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AMTA & CBMT Meet With Leaders of NHPCO

May 16, 2014 01:09 PM

AMTA and CBMT Staff Meet with Leaders from the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO)

NHPCO1On May 12, 2014, AMTA Executive Director, Dr. Andrea Farbman, AMTA Director of Government Relations, Judy Simpson, CBMT Executive Director Joy Schneck and CBMT Regulatory Affairs Advisor, Dr. Dena Register met with NHPCO President and CEO, Dr. Donald Schumacher, NHPCO Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer John Mastrojohn III, RN, MSN, MBA, and NHPCO Senior Vice President, Office of Health Policy and Counsel, Jonathan Keyserling, JD, to discuss recognition of the role of music therapy and national board certification in hospice and palliative care settings. The NHPCO leadership team wholeheartedly supports services offered in their settings by MT-BCs and invited future collaborative initiatives.

Dena Register and Joy SchneckNHPCO is the largest nonprofit membership organization representing hospice and palliative care programs and professionals in the United States. The organization is committed to improving end of life care and expanding access to hospice care with the goal of profoundly enhancing quality of life for people dying in America and their loved ones. 

Many thanks to AMTA member, Dr. Russell Hilliard, for introducing AMTA and CBMT to the leadership within this organization. We look forward to collaborating with NHPCO through conference sessions, exhibits, and educational webinars to increase awareness of music therapy benefits and clinical qualifications in hospice and palliative care programs. 

