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Advertise in AMTA Publications and at AMTA Events

About AMTA Advertising
The American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) is committed to increasing public awareness of the benefits of music therapy and increasing access to quality music therapy services in a rapidly changing world. AMTA publications have a wide circulation to all types of readers who support the music therapy profession: administrators, music therapists, creative arts therapists, and other health professionals. Advertising in AMTA publications can be an investment in helping to build the future of music therapy.
Sharing Announcements and Advertisements via AMTA
AMTA does not share announcements, advertisements, or continuing education opportunities free of charge for members or non-members in its newsletters, communications, or social media feeds. If you are seeking to share your continuing music therapy education opportunity other advertisement with the music therapy community, you may consider purchasing advertising opportunities in selected AMTA publications with appropriate lead time with one of the options below.
Please look through the following topics for more information about advertising in AMTA publications.
AMTA's journal Music Therapy Perspectives, is the music therapy publication with the largest circulation which accepts advertising, reaching over 4000 music therapists and healthcare professionals. Music Therapy Perspectives is published with AMTA's partner, Oxford University Press, and enjoys additional feature and promotion among many other research journals in Oxford's impressive catalog. For readers inside and outside the profession of music therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives seeks to promote the development of music therapy clinical practice through the dissemination of scholarly work.
Focusing on clinical benefits of music therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives provides a highly engaged audience of 4,000 music therapists, music therapy students, educators, and those in related professions. By providing a single forum, the journal reaches music therapists working in different academic and clinical disciplines.
Music Therapy Perspectives offers multi-channel advertising opportunities to help you achieve strong reach and exposure for your product or service. Digital options include opt-in eTOCs, as well as banners and skyscrapers. Print advertising is available in a variety of formats including traditional print ads, loose and bound inserts, and belly-bands/cover-tips.
Advertising in Music Therapy Perspectives is handled by the Oxford University Press' Advertising Sales Department. Black and white ads of varying sizes are accepted. For more information, see the Music Therapy Perspectives webpage, contact the Oxford University Press' Advertising Sales Department, the Music Therapy Perspectives Advertising Manager, or 919-677-0977 ext. 5391 or visit!/mediakit/music-therapy-perspectives-0
Join professionals and program decision makers from across the United States and around the world. Display, demonstrate and sell your products. Exhibit space is limited so be sure and reserve early! Or, for the most visibility with over 1500 attendees at the AMTA Annual Conference, become a conference sponsor! Check out our many conference sponsorship opportunities and packages.
For more information for exhibiting at, advertising in, and sponsoring this year's conference, go to Events>AMTA Annual Conference. Scroll to the bottom of the page for the Conference Sponsorship and Conference Exhibit prospectuses.
Please check back for advertising options for the 2020 AMTA Conference.
Discounts & Special Services for Members
- INDIVIDUAL AMTA MEMBERS receive discounts on advertising, reflected in special member prices.
- AFFILIATE & EDUCATIONAL AFFILIATE MEMBERS receive 10% discount on all advertising
- PATRON MEMBERS receive 15-30% discount & 1-3 free ads (dependent upon level of support).
Please see the AMTA website for Patron and Affiliate member information under About Music Therapy>What is AMTA?>Benefits of Membership (Discounts apply in the membership year only.)
Advertisers are billed at the time of submission and payment is due within 30 days. In the event that an account becomes sixty days overdue, all scheduled advertising not already on the press will be cancelled until payment is made. Pre-payment is required of all new advertisers at the discretion of the publisher.
Required Formats
Electronic Ad Submissions: high resolution (300 dpi) .jpg or .tif, black and white/
greyscale. Please do not submit in .pdf format. Full color ads are not accepted. If an ad is submitted in full color, it will be adjusted to greyscale and quality may suffer.
We cannot guarantee inclusion or quality of ads if the submitted ad is not received in the required format and before the published advertising deadline.
Production Questions: Please call AMTA prior to ad submission. 301-589-3300.
For more information on advertising in this year's conference, go to Events>AMTA Annual Conference. Scroll to the bottom of the page for the conference exhibit and advertising prospectus.
Purchasing Labels and Lists
Reach your target audience instantly by direct mail or email. Direct mail is a proven way to reach customers who are predisposed to purchase your product or service. The charge for label and lists is based on a cost per record. Members of AMTA receive substantial member discounts on the per record purchase price!
AMTA does not post or send out advertisements for events/products or survey links for research efforts. However, you may purchase a mailing list and send your announcement yourself. Learn about our Label Request Policy and download a Label/List Request form here. Please note different policies for research vs. advertising outlined in the policy.
Please Note: the AMTA online directories and information therein MAY NOT be used in any way for advertising, research, telemarketing or other business purposes without prior permission from AMTA. Email addresses for research purposes only can be purchased after a review of the study, cover letter, and IRB documents by the AMTA Executive Director. For such requests, use the form above after reading the section, Email Addresses for Research Purposes Only.
General Terms
Ads will be printed as received. You should proof all ads carefully before submitting. Ads exceeding size specifications, will be reduced to fit in the space allotted for each ad size. Submissions that do not conform to the required format may not be published or may be published at a reduced quality. AMTA provides no typesetting services and corrections to art or text cannot be made after camera ready artwork is submitted. Ads must be submitted in final printed format. AMTA accepts no responsibility for errors which may appear is submitted artwork. Changes cannot be made after submission. Publisher reserves the right to alter rates without protection to advertisers on sixty-day notice. Conditions are subject to change without notice. No conditions other than the publisher's shall be binding unless specifically agreed to in writing by the publisher. All advertising is subject to approval by publisher and to tenets specified in this packet. Publisher reserves the right to include the word "advertisement" with copy that, in the publisher's opinion, resembles editorial matter or which may be confusing to the reader. Publisher reserves the right to reject any ad that may not be appropriate for or applicable to its audience. Publisher assumes no responsibilities for and will not be liable for any claims made in advertisements. Publisher assumes that all photographs and endorsements have been covered by written consent or are the sole property of the advertiser and the advertiser has legal right to use them. Publisher shall have the right to hold advertiser and/or its advertising agency jointly and separately liable for such monies that are due and payable to the publisher for advertising that advertiser or its agent ordered and that was published.
Cancellation of orders must be made in writing before the space reservation deadline. In the event that the advertising manager is not notified of a cancellation before published deadline, the full cost of the ad will be due. The publisher shall not be held liable for any costs or damages above the cost of the ad if for any reason it fails to publish an advertisement.
Space Reservations
The reservation must include: company name, contact person, address, phone and fax (include billing address), size, and color of ad (horizontal or vertical, black and white, etc.) choice of publication and status of art. Ad reservations will only be accepted in writing via fax, email, or regular mail, on the reservation form.
Late Submissions
In limited instances a request for extension on a deadline may be granted. A request for an extension must be made prior to the material's deadline and is not guaranteed, even with written request. Submissions granted extensions after the published deadline will be subject to a $50.00 late fee.
The American Music Therapy Association hosts a Job Hotline made available to current AMTA members as a benefit of membership in AMTA. Both part time and full time positions may be posted for jobs with a variety of populations and settings. For the Job Hotline, go to the menu item, Member Resources>Job Center>Job Hotline.
Announcing an available position on the Job Hotline is free of charge and open to any business or facility employing music therapists. To announce or remove a position, please provide information using the Job Hotline Submission form information on this page. Your posting will be added at the next scheduled update.
All correspondence, insertion orders, and advertising materials should be sent to:
American Music Therapy Association
10125 Colesville Road, #136
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: (301) 589-3300
If you require confirmation that your email was received/delivered, please request delivery confirmation through your email client or call to confirm.