diversity categories to affinity groups as posted here:

Create a Diversity Awareness Resources section/forum and an online resource database (including a roster of the different affinity groups among music therapy professionals registered within AMTA and certified by CBMT, podcasts and other appropriate social media channels).

Author, Michele Forinash.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to appoint Jennifer Geiger as Chair of the Nominating Committee.

Author, Amber Weldon-Stephens.   The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to move into Executive Session.

Author, Amber Weldon-StephensThe motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to approve ETAB’s proposed change to the wording of the ETAB description posted under “News from AMTA Committees and Board” on music to read (as stated on page 135 in the 2018 Mid-Year Board Book).

Author, Amber Weldon-Stephens.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, in service of the MT community, to form a disaster response and preparedness task force with two representatives from each region, i.e. President and their designee, and chaired by the Regional Presidents’ Representative to:

  1. provide regional messaging on disaster preparedness,
  2. share information on training resources and continuing education opportunities
  3. assess impact of regional disaster events on MTs affected directly, or indirectly, by an event through welfare inquiries and regional networking and member reporting.

Author, Andrea Dalton.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to approve the budget for FY 2019 as presented with a total income of $1,874,000, total expenses of $1,956,500, and with a deficit of ($82,5000).

Author, Alicia Clair.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to appoint a BOD Professional Membership Workgroup to: explore a Pay it Forward membership support program; increase Music Therapy Business Owners membership engagement; and create a “Think Tank” of new professionals and students to develop a social media membership outreach campaign. Members to include Angie Snell, Natalie Generally Kirk and Andrea Dalton in consultation with Angie Elkins.

Author, Amber Weldon-Stephens.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve,

Whereas, there is lack of consensus (e.g., among Master’s Level Entry Subcommittee Members and the membership) for a move to Master’s Level Entry;

Whereas, the evidence is inconclusive (e.g., Master’s Level Entry Subcommittee Final Report, two Master’s Level Entry surveys, feedback and analyses from Regional Town Hall/Concurrent Session Meetings, and Master’s Level Entry and State Recognition document) to support a move to Master’s Level Entry;

Whereas, the Board has considered its fiduciary responsibilities and financial risk tolerance for the organization’s sustainability regarding a move to Master’s Level Entry;

Whereas, the overall path (e.g., academic preparation, clinical training, and administrative support) is not sufficiently articulated for a move to Master’s Level Entry; and

Whereas, the Master’s Level Entry Subcommittee has identified academic, clinical, and administrative recommendations;

The Board of Directors moves to create a Commission on the Education and Clinical Training of 21st Century Music Therapists to: identify inconsistencies within degree programs to support clinical practice in a changing world; identify inconsistencies among and between National Roster and University Affiliated Internship programs; recommend changes to enhance current education and clinical training practices; support the ongoing efforts to increase state recognition of the MT-BC credential; and support efforts to encourage diversity and inclusion in the profession.

Author, Amber Weldon-Stephens.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to move into Executive Session.

Author, Eric Waldon.  The motion carried.

MOTION: Resolve, that the Board charges the Professional Advocacy Committee in collaboration with a representative from the Technology Committee and with staff liaison, Angie Elkins, to create a plan to develop guidelines to respond to the development of Music-based Apps that relate/overlap with music therapy.

Author, Andrea Farbman. The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to form a work group to develop implementation guidelines for the interim Conference Code of Conduct, to be comprised of Kristen O’Grady, Wendy Woolsey, and Deb Williams, as Ethics Board liaison.

Author, Kristen O’Grady. The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, on behalf of Past President Amy Furman, Chair of the Legacy Society, and the AMTA Board of Directors, I move to create the Andrea Farbman Government Relations Fund.  This fund is being established to acknowledge, honor and continue the work done by Dr. Andrea Farbman during her 30 years of leadership for the music therapy profession.  Initially hired as the Director of Government and Public Relations she was later selected to serve as the Executive Director. Under her guidance AMTA has distinguished itself as a leading advocate for music therapy as the single largest music therapy association in the world.  

Once at a sustaining level, this fund will be guided by the AMTA President, President Elect, Past President, Treasurer, Executive Director and the Government Relations Co-chairs. Possible projects may include but are not limited to the following:  Stipend for government relations training and work at the AMTA National Office; Support for training staff and members; Development of special projects including videos, written information, presentations; and support for special opportunities such as hearings, testifying for legislation, collaborations such as the Kennedy Center and NIH.

Author, Jennifer Geiger.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to commend President Amber Weldon-Stephens for a productive, active and exciting first Mid-Year meeting of the term (2018-2019).

Author, Jennifer Geiger.  The motion carried.

MOTION:  Resolve, to adjourn the Board of Directors’ meeting at 11:55AM.

Author, Michele Forinash.  The motion carried.

