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AMTA Membership Categories

Specified in the AMTA Bylaws. For more information on joining AMTA and how to join, see the Membership in AMTA section.

Open to music therapists and other professionals interested in music therapy. Such membership will provide the privilege of participation in the activities of the Association, both on national and regional levels, including but not limited to the right to vote, to hold office, to receive the Journal of Music Therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives, and other selected publications of the Association.


Open to others, not including music therapists, who support the Association. Associate membership will provide the privilege of participation in the activities of the Association, both on the national and regional levels, and the right to receive the Journal of Music Therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives, and other selected national and regional publications of the Association but does not include the right to vote or hold office.

Student/Graduate Student

Open to students who are declared music therapy majors enrolled in AMTA-approved schools, or other interested students. Student membership will provide the privilege of participation in the activities of the Association, both on the national and regional levels, and the right to receive the Journal of Music Therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives, and other selected national and regional publications of the Association. Student membership does not include the right to vote or to hold office at the national level. Such rights at the regional level will be as specified by the regional Bylaws.


Open to Professional members of AMTA who have reached the age of 65. Rights and privileges will be the same as those for Professional membership. Eligible members must submit a request in writing for transfer to retired status.


Inactive music therapist membership is open to professional music therapists who are not currently practicing music therapy. Music therapists seeking inactive membership must complete an application available from the National Office. Inactive membership will provide the privileges of participation in the activities of the Association and the right to receive selected publications of the Association, but does not include the right to vote or to hold office. To be eligible for Inactive membership, one must: have held active Professional Membership status in AMTA for at least two consecutive years prior to application for inactive status; intend to return to active membership status; not be involved in any professional activity or not working full-time currently due to illness, emergency, childbirth and child rearing, family obligations, etc.; submit an Application for inactive status with a check for $50.00 to the AMTA national office.

Affiliate and Educational Affiliate

Affiliate organization membership will be open to any organization interested in supporting the aims, objectives, and purposes of the Association. Rights and privileges for the designate of an organization will be the same as those for Associate membership, unless that member qualifies for Professional membership status.

The Educational Affiliate designation is for Affiliate members that offer AMTA-approved degree programs in music therapy. Special additional benefits are available to Affiliate and Educational Affiliate members for conference exhibiting and advertising. Please contact the AMTA office for specific member benefits.


Patron membership will be open to individuals, organizations, institutions, business firms, or foundations contributing substantial sums to the Association. Patron membership may be assigned to one person designated by the organization, institution, firm or foundation from which the funds are received. For each contributing year, the Association will confer upon that person the rights and privileges of the type of membership for which the designate would qualify.

There are three levels of Patron membership: Patron, Crescendo Patron and Virtuoso Patron. Each level provides special additional benefits depending on the level of membership chosen. Please contact the AMTA office for specific member benefits.

Honorary Life

Honorary Life membership may be conferred upon any person in recognition of distinguished service in the field of music therapy. Such election will be made by the Board of Directors. Honorary Life members who qualify for Professional membership will have all the rights and privileges of such membership without the payment of annual dues. Honorary Life membership will be conferred upon a maximum of two (2) persons in any single fiscal year.