Membership in AMTA

membershipamtalogo3Why Should I Join AMTA?

AMTA is the national organization committed to supporting, developing and expanding music therapy. When you join AMTA, the work we do together supports access, education, growth, awareness and visibility of the music therapy profession. We invite you to join our dedicated community of leaders and professionals. See some of our many benefits below and join now!

In This Section:


2024 Membership Categories and Dues Costs
Membership Category 2024 Dues
Professional Membership- Three Tiers $150, $200, $250
Associate Membership $250
Student Membership $60
Graduate Student Membership $60
Retired Membership $100
Inactive Membership (by application only) $50
Affiliate (organizational) Membership $350
Patron (organizational) Membership $650


Equity-based Tier Selection Guide:


The tier-based dues structure is a model rooted in equitable practices, encouraging the joining member to use discernment of their unique situation when selecting a membership category.


Members will be asked to select one of the following tiers:


Tier One at the rate of $150 if you are struggling to meet basic needs and have minimal expendable income.


Tier Two at the rate of $200 if you are able to meet basic needs and have some expendable income.


Tier Three at the rate of $250 if you comfortably meet basic needs and have ample expendable income.


When determining the tier that fits your unique situation, in addition to considering your ability to meet basic needs and expendable income, the examples below may further guide your discernment. 


Select Tier One or Two, depending on how these identities and life experiences apply to you:  

·      Have dependents.

·      Receive public assistance.

·      Have $0 savings.

·      Are formerly incarcerated.

·      Have less money because of abuse.

·      Have immigration related expenses.

·      Have significant debt and/or student loans.

·      Have a chronic illness or disability that impacts your ability to earn income.

·      Are unable to access healthcare.

·      Are an elder with limited resources.

·      Are part of an historically and systemically marginalized community.


Select Tier Two or Tier Three, depending on how these identities and life experiences apply to you:


·      Pay another practitioner’s full price.

·      Have few or no dependents.

·      Have savings, investments, inherited money and/or retirement accounts.

·      Own a home or rent by choice.

·      Own other property.

·      Travel recreationally.

·      Have access to family money and resources in times of need.

·      Work part time by choice.

·      Are able to access healthcare.

·      Have earning power from college degrees, able-bodiedness, race, gender, social networks, family connections.

·      Are full-time faculty with university support for continuing education.


References: This multi-level rate scale and guidance was adapted, with gratitude from Accountability Mapping, found at  AMTA wishes to thank Dr. Natasha Thomas for sharing this resource with us.




Note: Membership in AMTA does not ensure the participant is a Board Certified Music Therapist.
Verify music therapy board certification status at