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Coalitions & Partnerships

Did You Know?

Do you ever wonder how AMTA supports your clinical practice through Government Relations activity?
Here is an overview of some of the ongoing tasks addressed by AMTA government relations staff as they represent music therapists in Washington, D.C. and across the country.
  • Monitor and respond to federal and state legislative and regulatory activity that impacts music therapy practice
  • Communicate and direct advocacy efforts with federal and state legislators, federal and state agency officials, national and state healthcare and education organizations, and national and regional third party payers regarding the provision of music therapy services
  • Represent the music therapy profession in regular meetings with several Washington, D.C. based coalitions
  • Raise awareness of the efficacy of music therapy services with federal and state legislators and agencies
  • Educate members on significant federal and state issues that impact music therapy practice while simultaneously engaging members in the advocacy process
  • Provide public policy and reimbursement technical assistance, guidance, and support to clinicians, educators, students, healthcare and education facility administrators, consumers, and media
  • Collaborate with CBMT on the implementation of the AMTA and CBMT State Recognition Operational Plan, assisting over 40 different state task forces with national initiative
  • Respond to time-sensitive requests and needs from legislators, agencies, members, consumers, and media
Did you know that the profession of music therapy and AMTA is represented in Washington, D.C. and around the country in a variety of professional coalitions and alliances?

National Representation

AMTA has a relationship with a number of national organizations. You can learn more about AMTA’s involvement with each of these coalitions and how this helps you in your practice of music therapy.  Click here to go to the Member Area for detailed information on each organization.

  • Americans for the Arts
  • National Alliance of Specialized Instructional Support Personnel (NASISP)
  • Health Professions Network (HPN)
  • Consortium For Citizens with Disabilities (CCD)
  • Disability and Rehabilitation Research Coalition (DRRC)
  • Coalition to Preserve Rehab (CPR)
  • Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)
  • National Coalition of Creative Arts Therapies Associations (NCCATA)
  • The Joint Commission
This representation helps to ensure that music therapy is "at the table" when important health and education policy decisions are implemented.