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News from the CEC – Going Green at #AMTA15!

October 26, 2015 11:21 AM

News from the Continuing Education Committee – We Are Going Green at Conference 2015!

If you are attending a CMTE, special training, or institute at conference in November, please bring a mobile device along with you. We are going paperless this year for Course Evaluations and Certificates of Completion.  Participants at CMTEs and Institutes will complete Course Evaluations using web-based Google Forms. Certificates of completion will be individually emailed to participants after evaluations are completed. This GREENER option will save the Association green (money) by reducing costs associated with printing and copying and save the trees needed for the paper. Two regions have already been using paperless systems for conference continuing education – thanks for blazing the trail, Western and Mid-Atlantic Regions.

Since this is a new way of completing Course Evaluations, the emailed link to the evaluation will remain live through Monday, November 16th, at midnight to allow any participant who was not able to complete the evaluation at the session a chance to do so. However, participants are encouraged to bring a mobile device to the session and complete the evaluation while your recall is at its best. You must complete the evaluation in order to receive a certificate of completion.

If you are coming to a Continuing Education course at conference, bring your CBMT number, your mobile device, and your willingness to learn. Technology is always evolving. The Continuing Education Committee is excited to move to this GREENER option.

Step by step directions will be available in your Continuing Education course.

If you have questions, contact either Continuing Education Co-chair, Jennifer D. Jones at or Tracy Leonard-Warner at

