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AMTA 2021 Call for Officer Nominations

July 23, 2020 12:21 PM

AMTA 2021 Call for Officer Nominations

The AMTA nominating committee is currently seeking passionate leaders in music therapy who are interested in serving our national organization as an officer on the Board of Directors.

As stated in the AMTA Bylaws the offices of the President Elect and Vice President Elect are elected by the membership and begin service on January 1st of the even numbered year of the term of office. We highly encourage interested professional members with a diversity in perspectives and backgrounds and members of marginalized communities to send a letter of interest describing any local, state, regional and national leadership experience along with a resume/vita to one of the members of the Nominating Committee, which has representation from all seven regions. 

Feel free to contact any member of the Nominating Committee for further information about the duties of the positions or the process of nomination. We are looking for individuals with a willingness to serve and a desire to strengthen the profession of music therapy and our national organization as we actively work to diversify AMTA leadership! Please send your letter of interest by August 31, 2020   


